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Ism   Listen
Ism  n.  A doctrine or theory; especially, a wild or visionary theory. "The world grew light-headed, and forth came a spawn of isms which no man can number."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Ism" Quotes from Famous Books

... But I have noticed among younger, harder, and much shallower men a certain disposition to ape this insolent ease and certitude, and that without any fundamental frankness or mirth. So far the influence is bad. Egoism can be learnt as a lesson like any other "ism." It is not so easy to learn an Irish accent or a good temper. In its lower forms the thing becomes a most unmilitary trick of announcing the victory before one has ...
— George Bernard Shaw • Gilbert K. Chesterton

... their essential truth, but in the leading applications I have made of them. At least, I may trust that, thus far in either work, in coming to my more important conclusions, I have not fallen into error through blind devotion to an "ism" nor halted at faulty judgment because of limited investigation. I therefore hope to have others join with me, some to work quite in the lines I follow, and some to move at least in ...
— Direct Legislation by the Citizenship through the Initiative and Referendum • James W. Sullivan

Words linked to "Ism" :   reformism, states' rights, individualism, dualism, phenomenology, epicureanism, teaching, divine right, descriptivism, rationalism, equalitarianism, expansionism, establishmentarianism, antiestablishmentarianism, freethinking, humanitarianism, contextualism, irredentism, nationalism, doctrine, democracy, creed, utilitarianism, presentism, absolutism, laissez faire, dynamism, pacifism, animism, theological doctrine, school of thought, literalism, philosophical system, multiculturalism, animalism, abolitionism, internationalism, secessionism, belief, gymnosophy, pacificism, irridentism, religious doctrine, church doctrine, feminism, secular humanism, nuclear deterrence, philosophy, kabbalism, philosophical theory, establishmentism, ethicism, cabalism, reincarnationism, imitation, creationism, philosophical doctrine, commandment, amoralism, formalism, unilateralism, precept, humanism, monism, gospel, dogma, secularism, credo, pluralism, millennium, asceticism, egalitarianism, divine right of kings, nihilism

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