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Venue   Listen
Venue  n.  
(Law) A neighborhood or near place; the place or county in which anything is alleged to have happened; also, the place where an action is laid. "The twelve men who are to try the cause must be of the same venue where the demand is made." Note: In certain cases, the court has power to change the venue, which is to direct the trial to be had in a different county from that where the venue is laid.
A bout; a hit; a turn. See Venew. (R.)
To lay a venue (Law), to allege a place.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Venue" Quotes from Famous Books

... This sudden change of venue from pure to applied science came about through a Viennese chemist, Dr. Carl Auer, later and in consequence known as Baron Auer von Welsbach. He was trying to sort out the rare earths by means of the spectroscopic ...
— Creative Chemistry - Descriptive of Recent Achievements in the Chemical Industries • Edwin E. Slosson

... authorship of which the Queen of Scots would deny. In fact, Sussex believed that were the affair to come to trial it would go hard with the queen's accusers.[31] In a short time Elizabeth ordered that the venue should be changed from York to London, and Mary, believing that she would be allowed an opportunity to defend herself before the peers and representatives of foreign governments, accepted the change. She sent Bishop Leslie and Lord Herries to represent her in London, ...
— History of the Catholic Church from the Renaissance • Rev. James MacCaffrey

... in Sumter County, Alabama, in 1855 was reported with no expression of regret. A negro who had raped and murdered a young girl there was brought before the superior court in regular session. "When the case was called for trial a motion for change of venue to the county of Greene was granted. This so exasperated the citizens of Sumter (many of whom were in favor of summary punishment in the outset) that a large number of them collected on the 23d. ult., took him out of prison, chained ...
— American Negro Slavery - A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime • Ulrich Bonnell Phillips

... his friend and the others accused the judges of the Supreme Court wept scalding tears. Bernard told of Belton's noble life, his unassuming ways, his pure Christianity. The decision of the lower court was reversed, a change of venue granted, a new trial held ...
— Imperium in Imperio: A Study Of The Negro Race Problem - A Novel • Sutton E. Griggs

... Boleyn est venue; et l'a le Roy logee en fort beau logis; et qu'il a faict bien accoustrer tout aupres du sien. Et luy est la cour faicte ordinairement tous les jours plus grosse que de long temps elle ne fut faicte a la Royne. Je crois bien qu'on veult accoutumer par les petie ce peuple a l'endurer, ...
— The Reign of Henry the Eighth, Volume 1 (of 3) • James Anthony Froude

... he insisted, "I can't think of it. Surely—there's nothing to call you away." Then with an evident desire to shift the venue of our talk, he asked, "You never told me what you thought of ...
— In the Days of the Comet • H. G. Wells

... etait une oeuvre d'art et portait ces obliques et admirables marques. Mais la representation vient le contredire. Elle chasse vraiment les cygnes du grand lac, et elle rejette les perles dans l'abime. Elle remet les choses exactement au point ou elles etaient avant la venue du poete. La densite mystique de l'oeuvre d'art a disparue. Elle verse dans la meme erreur que celui qui apres avoir vante a ses auditeurs l'admirable Annonciation de Vinci, par exemple, s'imaginerait qu'il a fait penetrer ...
— Pelleas and Melisande • Maurice Maeterlinck

... representatives for Melbourne in Victoria's first Parliament. But, doubtful perhaps, with his anti-radical temperament as to the fickleness of large town populations, as well, possibly, as the dread of his liability to get compromised by the over-zeal of supporters, he changed the venue to the small semi-Irish town of Kilmore, where his seat was always secure, until, in his advancing years, he condescended to the less laborious ...
— Personal Recollections of Early Melbourne & Victoria • William Westgarth

... de quelques-uns.—GUIZOT, Gouvernement de la France, 1820, 9. La marche de la Providence n'est pas assujettie a d'etroites limites; elle ne s'inquiete pas de tirer aujourd'hui la consequence du principe qu'elle a pose hier; elle la tirera dans des siecles, quand l'heure sera venue; et pour raisonner lentement selon nous, sa logique n'est pas moins sure.—GUIZOT, Histoire de la Civilisation, 20. Der Keim fortschreitender Entwicklung ist, auch auf gottlichem Geheisse, der Menschheit eingepflanzt. Die Weltgeschichte ...
— Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

... vous ert par ce livre apris, Que Gresse ot de chevalerie Le premier los et de clergie; Puis vint chevalerie a Rome, Et de la clergie la some, Qui ore est en France venue. Diex doinst qu'ele i soit retenue, Et que li lius li abelisse Tant que de France n'isse L'onor qui ...
— Harvard Classics Volume 28 - Essays English and American • Various

... every student and teacher within the college walls. A belief in his innocence became wide-spread, and that coming trial began to be regarded in time as a trial of the good name of the college itself. A change of venue had been obtained and the trial was to be held in the college town. It came in mid-December. Jason, neatly dressed, sat beside his lawyer, and his mother, in black, and Mavis sat quite near him. In the first ...
— The Heart Of The Hills • John Fox, Jr.

... of aggressive law enforcement efforts; as a transportation and financial services hub, Singapore is vulnerable, despite strict laws and enforcement, as a venue for ...
— The 2008 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... while the king, bending over her, wrapped her in his arms, and kissed her with many kisses. This royal and youthful pair, unusual with those of their rank, met with the eagerness of lovers, and the first words of Henrietta were those of devotion; Sire! je suis venue en ce pays de votre majeste pour etre usee et commandee de vous.[206] It had been rumoured that she was of a very short stature, but, reaching to the king's shoulder, his eyes were cast down to her feet, seemingly ...
— Curiosities of Literature, Vol. II (of 3) - Edited, With Memoir And Notes, By His Son, The Earl Of Beaconsfield • Isaac D'Israeli

... en effet, Monsieur le Ministre, le systeme d'echange etait etabli. L'Amerique etait venue au-devant de la France; et la France l'avait accueillie avec empressement. Quoique abandonne a mes propres forces, j'ai entretenu avec quelques succes les relations que j'avais eu le bonheur de nouer entre ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

... theme—attracted the notice of German philologers and linguists, of all lovers of freedom, folklore and verse. Leading Italian writers like Cantupraised him highly; Lamartine, in 1844, wrote to him: "Je suis bien-heureux de ce signe de fraternite poetique et politique entre vous et moi. La poesie est venue de vos rivages et doit y retourner. . . ." Hermann Buchholtz discovers scenic changes worthy of Shakespeare, and passages of Aeschylean grandeur, in his tragedy "Sofonisba." Carnet compares him with Dante, and the omniscient Mr. Gladstone wrote in 1880—a post card, presumably—belauding ...
— Old Calabria • Norman Douglas

... pendant au-dela d'un mois quand un jour le facteur apporte une lettre a mon pere de la part d'un collegue inconnu d'un village de la Prusse, qui lui dit: "Une femme de respectable apparence, munie de certificats identifiant ses dires, est venue me prier de proceder a l'humation de son mari qu'elle a trouve mort dans un bois du village voisin. L'autorite municipale a compare les papiers trouves dans les poches de l'inconnu et a constate qu'ils sont en rapport avec ceux que la femme Reeb porte sur elle, et sur ce fait, et voyant que l'homme ...
— Welsh Fairy-Tales And Other Stories • Edited by P. H. Emerson

... lawyer talked The rogue took up his feet and walked: While all about him, roaring, slept, Into the street he calmly stepped. In very truth, the man who thought The people's voice from heaven had caught God's inspiration took a change Of venue—it was passing strange! Straight to his editor he went And that ingenious person sent A Negro to impersonate The fugitive. In adequate Disguise he took his vacant place And buried in his arms his ...
— Shapes of Clay • Ambrose Bierce

... the judge before whom this case is being heard admitted that a fair trial could not be had here, because of the surging prejudice existent in this community. Then, five days later, the court announced that the law would not permit a second change of venue, and that the trial ...
— The Centralia Conspiracy • Ralph Chaplin

... Colonel Woolford's style of eloquence at the bar may possibly be gathered from the following. He was retained to defend a half-grown, illiterate youth under indictment for murder. The crime was committed near "Jimtown," but by a change of venue the trial took place at Danville, in the neighboring county of Boyle. Danville, it must be remembered, was the Athens of Kentucky. It was the seat of Centre College, of a Presbyterian theological Seminary, and of more than ...
— Something of Men I Have Known - With Some Papers of a General Nature, Political, Historical, and Retrospective • Adlai E. Stevenson

... people had been stuffing as if their lives depended on it—"one feeding like forty." Out of the abundance of the mouth the heart speaketh, and everyone was talking at once, and very loud. Perhaps the venue was laid in a fox-hunting country, and then the air was full of such voices as these: "Were you out with the Squire to-day?" "Any sport?" "Yes, we'd rather a nice gallop." "Plenty of the animal about, I hope?" "Well, I don't know. I believe that new keeper at Boreham Wood is a vulpicide. ...
— Fifteen Chapters of Autobiography • George William Erskine Russell

... was always left a nucleus of the pirates which in a short time grew again into a formidable force. The Ottoman Turk, magnificent fighter as he was on land, seemed to lose his great qualities when the venue was changed from the land to the sea. The Janissaries, that picked corps trained as few soldiers were trained even in that age of iron, who never recoiled before the foe but who fought only to conquer or die, seem to have failed when embarked for sea-service. ...
— Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean • E. Hamilton Currey

... experience report. Her dialectic is a constant wrestling with reality in a range of statement which involves her in many contradictions. She recognizes what she denies and denies what she recognizes and, in a lawyer's phrase, constantly changes the venue. ...
— Modern Religious Cults and Movements • Gaius Glenn Atkins

... entirely unexpected development of the difficulty. Unziar felt the check, and even in his turbulence he changed his venue. ...
— A Modern Mercenary • Kate Prichard and Hesketh Vernon Hesketh-Prichard

... traduites, de l'anglais de Toland; c'est l'Examen des prophties; c'est la Vie de David ou de l'homme selon l coeur de Dieu, ce sont mlle diables dchains.—Ah! Madame de Blacy, je crains bien que le Fils de l'Homme ne soit la porte; que la venue d'Elie ne soit proche, et que nous ne touchions au rgne de l'Anti-christ. Tous les jours, quand je me lve, je regarde par ma fentre, si la grande prostitue de Babylone ne se promne point dj dans les rues avec sa grande coupe la main et s'il ne se fait aucun des signes prdits ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... fault-finding. And it is conceivable that many plays were little affected by the circumstance that the actors wore court suits. It was but a shifting of the period of the story represented, a change of venue; and Romeo, in hair-powder, interested just as much as though he had assumed an auburn wig. The characters were, doubtless, very well played, and the actors appeared, at any rate, as "persons of quality." In historical plays one would think the objection to anachronism much more obvious; ...
— A Book of the Play - Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character • Dutton Cook

... my enemy, 'you are as full of doubles as a fox, are you not? But I see through you; I see through and through you. You would change the venue, would you?' ...
— St Ives • Robert Louis Stevenson

... a high reputation for excellence. Up till a year previously they had always been held at the Duck, in Duck Square, opposite; but Mr Enoch Peake, Chairman of the Club, had by persistent and relentless chicane, triumphing over immense influences, changed their venue to the Dragon, whose landlady, Mrs Louisa Loggerheads, he was then courting. (It must be stated that Mrs Louisa's name contained no slur of cantankerousness; it is merely the local word for a harmless plant, the knapweed.) He had now won Mrs Loggerheads, after being a widower ...
— Clayhanger • Arnold Bennett

... common interest with the aim of introducing joint positions agreed in WEU into the process of consultation in the Alliance which will remain the essential forum for consultation among its members and the venue for agreement on policies bearing on the security and defence commitments of Allies under the North Atlantic Treaty. - Where necessary, dates and venues of meetings will be synchronized and working methods harmonized. - Close co-operation will ...
— The Treaty of the European Union, Maastricht Treaty, 7th February, 1992 • European Union

... impression on the feelings is always at variance with it, except in hills of the middle height. We are perpetually astonished, in our own country, by the sublime impression left by such hills as Skiddaw, or Cader Idris, or Ben Venue; perpetually vexed, in Switzerland, by finding that, setting aside circumstances of form and color, the abstract impression of elevation is (except in some moments of peculiar effect, worth a king's ransom) inferior to the truth. We were standing the other day on the slope of the Brevent, ...
— The Poetry of Architecture • John Ruskin

... touch, and throwing broad equidistant bars of shadow across the fresh turf and the still moist ribbon of metalling beyond. Two piles of stones lay heaped upon the sward, and, as we drew near, we heard the busy chink of a stone-breaker's hammer, a melodious sound that fitted both morning and venue to perfection. Again I fell to thinking ...
— Berry And Co. • Dornford Yates

... wander among my recollections of the world of letters in London when first, bashful but eager, I was introduced to it. It is long since I frequented it, and if the novels that describe its present singularities are accurate much in it is now changed. The venue is different. Chelsea and Bloomsbury have taken the place of Hampstead, Notting Hill Gate, and High Street, Kensington. Then it was a distinction to be under forty, but now to be more than twenty-five is absurd. I think in those days we were a little shy of our emotions, ...
— The Moon and Sixpence • W. Somerset Maugham

... a perfected instrument when they prefer the request for a plateful, and commissioning their literary police to brain audacious experimenters who enlarge or wing it beyond the downright aim at that mark. The gossip of the time must therefore appear commonplace, in resemblance to the panting venue a terre of the toad, instead of the fiery steed's; although we have documentary evidence that our country's heart was moved;—in no common degree, Dr. Glossop's lucid English has it, at the head of a broadsheet ballad discovered by him, wherein the connubially inclined young earl and ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... so. But how would that help us? Do you think that a demand for a change of venue would prevent M. Galpin from carrying on the proceedings? Not at all. He would go on until the decision comes from the Court of Appeals. He could, it is true, issue no final order; but that is the very thing ...
— Within an Inch of His Life • Emile Gaboriau

... fellow-prisoners were taken to Daviess County for trial. The judge and jury before whom their cases came were, according to his account, all drunk. Smith and four others were promptly indicted for "murder, treason, burglary, arson, larceny, theft, and stealing." They at once secured a change of venue to Boone County, 120 miles east, and set out for that place on April 15, but they never reached there. Smith says they were enabled to escape because their guard got drunk. In a newspaper interview printed many years later, General Doniphan is quoted as saying that he had ...
— The Story of the Mormons: • William Alexander Linn

... out at Highmore; no more protracted potations; no more bachelor tricks for Wheeler. He still valued his old client and welcomed him; but the venue was ...
— A Terrible Temptation - A Story of To-Day • Charles Reade

... troops at the head of the hunt would already have to be re-embarking in Ayas Bay by the time that those at the tail of the hunt came to be emptied out on the shores of the Gulf of Iskanderun; otherwise the wanderers would miss the venue on the ...
— Experiences of a Dug-out, 1914-1918 • Charles Edward Callwell

... be useless here to refer to that Bill which was to have been passed for trying certain prisoners in Ireland without the intervention of a jury, and of the alteration which took place in it empowering the Government to alter the venue, and to submit such cases to a selected judge, to selected juries, to selected counties. The Irish judges had remonstrated against the first measure, and the second was to be first tried, so that should it fail the judges might yet be called upon ...
— The Landleaguers • Anthony Trollope

... by this time three o'clock in the afternoon. The less hilly shores of Loch Katrine westward extended like a picture framed between Ben An and Ben Venue. At the distance of half a mile was the entrance to the narrow bay, where was the landing-place for our tourists, who meant to ...
— The Underground City • Jules Verne

... had made a brief note on his shirt cuff, restored his pencil to his waistcoat pocket. "I shall oppose a change of venue," ...
— The Imperialist • (a.k.a. Mrs. Everard Cotes) Sara Jeannette Duncan

... remains, saying civil things; for example, the second time she saw Madame de Mircpoix, she cried out, "Ah! Madame, vous n'avez pas tant de rouge aujourd'hui: la premi'ere fois que vous 'etes 'a not venue ici, vous aviez une quantit'e horrible." This the Mirepoix herself repeated to me; you may imagine her astonishment,—I mean, as far as your duty will give you leave. I like her extremely; she has a great deal of quiet sense. They try much to be English and whip into frocks ...
— The Letters of Horace Walpole, Volume 2 • Horace Walpole

... successful lumberman's life. And it was nearly eleven o'clock, and the pool had been sold, and the bulk of the occupants of the smoking-room were contemplating their last rubber of Auction Bridge, when the busy-minded westerner consented to abandon his particular venue for a brief contemplation of the ...
— The Man in the Twilight • Ridgwell Cullum

... a scene which is much more interesting in the pages of Rob Roy than we found it in reality. Here we got into a sort of cart, and set out, over another hill-path, as dreary as or drearier than the last, for the Trosachs. On our way, we saw Ben Venue, and a good many other famous Bens, and two or three lochs; and when we reached the Trosachs, we should probably have been very much enraptured if our eyes had not already been weary with other mountain ...
— Passages From the English Notebooks, Complete • Nathaniel Hawthorne

... here, ten feet away, his rival felt the knife turn in his heart. To-morrow—to-morrow's old trick of legerdemain! there the knife, here the smiling face, and for the cloud of sycophants mere change of venue. It was a land of air-castles and rainbow gold, a fool's paradise and the garden where grew most thickly the apples of Sodom. In it were caged all greed, all extravagance, all jealousies; hopes, fears, passions that may be born of and destroy the soul of man; and within it also flamed splendid ...
— Sir Mortimer • Mary Johnston

Words linked to "Venue" :   locale, locus, scene

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