Reabsorb v. t. To absorb again; to draw in, or imbibe, again what has been effused, extravasated, or thrown off; to swallow up again; as, to reabsorb chyle, lymph, etc.; used esp. of fluids.
... cold circles gird the southern sky. Brave Magellan's wild channel caught his eye; The long cleft ridges wall'd the spreading way. That gleams far westward to an unknown sea. Soon as the distant swell was seen to roll, His ancient wishes reabsorb'd his soul; Warm from his heaving heart a sudden sigh Burst thro his lips; he turn'd his moisten'd eye, And thus besought his Angel: speak, my guide, Where leads the pass? and what yon purple tide? How the dim waves in blending ether stray! No lands ... — The Columbiad • Joel Barlow Read full book for free!