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Living will   Listen
living will  n.  A document signed by an individual expressing his/her desire that, in the event of an illness from which there is no reasonable expectation of recovery, aggressive or extraordinary measures to prolong life, such as resuscitation and life-support equipment, should not be used.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Living will" Quotes from Famous Books

... enjoy, and live in the world much as men. But we regard them as third-rate men in petticoats, hardly as women at all. Marriage with one of them is the last resource to which a man too idle or too foolish to earn his own living will betake himself. Whatever their education, our women have always found that such independence as they could earn by hard work was less satisfactory than the dependence, coupled with assured comfort and ease, which they enjoy as the consorts, playthings, ...
— Across the Zodiac • Percy Greg

... prodigality of successful adventurers. You are not exempt from the censure yourself, Kirby, for you make dreadful wounds in these trees where a small incision would effect the same object. I earnestly beg you will remember that they are the growth of centuries, and when once gone none living will see ...
— The Pioneers • James Fenimore Cooper

... me a bed in yon river so deep, Let its waves be my mourners; nought living will weep, And there let me lie and take a long sleep, So adieu to my false ...
— Life and Remains of John Clare - "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet" • J. L. Cherry

... living will come back to Kitty when hounds are running and a good horse carries her well. To-night in the dark she felt nothing but an intolerable sense of loss. Probably in a sorrow of this sort the ache of it consists in ...
— Peter and Jane - or The Missing Heir • S. (Sarah) Macnaughtan

... himself; for in the presence of the princes, etc., each individual sentence had been discussed. "Thereupon," says Melanchthon, "the entire Confession was sent also to Luther, who informed the princes that he had read it and approved it. The princes and other honest and learned men still living will remember that such was the case. Missa est denique et Luthero tota forma Confessionis, qui Principibus scripsit, se hanc Confessionem et legisse et probare. Haec ita acta esse, Principes et alii honesti et docti viri adhuc superstites meminerint." (9, 1052.) As early ...
— Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church • Friedrich Bente

... an account of my whole life, there you have my plans. I should like to change even this present mode of life, if I see a better. But I do not see what I am to do in Holland. I know that the climate and way of living will not agree with me; I shall have everyone looking at me. I shall return a white-haired old man, having gone away as a youth—I shall return a valetudinarian; I shall be exposed to the contempt of the lowest, used ...
— Erasmus and the Age of Reformation • Johan Huizinga

... doubt Mr. Parr's motion to take from Mr. Hodder his living will go through. And still I urge him not to resign. I am not a rich man, even when such property as I have is compared to moderate fortunes of these days, but I would pay his salary willingly out of my own pocket rather than see him go . ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill

... consecutive will then be contemporaneous. In the exploiting world, on the average the father, worn out by misery, toil, and vice, died ere the son had reached maturity; in the future the parents will be buried by their great-grandchildren, and thus the number of the living will be speedily rained from a milliard and a-half to two milliards or to two and a-half, without any increase in human fecundity. But assuming that there be for a time an actual growth in population over ...
— Freeland - A Social Anticipation • Theodor Hertzka

... successful it would be mischievous. Whatever the results of the War may be, one result is fairly certain and that is that, under the most favourable circumstances, every country will emerge laden with misery and debt; whatever prosperity may follow, living will be expensive for a long time to come and the incomes of all classes heavily burdened. A Bounty on Babies would hardly make up for these difficulties. The happy family, under the conditions that seem to ...
— Essays in War-Time - Further Studies In The Task Of Social Hygiene • Havelock Ellis

... a teacher seemed to be the one expressed in the words: "My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me and to finish his work." John 4, 34. Although she had many other important duties on that day, she was always present at the services on the Sabbath. The memory of the living will not soon forget the personal interest she manifested in the spiritual welfare of every member of her large class of older students in the Sunday school, her tender and affectionate appeals to the young people at the Endeavor meetings, her interesting and instructive ...
— The Choctaw Freedmen - and The Story of Oak Hill Industrial Academy • Robert Elliott Flickinger

... hydra-headed evil, unless it be arrested? Can they be aware that, judging by the past proportion of deaths from intemperance in the most regular and moral parts of the land, one third of the six million adults now living will die from the same cause? Do they know how the intemperate entail hereditary diseases and a thirst for ardent spirits upon their descendants, and how rapidly, therefore, the bodily vigor of our citizens is giving way before their deadly influence? And can they doubt ...
— Select Temperance Tracts • American Tract Society

... truth in your words," admitted Agitator. "If I can avoid it however," he continued, "the people now living will not suffer for a whole generation in hope of imaginary relief. Your scheme is a worthy one, but you must seek elsewhere for a leader. I have sworn in my soul to bend my every effort to break the strong ...
— Life in a Thousand Worlds • William Shuler Harris

... Texcocan State is one great unit. Everywhere the gross product increases. Within the foreseeable future the standard of living will be excellent." ...
— Adaptation • Dallas McCord Reynolds

... few words lay the germ of the preference for hell of poor souls, enfeebled by wickedness. They will not have to do anything there—only to moan and cry and suffer for ever, they think. It is effort, the out-going of the living will that they dread. The sorrow, the remorse of repentance, they do not so much regard: it is the action it involves; it is the having to turn, be different, and do differently, that they shrink from; and they have been taught to believe ...
— Robert Falconer • George MacDonald

... be no more multitudes of miners slaving out their lives in the bowels of the earth, no more sooty firemen and greasy engineers. All may dress in white if they so will. The work of life will have become play and young and old will be the children of joy, and the business of living will become joy; and they will compete, one with another, in achieving ethical concepts and spiritual heights, in fashioning pictures and songs, and stories, in statecraft and beauty craft, in the sweat and the endeavour of the wrestler and the runner and the player of games—all ...
— Revolution and Other Essays • Jack London

Words linked to "Living will" :   official document, legal instrument, legal document, law, jurisprudence, instrument

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