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Strake   Listen
Strake  n.  
A streak. (Obs.) "White strake."
An iron band by which the fellies of a wheel are secured to each other, being not continuous, as the tire is, but made up of separate pieces.
(Shipbuilding) One breadth of planks or plates forming a continuous range on the bottom or sides of a vessel, reaching from the stem to the stern; a streak. Note: The planks or plates next the keel are called the garboard strakes; the next, or the heavy strakes at the bilge, are the bilge strakes; the next, from the water line to the lower port sill, the wales; and the upper parts of the sides, the sheer strakes.
(Mining) A trough for washing broken ore, gravel, or sand; a launder.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Strake" Quotes from Famous Books

... is built of steel, on the other hand, the bottom is built on the longitudinal cellular system, the first application, he believed, of this system to an Atlantic liner. The plating of the Servia is of the usual alternate outer and inner strake system, partly double; while the third section, the Oregon, approaches more nearly to the ordinary system of framing and plating usually adopted, but it will be seen that she was well tied in the bottom ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886 • Various

... bothe Tuscains & Romains were [C.v.v] all of Italye / as in tymes past / Englande hathe had many kynges / though the lan- guage & people were on. And thus beynge in doubt whether of them he myght steppe vnto / by chaunce he strake the chaunceller in stede of the kynge / and slew hym / wher- fore whan he was taken and brought be- fore the kynge / for to punysshe his hande that had failed in takyng one for an other / and agayn to shew the kynge how litle he cared ...
— The Art or Crafte of Rhetoryke • Leonard Cox

Words linked to "Strake" :   vessel, watercraft, garboard plank, gun rest, lap-strake, wale, garboard

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