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Jeffersonian simplicity   Listen
Jeffersonian simplicity  n.  The absence of pomp or display which Jefferson aimed at in his administration as President (1801-1809), eschewing display or ceremony tending to distinguish the President from the people, as in going to the capital on horseback and with no escort, the abolition of court etiquette and the weekly levee, refusal to recognize titles of honor, etc.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Jeffersonian simplicity" Quotes from Famous Books

... contributed by the People, a majority of the People to-day are looking to the government for support, either directly through pension payments or indirectly through some form of industrial paternalism. Incidentally, a profuse public expenditure is condoned where not actually encouraged. Jeffersonian simplicity is preached; extravagance is practised. As the New York showman long since shrewdly observed: "The American people ...
— 'Tis Sixty Years Since • Charles Francis Adams

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