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Protozoa   Listen
Protozoa  n. pl.  (Zool.) The lowest of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom. Note: The entire animal consists of a single cell which is variously modified; but in many species a number of these simple zooids are united together so as to form a compound body or organism, as in the Foraminifera and Vorticellae. The reproduction takes place by fission, or by the breaking up of the contents of the body after encystment, each portion becoming a distinct animal, or in other ways, but never by true eggs. The principal divisions are Rhizopoda, Gregarinae, and Infusoria. See also Foraminifera, Heliozoa, Protoplasta, Radiolaria, Flagellata, Ciliata.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Protozoa" Quotes from Famous Books

... do digging in the garden. The "Land Classes" had, however, been studying the scientific side of the matter. They had analysed soils, estimated the rainfall, and examined the germination of seeds; they understood such mysterious terms as bacteria, protozoa, cotyledons, trenching and ridging, cross-fertilization and spermatozoids, and had some elementary acquaintance with the theory of the rotation of crops. They felt like full-fledged farmers when Miss Chadwick wrote on the ...
— A harum-scarum schoolgirl • Angela Brazil

... the extreme pressure, their eyes, especially, had a singular appearance, protruding like great globes from their heads. Bivalve and univalve mollusca seem to be rare at the greatest depths; but starfishes, sea urchins and other echinoderms, zoophytes, sponges, and protozoa abound. ...
— Discourses - Biological and Geological Essays • Thomas H. Huxley

Words linked to "Protozoa" :   Ciliophora, phylum, class Mastigophora, protozoon, protozoan, class Sarcodina, class Sporozoa, Sporozoa, phylum Protozoa, class Ciliata, class Flagellata, Sarcodina, Protoctista, Flagellata, class Ciliophora

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