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Verso   Listen
Verso  n.  (Print.) The reverse, or left-hand, page of a book or a folded sheet of paper; opposed to recto.

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"Verso" Quotes from Famous Books

... only through Galland's version, had already advocated in his "Remarks" the close of the fifteenth century; and M. Caussin (de Perceval), upon the authority of a supposed note in Galland's MS.[FN167] (vol. iii. fol. 20, verso), declares the compiler to have been living in A.D. 1548 and 1565. Mr. Lane says "Not begun earlier than the last fourth of the fifteenth century nor ended before the first fourth of the sixteenth," i.e. soon after Egypt was conquered ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 • Richard F. Burton

... conception more pure, Catherine rings the changes on the words "amore," "amare." "Perocche, condizione e del' amore d' amare quando si sente amare, d' amare tutte le cose che ama colui ch' egli ama. E pero, a mano che l' anima ha conosciuto l' amore del suo Creatore verso di lui, l' ama: e amandolo, ama tutte quelle cose che Dio ama." "For it is of the nature of love, to love when it feels itself loved, and to love all things loved of its beloved. So when the soul ...
— Letters of Catherine Benincasa • Catherine Benincasa

... the seventeenth century part of the library of Ralph Sheldon of Weston Manor in the parish of Long Compton, Warwickshire. {309b} In the Sheldon Folio the opening page of 'Troilus and Cressida,' of which the recto or front is occupied by the prologue and the verso or back by the opening lines of the text of the play, is followed by a superfluous leaf. On the recto or front of the unnecessary leaf {309c} are printed the concluding lines of 'Romeo and Juliet' in place of the prologue to 'Troilus and Cressida.' At the back or verso are the opening lines of ...
— A Life of William Shakespeare - with portraits and facsimiles • Sidney Lee

... should have been the dupe of promises, the very magnitude of which made them suspicious. "Ho sentito ragionare di questo accordo fra Consalvo e il Re, e maravigliarsi ciascuno che Consalvo se ne fidi; e quanto qual Re e stato piu liberale verso di lui, tanto piu, ne insospettisce la brigata, pensando che il Re abbi fatto per assicurarlo, e per poterne meglio disporre sotto questa sicurta." (Legazione Seconda a Roma, let. 23, Oct. 6.) ...
— The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella The Catholic, V3 • William H. Prescott

Words linked to "Verso" :   reverse, coin, obverse

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