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Residual   Listen
Residual  adj.  Pertaining to a residue; remaining after a part is taken.
Residual air (Physiol.), that portion of air contained in the lungs which can not be expelled even by the most violent expiratory effort. It amounts to from 75 to 100 cubic inches. Cf. Supplemental air, under Supplemental.
Residual error. (Mensuration) See Error, 6 (b).
Residual figure (Geom.), the figure which remains after a less figure has been taken from a greater one.
Residual magnetism (Physics), remanent magnetism. See under Remanent.
Residual product, a by product, as cotton waste from a cotton mill, coke and coal tar from gas works, etc.
Residual quantity (Alg.), a binomial quantity the two parts of which are connected by the negative sign, as a-b.
Residual root (Alg.), the root of a residual quantity, as sqrt(a-b).

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Residual" Quotes from Famous Books

... thing which now inhabits the surface of our globe. The present central and meridian zone of waters, whether lakes or marshes, extending from Lake Tchad to Lake 'Ngami, with hippopotami on their banks, are therefore but the great modern residual geographical phenomena of those of a mesozoic age. The differences, however, between the geological past of Africa and her present state are enormous. Since that primeval time, the lands have been much elevated above the sea-level— eruptive rocks piercing in parts through ...
— Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Journeys and Researches in South Africa • David Livingstone

... of action" essential to man as long as he really is a man and in possession of a will. Even in matters pertaining to grace this freedom was not entirely lost in the Fall. It was impeded and weakened by original sin, but not annihilated. To be converted, man therefore requires that these residual or remaining powers be excited and strengthened rather than that new spiritual powers be imparted or a new will be created. Accordingly, persuasion through the Word is the method of conversion employed by the Holy ...
— Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church • Friedrich Bente

... finalize the atmospheric tests. Oxygen, nitrogen, helium, with trace gases. Those trace gases are stinkers. Bishop discovered a new inert gas, heavier than Xenon. He's excited. I'm currently checking stuff that looks like residual organic, and am not too happy about it. ...
— Competition • James Causey

... (Liberty Cap) and South Peak (Peak Success). At the junction of their rims is the great snow hill (on right of view) called "Columbia's Crest." This is the actual summit. The volcano having long been inactive, the craters are filled with snow, but the residual heat causes steam and gases to escape in places along ...
— The Mountain that was 'God' • John H. Williams

... inducing pole be N.; the S. of the bar will be attracted by it and bound, while the N. of the bar becomes abnormally free and active. On moving the bar from the pole the bound magnetism is released and a part becomes residual magnetism. Now when the residual balances the free magnetism which is of opposite name, we are on Gary's neutral line. In a restricted sense there is a change of polarity over the half of the bar contiguous to the inducing pole; on ...
— Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879 • Various

... comes in just here to account for the lack of respiration the minute after the violent effort. The residual air, which in a normal state is largely charged with carbonic acid, has been so completely exhausted that some moments are consumed before there is sufficient again to call upon the will for ...
— Scientific American Supplement No. 275 • Various

Words linked to "Residual" :   constituent, residual clay, rest, part, plural, component part, residual soil, leftover, residuum, plural form, remnant, remainder, residual oil

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