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Termes   Listen
Termes  n.  (pl. termites)  (Zool.) A genus of Pseudoneuroptera including the white ants, or termites. See Termite.

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"Termes" Quotes from Famous Books

... the Uniuersyte of Oxeforde there was a scoler that delyted moche to speke eloquente englyssshe and curious termes, and came to the cobler with his shoes whyche were pyked before (as they used that tyme), to have them clouted, and sayde this wyse: Cobler, I praye the sette two tryangyls and two semycercles vpon my subpedytales, and I shall paye the for thy laboure. The cobeler, because he vnderstoode ...
— Shakespeare Jest-Books; - Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest-Books Supposed - to Have Been Used by Shakespeare • Unknown

... the Germans out of their salient between the Oise and the Aisne back upon the Serre. Chalandry and Grandlup, near that river, were occupied on the 22nd, and east of the Aisne some progress was made in the Argonne by the capture of Olizy and Termes on the 15th; but till nearly the end of October the Americans west of the Meuse were held up by their commissariat difficulties, though east of it they had captured Brabant and Consenvoye and pushed forward their line to a level with ...
— A Short History of the Great War • A.F. Pollard

... Trees (for Japanese mythology has its dryads): most of these are undoubtedly of Shinto. On the other hand, we find the roads under the protection of Buddhist deities chiefly. I have not been able to learn anything regarding gods of boundaries,—termes, as the Latins called them; and one sees only images of the Buddhas at the limits of village territories. But in almost every garden, on the north side, there is a little Shinto shrine, facing what is called the Ki-Mon, ...
— Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation • Lafcadio Hearn

... be able to tell you where he is. Fear nothing; he shall not escape! I am his guard! When you receive the reply of the king, have the goodness to inform me. This is the only reward I demand." [Footnote: D'Argens wrote to the king: "Si votre majeste ne m'avait point ecrit en propres termes. Quoique cette femme puisse vous dire, gardez-vous bien d'y ajouter foi. J'anrai prie le commandant de faire arreter le nomme Ranuzi jusqu'a ce qu'elle eut mande ce qu'elle veut qu'on en fasse; cet homme ...
— Frederick The Great and His Family • L. Muhlbach

... an old valet-de-chambre, called Termes, a bold thief, and a still more impudent liar: he used to send this man from London every week, on the commissions we have before mentioned; but after the disgrace of Mrs. Middleton, and the adventure of Miss Warmestre, Mr. Termes was only employed in bringing his master's ...
— The Memoirs of Count Grammont, Complete • Anthony Hamilton

... no anamorphism takes place in this group. There is no progression from a lower to a higher type, but merely a more or less complete evolution of one type." Huxley seems to use the term anamorphism in a sense differing from that of some writers. Thus in Jourdan's "Dictionnaire des Termes Usites dans les Sciences Naturelles," 1834, it is defined as the production of an atypical form either by arrest or excess of development.), I should have thought that the archetype in imagination was always in some degree embryonic, and therefore capable [of] ...
— More Letters of Charles Darwin - Volume I (of II) • Charles Darwin

... Governor refused to pay, a general interdict should be proclaimed. The rector of the Jesuits retired indignantly, and 'Pe e Lozano, retroussant sa robe le poursuivit en criant a pleine te^te, et s'exprimant en des termes peu seans a sa profession.'* By this time Asuncion must have been like a madhouse, for no one seems to have been astonished, or even to have thought his conduct singular. The Bishop, always ready to take the worst advice, got ready for his task, and ...
— A Vanished Arcadia, • R. B. Cunninghame Graham

... branche de nos connaissances, passe successivement par trois etats theoriques differents; l'etat theologique, ou fictif; l'etat metaphysique, ou abstrait; l'etat scientifique, ou positif. En d'autres termes, l'esprit humain, par sa nature, emploie successivement dans chacune de ses recherches trois methodes de philosopher, dont le caractere est essentiellement different et meme radicalement oppose; d'abord la methode theologique, ensuite la methode ...
— Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews • Thomas Henry Huxley

... taken up before Lent so as to avoid the appearance of selling the sacrament (Ibid., ii. 167, 168, 174). When, on the 27th of May 1560, the reforming vicar of Lintrathin raised a summons against his parishioners for payment of his teinds, "the cors present and umest clayth of all yeris and termes bigane restand unpayit" were specially excepted from his ...
— The Scottish Reformation - Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics • Alexander F. Mitchell

... disconcerted Montbrun and Mouvans, with whom he had intended to co-operate, but had little effect in repressing the courage of the Huguenot people. Of this the royal despatches are the best evidence. Francis wrote to Marshal de Termes that since the Assembly of Fontainebleau there had been public and armed gatherings in an infinite number of places, where previously there had been only secret meetings. In Perigord, Agenois, and Limousin, an infinite number of scandalous ...
— The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird

... their development, and is explicable by extinction in mass. A Beetle or a Butterfly is to be recognised as such at the first glance, but only a thorough investigation can demonstrate the mutual relationships of Termes, Blatta, Mantis, Forficula, Ephemera, Libellula, etc. I may refer to a corresponding remarkable example from the vegetable world: amongst Ferns the genera Aneimia, Schizaea and Lygodium, belonging to the group Schizaeaceae which is very poor in species, differ much more from each ...
— Facts and Arguments for Darwin • Fritz Muller

... the foming Bore: He all his Peeres in beauty did surpas, But Ladies love as losse of time forbore: His wanton stepdame loved him the more, But when she saw her offred sweets refused, 330 Her love she turnd to hate, and him before His father fierce of treason false accused, And with her gealous termes ...
— Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Book I • Edmund Spenser

... attaquer les pays bas et meme Strasbourg, ternoignant que le roi son maitre ne pournoit s'empecher de secourir les pais bas, quand meme son parlement ne seroit point assemble. M. Barillon lui repondit en termes generaux par ordre du roi, que sa majeste n'avoit point intention de rompre la paix, et qu'il n'engageroit pas sa majeste Britannique en choses contraires a ses ...
— The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part F. - From Charles II. to James II. • David Hume

Words linked to "Termes" :   family Termitidae, genus Termes, Termitidae

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