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Teaming   Listen
Teaming  n.  
The act or occupation of driving a team, or of hauling or carrying, as logs, goods, or the like, with a team.
(Manuf.) Contract work. (R.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Teaming" Quotes from Famous Books

... that trade gathers in centres rather than at local points. A city of a million population in the most productive agricultural section of country could not be fed if the food had to reach the city by teaming. With this growth of trade centres comes the increased gain of large dealers at the expense of the small; with it comes organised speculation and its attendant ...
— Up To Date Business - Home Study Circle Library Series (Volume II.) • Various

... from the redskins. Morgan's a mon as belongs at the head o' the column. He fears naught on the face o' the earth, an' such men lead oot in this country where courage an' skill at war are more account than any ither place i' all the world. Morgan an' I were teaming supplies to Fort Chiswell i' the summer of 1756. One o' the British officers got mad at him an' struck him wi' the flat o' his sword when Morgan he oop-ended the officer's person wi' a smart crack o' his feest. That was fat i' the fire ...
— Rodney, the Ranger - With Daniel Morgan on Trail and Battlefield • John V. Lane

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