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Uprise   Listen
Uprise  v. i.  (past uprose; past part. uprisen; pres. part. uprising)  
To rise; to get up; to appear from below the horizon. "Uprose the sun." "Uprose the virgin with the morning light."
To have an upward direction or inclination. "Uprose the mystic mountain range."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Uprise" Quotes from Famous Books

... may be asserted, that from the year of the Dublin Strike dates the uprise of Labour in Ireland. Connolly became a martyr for his principles, whilst Larkin has been hunted from one end of the world to the other because of his doctrines, undoubtedly of an extremely revolutionary character. But able men have arisen ...
— Ireland Since Parnell • Daniel Desmond Sheehan

... faint, not wholly natural, aurora over the dark northern country. And it was in an actual sunrise that the news came which finally put him on the directest road homewards. One hardly dared breathe in the rapid uprise of all-embracing light which seemed like the intellectual rising of the Fatherland, when up the straggling path to his high beech-grown summit (was one safe nowhere?) protesting over the roughness of the way, came the too familiar voices (ennui itself made audible) of certain high functionaries ...
— Imaginary Portraits • Walter Pater

... that he was, felt uprise in him a new kinship with all the breathing things of the world, and he wondered whether this Indian maiden he had made his wife did not know more of the secrets of the earth than ...
— The Princess Pocahontas • Virginia Watson

... the climate of Africa. While there is much diversity and many salubrious tracts along with vast barren wastes, yet, as Sir Harry Johnston well remarks, "Africa is the chief stronghold of the real Devil—the reactionary forces of Nature hostile to the uprise of Humanity. Here Beelzebub, King of the Flies, marshals his vermiform and arthropod hosts—insects, ticks, and nematode worms—which more than in other continents (excepting Negroid Asia) convey to the skin, veins, intestines, and spinal marrow of men and other vertebrates the ...
— The Negro • W.E.B. Du Bois

... forests far away Kindle to meet the kiss of day; And mists with morn's delight uprise Like love thoughts in a maiden's eyes. We shared the ...
— Iolaeus - The man that was a ghost • James A. Mackereth

Words linked to "Uprise" :   get up, originate, resurrect, climb, uranology, come up, rocket, return, upraise, move up, soar upwards, go, raise, chandelle, travel, steam, become, grow, take the floor, stand up, scend, mount, resurge, uplift, rise, turn in, head, come, soar, swell, soar up, zoom, change posture, ascend, sit down, fall, astronomy, arise, go to bed, emerge, develop

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