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Obturator   Listen
Obturator  adj.  (Anat.) Serving as an obturator; closing an opening; pertaining to, or in the region of, the obturator foramen; as, the obturator nerve.
Obturator foramen (Anat.), an opening situated between the public and ischial parts of the innominate bone and closed by the obturator membrane; the thyroid foramen.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Obturator" Quotes from Famous Books

... cylinders, a carburettor of the central needle type being used. The carburetted mixture is taken into the crank case chamber in a manner similar to that of the Gnome engine. Pistons of aluminium alloy, with three cast-iron rings, are fitted, the top ring being of the obturator type. The large end of one of the nine connecting rods embraces the crank pin and the pressure is taken on two ball-bearings housed in the end of the rod. This carries eight pins, to which the other rods are attached, and the main rod being rigid between ...
— A History of Aeronautics • E. Charles Vivian

... some local paralysis by pressure upon the nerves which govern the muscles of the hind legs. This is a condition not infrequently observed when the callus has been formed on the floor of the pelvis near the obturator foramen, pressing upon the course or involving the ...
— Special Report on Diseases of the Horse • United States Department of Agriculture

Words linked to "Obturator" :   obturator vein, prosthetic device, prosthesis, obturate

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