"Utterer" Quotes from Famous Books
... utterer of falsehoods; be not talkative nor rashly censorious. Stir not up strife against thee, however good a man ... — The High Deeds of Finn and other Bardic Romances of Ancient Ireland • T. W. Rolleston
... interrupted by an outburst of such vile and savage profanity that it literally rendered me speechless. It lasted, I suppose, fully ten minutes, and left its utterer gasping and in a state of collapse. I administered stimulant, and at length the colour came slowly back to the sufferer's cheeks and lips, and he opened his eyes. For several minutes he lay there gazing up at me steadfastly, questioningly; then ... — The Strange Adventures of Eric Blackburn • Harry Collingwood
... intention. Hence, in sins of word, it seems that we ought to consider with what intention the words are uttered. Since then railing or reviling essentially denotes a dishonoring, if the intention of the utterer is to dishonor the other man, this is properly and essentially to give utterance to railing or reviling: and this is a mortal sin no less than theft or robbery, since a man loves his honor no less ... — Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) • Thomas Aquinas
... Brann was never known to attack a man who was a man. It was the strong and the defiant that he branded, and not the weak and the needy or the deserving. For these he was the friend. I knew this man, not only as the editor of the ICONOCLAST, not only as the utterer of grand and entertaining sentences, but I knew him as a man whose palm was stretched out to the man who was in need. Few men have been more generous with their charity than my neighbor and my friend whom we lay away to-day. No man within my knowledge ... — Volume 12 of Brann The Iconoclast • William Cowper Brann |
Words linked to "Utterer" : beguiler, voicer, questioner, lisper, murmurer, prater, trickster, speaker, vociferator, chatterer, informant, drawler, conversationist, spouter, schmoozer, storyteller, utter, stammerer, ejaculator, prattler, stentor, public speaker, caller-up, mutterer, speechmaker, rhetorician, verbalizer, being, talking head, stutterer, ranter, native speaker, reciter, narrator, raver, mumbler, enquirer, conversationalist, whisperer, witnesser, chatterbox, slicker, inquirer, teller, motormouth, verbaliser, driveller, orator, witness, phoner, dictator |
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