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Ab   /æb/  /ˈeɪbˈi/   Listen

A bachelor's degree in arts and sciences.  Synonyms: Artium Baccalaurens, BA, Bachelor of Arts.
The eleventh month of the civil year; the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar (in July and August).  Synonym: Av.
The muscles of the abdomen.  Synonyms: abdominal, abdominal muscle.
The blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens.  Synonyms: group AB, type AB.

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"Ab" Quotes from Famous Books

... the motion, to be reduced to zero at the commencement of the stroke. Let us see. Let the straight line, AJ, in the following figure, represent half the stroke of the piston, and let the distances, AB, AC, etc., on this line, represent the versed sines of 10 deg., 20 deg., etc., up to 90 deg., or the motion of the piston while the crank is moving through these arcs. At the points A, B, C, etc., erect the ...
— Scientific American, Volume XXIV., No. 12, March 18, 1871 • Various

... humo stratus, John Bowland est tumulatus Vir pius et gratus et ab omnibus hinc peramatus Custos parcorum praestans quondam fuit horum De Merdon, quorum et Wintoniae dominorum. Hic quinqgenis hinc octenis rite deemptis Cum plausu ...
— John Keble's Parishes • Charlotte M Yonge

... hebdomadôn}. The Greek text is lost. We have, however, an early and barbarous Latin translation, and there has recently been printed an Arabic commentary. G. Bergstrasser, Pseudogaleni in Hippocratis de septimanis commentarium ab Hunnino Q. F. arabice ...
— The Legacy of Greece • Various

... perpessurum quae ministrum divinum hac pericopa, [Is. 53.] descriptum perpessum esse legimus. Ubicunque vel in Psalmis vel in prophaetarum libris de Messia agitur semper nobis proponitur imago potentissimi regis, felicissimi herois, gloriossissimi reipublicae statoris, coloribus ab imperii Davidici aut Salomonei flore, regumque orientalium pompa sumptis depicta." Rosenmuller's notes ...
— Five Pebbles from the Brook • George Bethune English

... Meredith filii Rhesi [Meredydd ab Rhys] mentionem facientia de Madoco filio Oweni Gwynedd, et de sua navigatione in terras incognitas. Vixit hic Meredith ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 4, Saturday, November 24, 1849 • Various

... v. c. 8. Epistola 771 (ed. 1671). In this letter which is dated at Valladolid 19th November 1522, Martyr writes: "Anuo quippe superiore Florinus quidam Gallus pirata navim unam ab Hispaniola venientem, auro ad sommam octoginta millium dragmarum, unionum vero libris octuolibus sexcentis & ...
— The Voyage of Verrazzano • Henry C. Murphy

... of Torbet-i-Sheikh Jahm is reached at noon, a pleasant town containing many shade-trees. Here, I find, resides Ab-durrahzaak Khan, a sub-agent of Mirza Abbas Khan, and consequently a servant of the Indian Government. He is one of the frontier agents, whose duty it is to keep track of events in a certain section of country and report ...
— Around the World on a Bicycle Volume II. - From Teheran To Yokohama • Thomas Stevens

... the Chaldaean throne to a line of native princes, and unrecorded by any historian; nor have the monuments hitherto thrown any light upon them. If we may trust the numbers of the Armenian Eusebius, the dynasty which succeeded, ab. B.C. 2052, to the Susianian (or Median), though it counted eleven kings, bore rule for the short space of forty-eight years only. This would seem to imply either a state of great internal disturbance, or a time during which viceroys, ...
— The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 1. (of 7): Chaldaea • George Rawlinson

... in dismay] A re-mark-ab-ly beastly woman! [Politely] Madam, I've already told you, this is a bank, a ...
— Plays by Chekhov, Second Series • Anton Chekhov

... astricta suntilia; sed idem velocior. Pulcher aspectu sit athleta, cujus lacertos execitatio expressit; idem certamini paratior nunquam enim SPECIES ab UTILITATE dividitur. Sed hoc quidem discernere modici judicii est.'—Quintilian, Inst. ...
— An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals • David Hume

... vero in praefectorum obedientia unum semper excipiendum ne ab ejus obedientia nos deducat, cujus decretis regum omnium jussa cedere par est.... Adversus ipsum si quid imperent nullo sit nec loco nec numero, sed illa potius sententia locum habeat, obediendum Deo ...
— The Scottish Reformation - Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics • Alexander F. Mitchell

... other, neither of whose names you can remember. This is generally done by saying very quickly to one of the parties, "Of course you know Miss Unkunkunk." Say the last "unk" very quickly, so that it sounds like any name from Ab to Zinc. You might even sneeze violently. Of course, in nine cases out of ten, one of the two people will at once say, "I didn't get the name," at which you laugh, "Ha! Ha! Ha!" in a carefree manner several times, saying at the same ...
— Perfect Behavior - A Guide for Ladies and Gentlemen in all Social Crises • Donald Ogden Stewart

... whether in speech or letters, and that it has given them a peculiar correctness in the expression of their ideas, which they would scarcely have had by means of the ordinary education of the world. Hobbes says[54] "animadverte, quam sit ab improprietate verborum pronum hominibus prolabi in errores circa res," or "how prone men are to fall into errors about things, when they use improper expressions." The converse of this proposition may be observed to be true with ...
— A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume I (of 3) • Thomas Clarkson

... anointing of the doorposts Brand quotes Langley's translation of Polydore Vergil: "The bryde anoynted the poostes of the doores with swynes' grease, because she thought by that meanes to dryve awaye all misfortune, whereof she had her name in Latin 'Uxor ab unguendo'". ...
— The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2 • Robert Herrick

... Ab imo pectore damnavit, In coeruleus eye dolor sat; Tunc despairingly threw in his cane, Nare cum ...
— A Handbook for Latin Clubs • Various

... of Dr. Hubbard Taylor, (a noted Physician all over this portion of Kentucky at this time) who was always careful of his master's interests, and without the consent of his master, saved his very fine riding horse, "Black Prince" from being pressed into service of the Confederates. Ab (the slaves name) learned that Morgan's men were good judges of horse flesh and had taken several horses just as the Federals did when they needed them and he determined to conceal prince, whose groom he was. He put him there in the smoke house along with the meat, but Prince ...
— Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States - From Interviews with Former Slaves - Kentucky Narratives • Works Projects Administration

... libris secula multa meis. At non tam facile est oculato imponere, nosco Quam non sim tali dignus honore frui. Graecia magniloquos vates desiderat ipsa, Roma suos etiam disperiisse dolet. Exemplis quum sim claris edoctus ab istis, Qui sperem Musas vivere posse meas? Certe mi sat erit praesenti scribere saeclo, ...
— Calamities and Quarrels of Authors • Isaac D'Israeli

... say again, 'Massa Cockle, shall I finish this lilly drop?' and you nod you head once more. Den I say, 'all right,' and I say, 'you very good helt, Massa Cockle;' and I finish de bottel. Now, Massa, you ab de whole tory, and ...
— Olla Podrida • Frederick Marryat

... 'youthful' zeal to 'retract', and with the exception of some flame-coloured epithets applied to persons, as to Mr. Pitt and others, or rather to personifications (for such they really were to 'me') as little to regret. Qualis ab initio [Greek: estaesae] S.T.C. [15] When a rifacimento of the 'Friend' took place, [1818] at vol. ii. p. 240, he states his reasons for reprinting the lecture referred to, one of the series delivered at Bristol in the year 1794-95, because, says he, "This very lecture, vide p. ...
— The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1838 • James Gillman

... est aqua vera fortis, Vincula quae solvet mortis, Aut, si placet, aqua vitae, Roborans ab atra Dite: Hinc sunt uti qui potestis Omnia, cibus, potis, vestis; O Pampine! tibi cito Bibe, ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 77, April 19, 1851 • Various

... brethren in faith in the fair Spanish land. With a jarring discord ends the history of the Jews in Spain. On the ninth of Ab, 1492, three hundred thousand Jews left the land to which they had given its first and its last troubadour. The irony of fate directed that at the selfsame time Christopher Columbus should embark for unknown lands, and eventually reach ...
— Jewish Literature and Other Essays • Gustav Karpeles

... Indeed, Alexander ab Alexandro, as Mr. Innes facetiously styled him, was in more ways than one worthy of the name of Dooble. There seemed to be two natures in the man, which all his music had not yet ...
— Robert Falconer • George MacDonald

... Al-Fil, whence the Greek {Greek letters} the suffix—as being devoted to barbarous words as Obod-as (Al Ubayd), Aretas (Al-Haris), etc. Mr. Isaac Taylor (The Alphabet i. 169), preserves the old absurdity of "eleph-ant or ox-like (!) beast of Africa." Prof. Sayce finds the word al-ab (two distinct characters) in line 3, above the figure of an (Indian) elephant, on the black obelisk of Nimrod Mound, and ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... XVI. quaest. I. sunt nonnulli. XXII. quaest. I. ut noveritis. I quaest. VII. convenientibus. XII. quaest. II questa. XVI. quaest. III. praesulum. XVI. quaest. I. cap. ult. XXVI. quaest. II. non statutum. et cap. non examplo. C. de sen. et interlo. nemo[AB] contra. The solution is that where rules fail recourse must be had from similars to similars, otherwise not. XX. distinct. de quibus;[AC] assuming that it is as there stated. Likewise the argument holds that good is assumed ...
— Readings in the History of Education - Mediaeval Universities • Arthur O. Norton

... etiam patriis agmen ciet Ocnus ab oris Fatidicae Mantus et Tusci filius amnis, Qui muros matrisque dedit tibi. ...
— Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. I • Hester Lynch Piozzi

... makes, SSS being the ring of forts round Namur. Part of their forces (that along the arrow X) will further be used up in trying to break down the resistance of SSS. That will take a good deal of time. If our horizontal line AB holds its own, naturally defended as it is, against the attack from V and W, while our perpendicular line BC holds its own still more firmly (relying on its much better natural obstacle) against YZ, we shall have ample time to break the ...
— Hilaire Belloc - The Man and His Work • C. Creighton Mandell

... of the day was when Bill Gaskill, Mart Claybaugh, Ab Linn, and two or three Washington County men engaged in a fight. When Tony Bailles rushed in to quell the disturbance and did not kick one or more of the combatants under the chin, the boy's admiration gradually turned to ...
— Watch Yourself Go By • Al. G. Field

... whole history, this Book. He died after finishing it; not yet very old, at the age of fifty-six;—broken-hearted rather, as is said. He lies buried in his death-city Ravenna: Hic claudor Dantes patriis extorris ab oris. The Florentines begged back his body, in a century after; the Ravenna people would not give it. "Here am I Dante laid, shut-out from my ...
— Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History • Thomas Carlyle

... they will represent an history, they must not, as Horace saith, begin "ab ovo," {86} but they must come to the principal point of that one action which they will represent. By example this will be best expressed; I have a story of young Polydorus, delivered, for safety's sake, with great riches, by his father Priamus to Polymnestor, King of Thrace, in ...
— A Defence of Poesie and Poems • Philip Sidney

... closed the door behind him: and then turned him about in the passage-way, and with a low voice, but a prodigious deal of sentiment, repeated the name of the evil one twenty times over, to the end of which, for the greater efficacy, he tacked on 'damnable' and 'hellish.' Fas est ab hoste doceri— disrespect is made more pungent by quotation; and there is no doubt but he felt relieved, and went upstairs into his tutor's chamber with a quiet mind. M'Brair sat by the cheek of the peat-fire and shivered, for he had a quartan ague and this was his day. The ...
— Lay Morals • Robert Louis Stevenson

... Banleuga. Quoniam vero regionum urbiumq; limites arduis plerumq; montibus, altis fluminibus, longis deniq; flexuosisq; angustissimarum viarum anfractibus includebantur, fieri potest id genus limites ban did ab eo quod [word in Greek] & [word in Greek] Tarentinis olim, sicuti tradit Hesychius, vocabantur [words in Greek], "obliquae ac minime in rectum tendentes viae." Ac fortasse quoque huc facit quod [word in Greek], eodem Hesychio teste, dicebant [words ...
— Preface to a Dictionary of the English Language • Samuel Johnson

... praeoccupaverant. Christiani ab inferiori loco aciem dirigebant. Erat quoque in eodem loco unica spinosa arbor, brevis admodum (quam nos ipsi nostris propriis oculis vidimus). Circa quam ergo hostiles inter se acies cum ingenti clamore ...
— Tom Brown's Schooldays • Thomas Hughes

... si aliquis dixerit multa ab idolis esse praedicta; hoc sciendum, quod semper mendacium junxerint veritati, et sic sententias temperarint, ut, seu boni seu mali quid accidisset, utrumque possit intelligi. Hieronym. in cap. xlii. Isaiae. He cites the two ...
— The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, • Charles Rollin

... one important merit as a field for enterprise. It was known to be free from European occupation, as well as reputed to be rich. Camden describes it as 'aurifera Guiana ab Hispanis decantata.' Many Spanish expeditions, from the year 1531 onwards, had been fitted out to find the King el Dorado, who loved to anoint his body with turpentine, and then roll in gold dust. Neither he nor ...
— Sir Walter Ralegh - A Biography • William Stebbing

... A, which is constrained to move in the vertical line, ee, of the T square, A then may be made to follow any given curve. The distance of B from the edge, ee, is constant; call it K, therefore, the inclination of the rod, AB, is such that its tangent is equal to the ordinate of the given curve divided by K; that is, the tangent of the inclination is proportional to the ordinate; therefore, as the instrument is moved over the paper, AB has always the inclination of the ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 288 - July 9, 1881 • Various

... strikingly exhibited in the lawyer's office, where "within the womb of a lofty deal desk," when he should have been imbibing Blackstone and transcribing legal documents, he was studying Monsieur Vidocq and translating the Welsh bard Ab Gwilym; he was consigning his legal career to an early grave when he wrote this elegy on the worthy ...
— Isopel Berners - The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825 • George Borrow

... cauda tot aculeolis quot squamis armata; gena tota squamulis stipatis aspera, nec lines laevibus decursa; squamis majoribus rotuntdatis post aperturam branchiorum; fascia frontali et mtacula caudae nigris: fascia nigra laterali ab oculo ad caudam extensa, cumque pari suo ter ...
— Discoveries in Australia, Volume 1. • J Lort Stokes

... Equitum Melitensium in Italicam linguam translata, Receptariumque Novum pro Aromatariis, aliaque opera tum Latina, tum Italica, saneque utilia et necessaria, imprimi facere intendat, dubitetque ne hujusmodi opera postmodum ab aliis sine ejus licentia et in ejus grave praejudicium imprimantur; nos propterea, illius indemnitati consulere volentes, motu simili et ex certa scientia, eidem Philippo concedimus et indulgemus ne praedicta opera, dummodo ...
— Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects - Volume 1, Cimabue to Agnolo Gaddi • Giorgio Vasari

... professor of Greek and history at his birthplace, Basel. He also wrote the Epitome metrica historiae universalis civilis et sacrae ab ...
— A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II) • Augustus de Morgan

... nightfall and before the moon's rising— to haul them, perhaps, two hours later, and await the approach of morning for their second cast. Towards midnight, then, we sailed boldly up to the outermost boat and spoke her through Marc'antonio, who (fas est ab hoste doceri) had in old campaigns picked up enough of the Genoese patois to mimic it very passably. He announced us as sent by certain Genoese fishmongers—a new and enterprising firm whose name he invented on the spur of the moment—to trade for the first catch of ...
— Sir John Constantine • Prosper Paleologus Constantine

... employment—sort o' 'shamed of their game. An' well them dogs might be bowed in sperit! for a more mendacious an' lyin' meelodramy than said "Uncle Tom's Cabin," I never yet pays four white chips to see; an' I'm from Illinoy, an' was a Abe Lincoln man an' a rank black ab'litionist besides.' ...
— Wolfville Days • Alfred Henry Lewis

... either passes to a renal portal vein (l.r.p.), which breaks into capillaries in the kidney, or by a paired pelvic vein (l.p.v. in Figures 1 and 3) which meets its fellow in the middle line to form the anterior abdominal vein (a.ab.v.) going forward and uniting with the (median) portal vein (p.v.) to ...
— Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata • H. G. Wells

... was Ab-sa-ro-ke—Sparrow Hawk People. They were of the Siouan family and cousins of the Minnetarees, the Bird-woman's captors. They had no villages, except where they camped. They were dark, as high and mighty in their bearing as the Mohawks or Senecas, were ...
— Boys' Book of Indian Warriors - and Heroic Indian Women • Edwin L. Sabin

... was this Thomas May? To an Elzevir edition of Lucan, 1658, Amsterdam, "accuranto Cornelio Schrevelio," there is added "Supplementum Lucani Libri Septem; authore Thoma Maio, Anglo." In the preface it is stated, "Supplementum Lucani ab Anglo quodam antehac seorsim editum, et huic materiae aptissimum adjunximus, ne quid esset quod hic desideraretur." In the fourth book of this Supplement, Cato is represented as soliloquising before ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 70, March 1, 1851 • Various

... auditae voces, vagitus et ingens, Infantumque animae flentes, in limine primo, Quos dulcis vitae exsortes, et ab ubere raptos, Abstulit atra dies, ...
— Headlong Hall • Thomas Love Peacock

... AVENZOAR, or ABUMERON [Ab[u] Merw[a]n 'Abdal-Malik ibn Zuhr], Arabian physician, who flourished at the beginning of the 12th century, was born at Seville, where he exercised his profession with great reputation. His ancestors ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 - "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon" • Various

... catch by the path-side bushes to pull themselves up. It was lighter here, as the trail mounted toward a region of rocky bluffs where there was no big timber, running obliquely across the great promontory that had got the name of Foeman's Bluff, from old Ab Foeman whose hideout, still unknown, was said to be ...
— Judith of the Cumberlands • Alice MacGowan

... should she first tempt but a weary ploughman, homeward wending his way, late from his toils, who, instead of succumbing to her wiles, went on his knees praying to be saved from the devil and his angels." "Ho there!" cried Lucifer, "throw her to that worthless losel who long ago loved Einion ab Gwalchmai of Mona." {102a} "Stay, stay," pleaded the fair one, "this is but my first offence; there is yet scarcely a year since the day when all was over with me, when I was condemned to your cursed state, Oh king of woes!" "No, there is not yet three weeks," said ...
— The Visions of the Sleeping Bard • Ellis Wynne

... unable to penetrate the mountains, flow eastward towards the desert; and their waters gradually collect into two streams, which end in two lakes, the Deriah-i-Nemek and that of Neyriz, or Lake Bakhtigan. The basin of Lake Neyriz lies towards the north. Here the famous Bendamir, and the Pulwar or Kur-ab, flowing respectively from the north-east and the north, unite in one near the ruins of the ancient Persepolis, and, after fertilizing the plain of Merdasht, run eastward down a rich vale for a distance ...
— The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 7. (of 7): The Sassanian or New Persian Empire • George Rawlinson

... box at least two inches larger each way than the largest negative from which enlargements are to be made is shown in Fig. 6. Here AB represents the negative in place, CA, DB and EG represent rays of light entering the box. It will be seen that the rays CA and DB strike the ground-glass at an angle, but nevertheless at an angle which results in their passing through it in a considerable degree. ...
— Bromide Printing and Enlarging • John A. Tennant

... theft at Chicago would never submit to the verdict on November 5, however honest it may be; he would again yell robbery, and if he carried a solid west as was then expected, he would give way to his fighting nature and try to take the presidency on the battlefield and so invite civil war, yet, Ab. Lincoln said that war is hell, and that he who wilfully invites war deserves death. Do we realize the horrors of civil war; are we willing to wash out the sin of violating the third term with the blood of our ...
— The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt • Oliver Remey

... on the reverse is simpler, though the meaning is more abstruse. The first symbol means 'men', 'abiding', and the second, 'ab', 'the heart'. So that we get 'abiding of heart', or in our own language 'patience'. And this is the hekau to control ...
— The Jewel of Seven Stars • Bram Stoker

... erdrueckender Wonne, und meine Seele keinen Atem mehr hat, wenn sie nicht Deine Liebe saugen kann. Ach Sophie! ach, liebe, liebe, liebe Sophie!"[92] "Ich bete Dich an, Du bist mein Liebstes und Hoechstes."[93] "Am sechsten Juni reis' ich ab, nichts darf mich halten. Mir brennt Leib und Seele nach Dir. Du! O Sophie! Haett' ich Dich da! Das Verlangen schmerzt, O Gott!"[94] Instead of experiencing the soothing influences of a Diotima, Lenau's fate was to ...
— Types of Weltschmerz in German Poetry • Wilhelm Alfred Braun

... Pues lo que debo a usted 350 sigo pagndolo en partiditas... Abneme otras trescientas pesetas. (Se ...
— Heath's Modern Language Series: Mariucha • Benito Perez Galdos

... on the concept of gratia efficax ab intrinseco s. per se, whereas Molinism and Congruism will not admit even the existence of such ...
— Grace, Actual and Habitual • Joseph Pohle

... the privilege of the one true sanctuary. This manner of shaping the patriarchal history is only the extreme consequence of the effort to carry out with uniformity in history the semper ubique et ab omnibus of the legal ...
— Prolegomena to the History of Israel • Julius Wellhausen

... was thus vaulting, the rogues in great astonishment said to one another, By cock's death, he is a goblin or a devil thus disguised. Ab hoste maligno libera nos, Domine, and ran away in a full flight, as if they had been routed, looking now and then behind them, like a dog that carrieth away a goose-wing in his mouth. Then Gymnast, spying his advantage, alighted from his horse, drew his sword, ...
— Gargantua and Pantagruel, Complete. • Francois Rabelais

... Profess. Post varia studia, quibus ab annis Tenerrimis fideliter, nec infeliciter incubuit; Instinctu et impulsu Spiritus Sancti, monitu et hortatu Regis Jacobi, ordines sacros amplexus Anno sui Jesu, MDCXIV. et suae aetatis XLII Decanatu hujus ecclesiae indutus, XXVII. ...
— Old St. Paul's Cathedral • William Benham

... how we go about it. First, you draw any chord AB in the given bed ABC. You can do that with one of those long strings the gardener keeps in his shed, ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 159, November 3, 1920 • Various

... ab honestate ducta, eandem pepererat apud Romanos legem. Gellius ex Fabio Pictore, Noct. Attic., lib. x. c. 15., de flamine Diali: Scalas, nisi quae Graecae adpellantur, eas adscendere ei plus tribus gradibus religiosum est. Servius ad Aeneid, iv. 646. Apud veteres, Flaminicam plus tribus ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 238, May 20, 1854 • Various

... shell, an' fust thing I knowed it kind o' c'lapsed, an' I give it a grab, an' it squirtid all over my pants, an' the floor, an' on my coat an' vest, an' up my sleeve, an' all over the tray. Scat my ——! I looked gen'ally like an ab'lition orator before the war. You never see such a mess," he added, with an expression of rueful recollection. "I believe that dum'd egg held ...
— David Harum - A Story of American Life • Edward Noyes Westcott

... ab antiquis justis et Deo devotis Regibus plebi Anglicano concessas, cum sacramenti confirmacione eidem plebi concedere et servare (volueris:) Et praesertim leges et consuetudines et libertates a glorioso Rege Edwardo ...
— An Essay on the Trial By Jury • Lysander Spooner

... The Canal to the east of Nad-i-Ali is no doubt a naturally cut channel, the obvious continuation under natural circumstances of the river course. The same remark might apply to the small channel self-cut to the west of that place. There are other important channels, such as the Madar-Ab, which supplies water to Chiling, Pulki and Sekhuka; the Kimak canal and the Kasimabad. Before the present dam was constructed some eighty years ago, a previous "Band" existed, as we shall see, further up the course of the Halmund ...
— Across Coveted Lands - or a Journey from Flushing (Holland) to Calcutta Overland • Arnold Henry Savage Landor

... said Flo. "We once knew an actor named Absalom, and he always called himself 'A. Judson Keith.' He was a dignified chap, and when we girls one day called him 'Ab,' ...
— Aunt Jane's Nieces Out West • Edith Van Dyne

... Impetro favorabile conge A domino praeside, Ab electa trouppa doctorum, Tam practicantium quam practica avidorum, Et a curiosa turba badodorum. Ingeniose bacheliere Qui non potuit esse jusqu'ici deferre, Faciam tibi unam questionem de importantia. Messiores, detur nobis audiencia. Isto die bene mane, Paulo ante mon dejeune, ...
— The Imaginary Invalid - Le Malade Imaginaire • Moliere

... La, en accablant l'empereur de toutes ses foudres, Innocent forme un projet dont l'idee seule annonce l'ivresse de la puissance; celui d'envoyer aux Tartares des lettres apostoliques, afin de les engager a poser les armes et a embrasser la religion chretienne: "ut ab hominum strage desistement et fidei veritatem reciperent." [Footnote: Vincent Bellovac. Spec histor. lib. xxxii. cap. 2.] Il charge de ses lettres un ambassadeur; et l'ambassadeur est un Frere-mineur nomme ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 10 - Asia, Part III • Richard Hakluyt

... coming within the scope of government, I judge there are two classes; whereof, the one class may be said to consist of things mala in se—that is, of those which, by an inner quality or essence, are evil; and the other, of such as are mala ab extero, or what may be connected with them and made evil only by a positive law of the State, in which is vested the duty of watching over the common good. The fantastic notions of certain libertines, who, setting at naught the experience of the world, and ...
— The Knight of the Golden Melice - A Historical Romance • John Turvill Adams

... governor-general. Whenever I made inquiries about him, the most favourable answer I could get was, a chuck-up of the head, a slight "p'tt" with the lips, and an expression of the eyes indicating the sight of a most unpleasant object. The three combined required no dictionary of the Academy to interpret.[AB] ...
— Lands of the Slave and the Free - Cuba, The United States, and Canada • Henry A. Murray

... turning to the dissenters who usually supported him, and pointing over the table to his opponents, he uttered that well-worn quotation, Quod minime reris,—then he paused, and began again; Quod minime reris,—Graia pandetur ab urbe. The power and inflexion of his voice at the word Graia were certainly very wonderful. He ended by moving an amendment to the Address, and asking for support equally from one side of the House as ...
— Phineas Redux • Anthony Trollope

... say, after painting a filial portrait of the old man, "with locks of silver gray which set off so nobly his fine bold but benevolent face, his faithful consort at his side, and his trusty dog at his feet." Nor did the youth please himself. He was languid again, tired even of the Welsh poet, Ab Gwilym. He was anxious about his father, who was low spirited over his elder son's absence in London as a painter, and over his younger son's misconduct and the "strange notions and doctrines"—especially the doctrine that everyone has ...
— George Borrow - The Man and His Books • Edward Thomas

... represented as grasping or as environed with a serpent." According to Lajard, the word which signifies "life" in the greater part of the Semitic languages signifies also "a serpent" And Jacob Bryant says that the word "Ab," which in Hebrew means Father, has also the same meaning as the Egyptian "Ob," or "Aub," and signifies "a serpent," thus etymologically uniting the two ideas. The Tree and the Serpent were frequently associated, ...
— Bible Romances - First Series • George W. Foote

... mero auditu: because we have heard it from some person or persons whose veracity we have no reason to question. ii. Ab experientia vaga: from general experience: for instance, all facts or phenomena which come to us through our senses as phenomena, but of the causes of ...
— Froude's Essays in Literature and History - With Introduction by Hilaire Belloc • James Froude

... Better for her, says I, to take up with a man like Ab, that's a good feller fifty weeks out of the year, and goes on a tear two weeks, than to be married to a cuss like Asa that jest goes along sort of gloomy and still and seekin'. I hain't never heard Asa ...
— Scattergood Baines • Clarence Budington Kelland

... AB INITIO" is referred to Madox, Firma Burgi, which will afford him much information ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 22., Saturday, March 30, 1850 • Various

... figures[96] Akraxas and Abrachadabra, which were held in veneration among the Basilidian heretics, who, like the Manichaeans, acknowledge two principles in all things—the one good, the other bad; Abraxas in Hebrew signifies that bad principle, or the father of evil; ab-ra-achad-ab-ra, the father of evil, the sole father of evil, or the only ...
— The Phantom World - or, The philosophy of spirits, apparitions, &c, &c. • Augustin Calmet

... the storms of life, The evening beam that smiles the cloud away, And tints to-morrow with prophetic ray! 1391 BYRON: Bride of Ab., Canto ii., ...
— Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations • Various

... back, and the white lake-bed in the centre. The little dam was situated on a piece of clay ground where rain-water from the foot of some of the sandhills could run into the lake; and here the natives had made a clumsy and (ab)original attempt at storing the water, having dug out the tank in the wrong place, at least not in the best position for catching the rain-water. I felt sure there was to be a waterless track beyond, so I stayed at this agreeable ...
— Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration • Ernest Giles

... baggage-train, and he oweth us sixty thousand gold pieces, all of which he hath given away in alms." And they went on to praise him and extol his generosity. Now this King was a very covetous man, a more covetous than Ash'ab[FN43]; and when he heard tell of Ma'aruf's generosity and openhandedness, greed of gain got the better of him and he said to his Wazir, "Were not this merchant a man of immense wealth, he had not shown all this munificence. His baggage-train will assuredly ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 • Richard F. Burton

... said Isaac, hobblin' off, 'do howd thi din, lass! I'll go an' see what ails it. There's olez summat to keep one's spirits up, as Ab o' Slender's said when he broke his leg.' But as soon as Isaac see'd th' weshin'-machine, he brast eawt a-laughin', an' he sed: 'Hello! Why, this is th' church organ! Who's brought it?' 'Robin o' Sceawter's.' 'It's ...
— Th' Barrel Organ • Edwin Waugh

... [Greek: apsinthion, aspinthion], Comicis, ab insigni amarore quo bibeates illud aversantur."-Junius, ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 46, Saturday, September 14, 1850 • Various

... Tigellius hoc: Caesar qui cogere posset Si peteret per amicitiam patris, atque suam, non Quidquam proficeret: Si collibuisset, ab ovo Usque ad mala citaret, Io Bacche, modo summa Voce, modo hac, resonat quae; chordis quatuor ima. Nil aequale homini fuit illi: Saepe velut qui Currebat fugiens hostem: Persaepe velut qui Junonis sacra ferret: Habebat saepe ...
— The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 - With Translations and Index for the Series • Joseph Addison and Richard Steele

... dollars a week, including washing—that revived, kept alive, in fact, fanned to fever heat, Abbie's first impression of the poster. Maria called for her mail, and the intimacy had gone so far that before the week was out "Miss Todd" had been replaced by "Abbie" and then "Ab," and Miss Furgusson by "Maria"—the postmistress being too dignified for ...
— Abijah's Bubble - 1909 • F. Hopkinson Smith

... but it was all immediately absorbed by the hot dry soil, at 5.0 came to a watercourse trending south, followed it till 6.30, and camped without water; about a mile north from the camp saw a small box-tree marked AB, and near it a large sheet of bark which had been ...
— Journals of Australian Explorations • A C and F T Gregory

... Byzantine and others, which have been collected in Monimenta Sclavenica by Miroslav Premrou, notary public at Caporetto, and published in 1919 at Ljubljana (Laibach), we can see that the Slovenes occupied a much greater extent of territory than do their descendants of our day—"ab ortu Vistulae ... per immensa spatia ..." (cf. Jordanis de orig. Goth. c. 5)—to beyond the Tagliamento, and from the Piave (cf. Ibrahim Ibn-Jakub[5]) to the Adriatic, the ...
— The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1 • Henry Baerlein

... si prima repetens ab origine pergam et vacet annales nostrorum audire laborum. Ante diem clauso componat Vesper Olympo."—VERGIL, AEneid, ...
— A History of Nursery Rhymes • Percy B. Green

... of knightly rank, and in the reign of Marcus Aurelius he had been in the service of Avidius Cassius, his fellow-countryman, the illustrious governor of Asia as 'procurator ab epistolis'. As holding this high post, he found himself involved in the conspiracy of Avidius against the emperor. After the assassination of his patron, who had already been proclaimed emperor by the troops, Andreas's father had been deprived of his offices, his citizenship, and his honors; ...
— Uarda • Georg Ebers

... him Gwyn ab Nudd, and he asked him if he knew aught of Twrch Trwyth. And he said that he ...
— The Mabinogion Vol. 2 (of 3) • Owen M. Edwards

... Altera pars vivit; rudis est pars altera tellus. Quippe ubi temperiem sumpsere humorque calorque, Concipiunt; & ab ...
— The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society - A Poem, with Philosophical Notes • Erasmus Darwin

... Hairesis] autem Graece, ab electione dicitur: quod scilicet eam sibi unusquisque eligat disciplinam, quam putat esse meliorem."—Hieronymus in Epist. ad Galat. c. 5. See also ...
— The Ancient Church - Its History, Doctrine, Worship, and Constitution • W.D. [William Dool] Killen

... care, and moves the very bottom of the soul. And as it is a sovereign remedy against some distempers, so is it a perfect cure for heaviness and sorrow. Nonnunquam usque ad ebrietatem veniendum, non ut mergat nos, sed ut deprimat curas. Eluit enim curas, et ab imo animae movet, et ut morbis quibusdam, ita tristitiae medetur[8]. On this account certainly it was, Pliny maintained that Nepenthe, whose virtues Homer so much exaggerates, was nothing in the world ...
— Ebrietatis Encomium - or, the Praise of Drunkenness • Boniface Oinophilus

... came before the judges in the early part of the reign of Nabonidos shows that ladies were capable of sharp practice as well as men. The judicial record states that a certain "Belit-litu gave the following evidence before the judges of Nabonidos, King of Babylon: 'In the month Ab, in the first year of Nergal-sharezer, King of Babylon, I sold my slave, Bazuzu, for thirty-five shekels of silver to Nebo-akhi-iddin, the son of Sul, the descendant of Egibi; he has pretended that I owed him a debt, and so has not paid me the money.' The judges heard the charge, and caused Nebo-akhi-iddin ...
— Babylonians and Assyrians, Life and Customs • Rev. A. H. Sayce

... his work. Besides, Graetz's History was certainly in George Eliot's library; it was among the Lewes books now at Dr. Williams's. Again, on p. 265, Maimon speaks of the Jewish fast that falls in August. George Eliot jots on the margin, "July? Fast of Ninth Ab." ...
— The Book of Delight and Other Papers • Israel Abrahams

... expedi, Cum Sol non solito lumine riserit, Et fortuna volubilis Fati difficilem jecerit aleam. Quod vexant hodie Noti, Cras lambent hilares aequor AEtesiae. Moestum sol hodie caput, Cras laetum roseo promet ab aequore. Alterno redeunt choro Risus & gemitus, & madidis prope Sicci cum Lacrymis joci. Nascuntur mediis gaudia luctibus, Sic fatis placitum. suis Tempestiva fluunt ...
— The Odes of Casimire, Translated by G. Hils • Mathias Casimire Sarbiewski

... you consent with me thus far in theory, let us now drive at practice. You have (we will say) a class of thirty or forty in front of you. We will assume that they know a-b, ab, can at least spell out their words. You will choose a passage for them, and you will not (if you are wise) choose a passage from "Paradise Lost": your knowledge telling you that "Paradise Lost" was written, late in his life, by a great virtuoso, and older ...
— On The Art of Reading • Arthur Quiller-Couch

... 123-4; and which may here be with advantage reproduced in its Latin form:—"Omnia autem quaecumque praecepta erant illis qui cum Petro erant, breviter exposuerunt. Post haec et ipse Iesus adparuit, et ab oriente usque in occidentem misit per illos sanctam et incorruptam praedicationem salutis aeternae. Amen."(319)—Another apocryphal termination is found in certain copies of the Thebaic version. It occupies the place of ver. 20, and is as follows:—"Exeuntes terni in quatuor climata caeli praedicarunt ...
— The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark • John Burgon

... have never reentered it since 1848, and it is only the fortune of war which has brought them to see their beautiful seat of the Aldegatta, never, it is to be hoped for them, to be abandoned again. It is, as you see, 'Mutatum ab illo.' Onward have gone, then, the exiled patriots! onward will go the nation that owns them! The wish of every one who is compelled to remain behind is that the army, that the volunteers, that the fleet, should all ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... aratro Cantavit oerto rustica verba pede; Et satur arenti primum est modulatus avena Carmen, ut ornatos diceret ante decs; Agricola et minio suffusus, Bacche, rubenti Primus inexperta duxit ab ...
— Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero • W. Warde Fowler

... end-on method AB is the magnet under examination; DE the compass needle; a the angle of deflection; d the distance between C and the middle of AB, which should be considerable compared with the length of DE; 2l, the length of AB. We then have the formula tan a (M/H) * (2d / (d^2 - l^2)^2), which if 2l is small ...
— The Standard Electrical Dictionary - A Popular Dictionary of Words and Terms Used in the Practice - of Electrical Engineering • T. O'Conor Slone

... Instrument is this. I prepare a pretty capaceous Bolt-head AB, with a small stem about two foot and a half long DC; upon the end of this D I put on a small bended Glass, or brazen syphon DEF (open at D, E and F, but to be closed with cement at F and E, as occasion serves) ...
— Micrographia • Robert Hooke

... in looking steadfastly and gravely forward, and repeating the words tabak-tabak, keibo-keibo, ke-bang-e-nu-to-eek, kebang-enutoeek, amatama-amatama, in the order in which they are here placed, but each at least four times, and always by a peculiar modulation of the voice, speaking them in pairs as they are coupled above. The sound is made to proceed ...
— Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the • Sir William Edward Parry

... Haroldus Godwin Ducis filius, quem rex ante suam decessionem regni successorem elegerat, a totius Angliae primatibus, ad regale culmen electus, die eodem ab Aldredo Eboracensi Archiepiscopo in regem est honorifice ...
— Harold, Complete - The Last Of The Saxon Kings • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... Here I have found inscriptions of the early sort mingled with those of the XI dynasty in such a way as to show that they cannot have been widely separated in age. Moreover, in one of them, the name of Khat is associated with that of Ra-mer-ab; and Khat is not only a name which characterises the XI dynasty, but it was also the name of the owner of one of the tombs at Sit, which Mr. Griffith has proved to belong to the time of the X dynasty. We were already acquainted with the name of Ra-mer-ab from a scarab; ...
— The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1 • Various

... esset hoc ipsum ab ipso potius quam a te expectare, ideo quod ego ipsi, jam biennium effluxit, auctor fuerim ejus experimenti faciendi, eumque certum reddiderim, nec de successu non dubitare, quamquam id experimentum nunquam fecerim. Verum quoniam D. R. amicitia ...
— Pascal • John Tulloch

... you take a cruise without me?" said Mesty; "dat very shabby. By de power, but I wish I was there. You ab too much danger, Massa Easy, without ...
— Mr. Midshipman Easy • Frederick Marryat

... Caroli inclyti et fortisimi Burgundie duds exercitus Muratum obsidens, ab Helvetiis cesus, hoc sui monumentum reliquit ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... are the most important passages of the inscription: "His Majesty (Amasis) was in the Festival-Hall, discussing plans for his whole land, when one came to say unto him, 'Haa-ab-Ra (Apries) is rowing up; he hath gone on board the ships which have crossed over. Haunebu (Greeks), one knows not their number, are traversing the North-land, which is as if it had no master to rule it; he (Apries) hath summoned them, they ...
— History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, And Assyria In The Light Of Recent Discovery • L.W. King and H.R. Hall

Words linked to "Ab" :   baccalaureate, venter, oblique, type AB, stomach, blood type, striated muscle, blood group, Jewish calendar month, Jewish calendar, skeletal muscle, external oblique muscle, Bachelor of Arts, bachelor's degree, Hebrew calendar, belly

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