"Slicker" Quotes from Famous Books
... the flap on the envelope, sealed it shut, stuck some stamps on the front, and scrawled "AIR MAIL" under the stamps. He dropped the letter into the "STATESIDE" slot. The exam hadn't been so bad. What did they think he was, anyway? A city slicker who had never seen a live cow in his life? He ambled into the off-duty pilots' lounge. He had an hour to kill before going on watch, and this was as good a place as any to kill it. The lounge was almost empty. Most of the pilots must have ... — Pushbutton War • Joseph P. Martino |
Words linked to "Slicker" : phony, front man, liar, charlatan, fox, mackintosh, mac, city slicker, mountebank, betrayer, impersonator, dissembler, phoney, sandbagger, city boy, swindler, impostor, shammer, obscurantist, grifter, defrauder, role player, nominal head, chiseller, steerer, misleader, decoy, scammer, oilskin, embezzler, imitator, beguiler, finagler, sham, slyboots, pseud, two-timer, dissimulator, chiseler, fake, fraud, peculator, bluffer, falsifier, imposter, forger, sophisticate, trickster, prevaricator, wangler, faker, front, defalcator, traitor, cheat, fortune hunter, gouger, deceiver, double-crosser |
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