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Outgo   Listen
Outgo  v. t.  (past outwent; past part. outgone; pres. part. outgoing)  
To go beyond; to exceed in swiftness; to surpass; to outdo.
To circumvent; to overreach. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Outgo" Quotes from Famous Books

... investments had not turned out as they promised; not only had dividends been passed, but there had been permanent shrinkages. What was once an amiable competency from the pooling of their joint resources had dwindled to a sum that needed a careful eye both to the income and the outgo. Alice's becoming a young lady had increased their expenses by the suddenly mounting cost of her dresses, and of the dresses which her mother must now buy for the different role she had to sustain in society. They began to ask themselves what it was for, ...
— Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells

Words linked to "Outgo" :   outweigh, trounce, break, outlay, better, outfox, outrange, spending, income, outsail, out-herod, outgrow, outmatch, outshine, crush, surpass, exceed, outperform, cost, expense, outroar, outdraw, outsmart, outdo, transferred property, expenditure, outwit, shell, outcry, overreach, circumvent, transferred possession, surmount, shame

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