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Absorbent   /əbzˈɔrbənt/   Listen

Having power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up something (liquids or energy etc.).  Synonym: absorptive.

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"Absorbent" Quotes from Famous Books

... constituent of home-made fertilisers, and their leases in general prohibit their selling off the straw produced on their farms. Yet chemical analysis has clearly proved that the manurial value of straw is perfectly insignificant, and that, as a constituent of stable manure, it is chiefly useful as an absorbent of the liquid egesta of the animals littered upon it. As food for stock, straw was at one time regarded by our farmers as almost perfectly innutritious; some even went so far as to declare that it possessed no nutriment ...
— The Stock-Feeder's Manual - the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and - feeding of live stock • Charles Alexander Cameron

... reflection, we find have been said only with their silent answering eyes. Those who talk much often reply to you less than those who silently and thoughtfully listen. And so it came to pass, that, on account of this quietly absorbent nature, Rose had grown to her parents' hearts with a peculiar nearness. Eighteen summers had perfected her beauty. The miracle of the growth and perfection of a human body and soul never waxes old; parents marvel at it in every household ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. I, No. 1, Nov. 1857 • Various

... doubted whether Molly heard anything of this exposition; she may well have missed one or two steps in a carefully reasoned argument. Hers was that state of absorbent lassitude when the words and acts put to you sink into the floating mass of your weakness. The late shocking grief hovers felt about you: a buzz of talk, a rain of caresses, hold the spectre off, and so are serviceable—but no more. The cold cheek, ...
— Little Novels of Italy • Maurice Henry Hewlett

... naissance a des sources, a des torrents, et quelquefois a d'assez fortes rivieres qui sortent du pied de ces montagnes calcaires; lors de la fonte des neiges, l'eau ne se verse point des sommets de ces sortes de montagnes comme de dessus les autres especes de rochers qui absorbent moins les eaux. Dans le milieu de ce haut il y a un petit lac d'un grand quart de lieue de long de forme ovale, ou se rassemblent les eaux des neiges fondues; il n'y a point d'issues a ce lac, ses eaux sont absorbees, et se perdent ...
— Theory of the Earth, Volume 2 (of 4) • James Hutton

... beneath the table and spread it out. "Absorbent material," he said. "Lay it on that and just let it dry. That's what we ...
— Legacy • James H Schmitz

... 12 hours, filtered, the precipitate washed with water rendered slightly ammoniacal, dried, ignited, and weighed. The weight so found multiplied by 0.278 gives the weight of phosphorus in the form of phosphine in the volume of gas passed through the absorbent liquid. ...
— Acetylene, The Principles Of Its Generation And Use • F. H. Leeds and W. J. Atkinson Butterfield

... earth is by far the best deodorizer and absorbent, but when it cannot be easily and cheaply procured, well sifted wood or coal ashes—wood preferred—is a good substitute. The ashes must be kept dry. If they are not, they lose their absorbing, deodorizing powers. They must also be well sifted. If ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, Sep. 26, 1891 • Various

... country into which he was come. And further, how could the habit of lapsing in thought, or more simply, of passing abruptly from the present subject, be explained except on the theory of something to which he had so given himself it had become overmastering and all absorbent? This, she saw intuitively, would prove the key to the man; and she set about ...
— The Prince of India - Or - Why Constantinople Fell - Volume 1 • Lew. Wallace

... 1. 1. Haud scio an majus discrimen ab his qui blandiuntur, an ab his qui territant; ingens utrinque periculum: alii ad securitatem ducunt, alii afflictionum magnitudine mentem absorbent, ...
— The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior

... turned and studied the human flux in front. She was not shopping, save in sweet imagination. This was her theater, and she was fain to make the show last as long as possible. Her absorbent gaze saw everything. Yet it was selective too, for it passed swiftly over the chaff of the shabby and fixed itself on the wheat of the properly gowned. Sometimes she wove romances about her swiftly-disappearing ...
— Jewel Weed • Alice Ames Winter

... sit up to-morrow," the doctor said. The fractured arm was put into a splint and sling, and a collar-bone had to be wrapped in place; but the absorbent cotton bandaged on his ...
— The Flower of the Chapdelaines • George W. Cable

... the conversion of them into saccharine matter, which would have been not only cumberous but totally incompatible with the locomotion of animal bodies. For how could a man or quadruped have carried on his head or back a forest of leaves, or have had long branching lacteal or absorbent vessels terminating in the earth? Animals therefore subsist on vegetables; that is they take the matter so prepared, and have organs to prepare it further for the purposes of higher ...
— The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society - A Poem, with Philosophical Notes • Erasmus Darwin

... the eyes, steep good green tea in rose-water, soak bits of absorbent cotton in the liquid, and bind ...
— The Woman Beautiful - or, The Art of Beauty Culture • Helen Follett Stevans

... fats which we have been wont to discard. Anyone can get from the Department of Agriculture suggestions for the practical use of chicken, mutton, beef, and other kinds of meat fats. The main points are to free them from flavor, by melting them with milk or water, possibly using some special absorbent like potato or charcoal too, and then mixing hard and soft together, just as the oleomargarine-makers do, to get such a degree of hardness as suits one's purpose. All this requires time and thought. Let no one dream that the patriotic duties of the kitchen are trivial. ...
— Everyday Foods in War Time • Mary Swartz Rose

... requisite. These facts all exist, and are indispensable to make good the expression that the "tree grows." We might also trace the capabilities of the tree itself, its roots, bark, veins or pores, fibres or grains, its succulent and absorbent powers. But, as in the case of the "man that killed the deer," noticed in a former lecture, the mind here conceives a single idea of a complete whole, which is signified by the single expression, ...
— Lectures on Language - As Particularly Connected with English Grammar. • William S. Balch

... animals. The explanation has, however, been carried a step further, by experiments showing that the absorption of odors by dead matter, such as clothing, is greatly affected by color, black being the most powerful absorbent, then blue, red, yellow, and lastly white. We have here a physical cause for the sense inferiority of totally white animals which may account for their rarity in nature. For few, if any, wild animals are wholly white. The head, the face, or at least the muzzle or the nose, are generally ...
— The Galaxy - Vol. 23, No. 1 • Various

Words linked to "Absorbent" :   assimilative, spongy, absorbency, sorbefacient, absorbefacient, spongelike, thirsty, absorb, absorber, assimilating, hygroscopic, sorbent material, sorbent, nonabsorbent, sponge, assimilatory, receptive

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