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Seesaw   Listen
Seesaw  v. t.  To cause to move backward and forward in seesaw fashion. "He seesaws himself to and fro."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Seesaw" Quotes from Famous Books

... steel arch was started on each side, built of steel tubes braced securely; the building on each side of every tower was carried on simultaneously, one side of every arch balancing the weight on the other side. Each section was like a gigantic seesaw, the tower acting as the centre support; the ends, of course, not swinging up and down. Gradually the two sections of every arch approached each other until they met over the turbid water and were permanently ...
— Stories of Inventors - The Adventures Of Inventors And Engineers • Russell Doubleday

... with your leave, wait on your grace. We have met before, though perhaps the recollection of the circumstances may not be altogether pleasant. I will not therefore now speak of them, though, as your grace at present sits on the upper end of the seesaw, you may look back on those days ...
— A True Hero - A Story of the Days of William Penn • W.H.G. Kingston

... Locke, approached reality from the side of sense-knowledge, till Hume showed how this road led to a denial of miracle and in philosophy to a fundamental skepticism. Berkeley reverted to the ideal philosophy, and there seemed but a continuance of the eternal seesaw of metaphysics. ...
— The Chief End of Man • George S. Merriam

... not wanting here,' replied Margaret with a sigh. Then, as Elleen held up a hand in delight at the thrill of a neighbouring nightingale, she cried, 'What is yon sing-song, seesaw, gurgling bird to our own bonnie laverock, soaring away to the sky, without making such a wark of tuning his pipes, and never thinking himself too dainty and tender for a wholesome frost or two! So Jamie sent you off to seek for husbands here, did he? Couldna ye put up with a leal ...
— Two Penniless Princesses • Charlotte M. Yonge

Words linked to "Seesaw" :   playground, teeterboard, dandle board, plaything, totter, teeter-totter, play, move, teeter, teetertotter, tilting board, toy

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