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Adult male   /ədˈəlt meɪl/   Listen
Adult male

An adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman).  Synonym: man.

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"Adult male" Quotes from Famous Books

... bat, almost certainly from southern Mexico, was applied by Miller (op. cit.: 111) to the red bat as a subspecific name. Subsequently, the hoary bat, Lasiurus cinereus cinereus (Beauvois 1796), was shown to occur in southern Mexico. For example, an adult male L. c. cinereus was obtained on May 6, 1945, by W. H. Burt from the Barranca Seca in the State of Michoacan (see Hall and Villa, Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 1:445, December 27, 1949). Because two, instead of only one, species of Lasiurus are now known to occur in the general part ...
— A New Name for the Mexican Red Bat • E. Raymond Hall

... barter the right of the negroes to vote for diminished representation on the part of the old slave States in the House and in the electoral college; while in truth the loss of representation was imposed as a penalty upon any State that should deprive any class of its adult male citizens of the right to vote. Upon this allegation of Mr. Sumner the resolution was defeated in the Senate. There were then in that body a number of Republicans from the old slave States and over them Mr. Sumner had large influence. The defeat ...
— Reminiscences of Sixty Years in Public Affairs, Vol. 2 • George S. Boutwell

... the Hohenzollern house in 1870, so in 1877 the adult male Romanoffs went to the war with scarce an exception. The Grand Duke Nicholas, brother of the Emperor and Commander-in-Chief of the Russian armies in Europe, was neither a great general nor an honest man; but there could be no question as to his personal courage. That ...
— Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places • Archibald Forbes

... childhood; they have been observed even in infancy. They sometimes result from external stimuli, especially of a pathological nature, such as a strictured prepuce, or inflammatory states of the penis. Occasionally in the child, as normally in the adult male, distension of the bladder with urine leads to erection of the penis. Although in these cases the erection is not induced by sexual processes, it is nevertheless not devoid of significance in relation to the sexual life. The ...
— The Sexual Life of the Child • Albert Moll

... Salaethus to death, and then met in full assembly to decide on the fate of the rest. They had just been delivered from a fearful danger, and in the natural reaction of vindictive rage which had now set in they came to the horrible resolution of putting all the adult male population of Mytilene to the sword, and selling the women and children as slaves. The Mytilenaeans, they argued, were without excuse: they were not subjects of Athens, who might wish to escape from their burdens, ...
— Stories From Thucydides • H. L. Havell

... political discussions of centuries, every one knows by heart, were it not that hardly any one thinks of applying these maxims to the case in which above all others they are applicable, that of power, not placed in the hands of a man here and there, but offered to every adult male, down to the basest and most ferocious. It is not because a man is not known to have broken any of the Ten Commandments, or because he maintains a respectable character in his dealings with those whom he cannot compel to have intercourse with him, or because he does not fly out into violent ...
— The Subjection of Women • John Stuart Mill

... suggested basis of assessment for men is well set forth in another decision of Justice Brown, "I look upon the maintenance of home life as of supreme importance to the community. I regard the wage paid to the adult male as essentially and in substance a family wage. True, so far as single men are concerned, it has long been settled that the minimum (living) wage should not be less than that of the married man. In other words, in discussing the needs of the male worker, a man with a family to ...
— The Settlement of Wage Disputes • Herbert Feis

... made above, consists of two ornamental plants, with leaves and flowers, fashioned from gold and silver, and their value is estimated at about $5000. The sum necessary to defray the cost of these gifts is raised by means of a banchi or poll-tax, to which every adult male contributes; and the return presents, sent from Bangkok, are of precisely the same value, and are, of course, a perquisite of the Raja. The exact significance of these gifts is a question of which very different views are taken by the parties concerned. The Siamese ...
— In Court and Kampong - Being Tales and Sketches of Native Life in the Malay Peninsula • Hugh Clifford

... find apple-blossoms co-existing with ripe strawberries on June 28, as Miss Austen has been blamed, by minute philosophers, for introducing this combination in the garden party in Emma. The poet, like most of the good and great, read novels eagerly, and excited himself over the confirmation of an adult male in a story by Miss Yonge. Of Scott, "the most chivalrous literary figure of the century, and the author with the widest range since Shakespeare," he preferred Old Mortality, and it is a good choice. He hated "morbid and ...
— Alfred Tennyson • Andrew Lang

... every Aryan's brain is unawakened. A race which invented the loom now invents nothing but grievances. In 1901 Bengal possessed 69,000 schools and colleges, attended by 1,700,000 pupils, yet only one adult male in 10 and one female in 144 can read and write! The Calcutta University is an examining body on the London model. It does not attempt to enforce discipline in a city which flaunts every vice known to great seaports and ...
— Tales of Bengal • S. B. Banerjea

... had become mutually incomprehensible. To the Englishman, the rule of the nobility was normal—the ideal political system. He was content, if a commoner, with the place assigned to him. To the colonist, on the other hand, government in which the majority of adult male inhabitants possessed the chief power was the only valid form,—all others were vicious. Patriotism meant two contradictory things. The Englishman's patriotism was sturdy but unenthusiastic, and showed itself almost as much in a contempt ...
— The Wars Between England and America • T. C. Smith

... per journal,' but then incessant ones! The Aristocrat Municipality, pretending to be Constitutional, keeps mostly quiet; not so the Daughter Society, the five thousand adult male Patriots of the place, still less the five thousand female: not so the young, whiskered or whiskerless, four-generation Noblesse in epaulettes; the grim Patriot Swiss of Chateau-Vieux, effervescent infantry of ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

Words linked to "Adult male" :   adult male body, wonder boy, bachelor, paterfamilias, white man, guy, gentleman, father figure, sir, Methuselah, signior, beau, Cain, shaver, womaniser, bruiser, macho-man, Seth, fop, gallant, stiff, grownup, geezer, divorced man, womanizer, galoot, clotheshorse, castrate, yellow man, swain, Adam, golden boy, greybeard, sheik, graybeard, ironman, strapper, eunuch, unmarried man, dandy, father surrogate, Monsieur, bozo, Esq, grass widower, swell, philanderer, ex-husband, widower, boyfriend, male, young buck, baboo, young man, adonis, fashion plate, ejaculator, babu, woman, ex-boyfriend, esquire, cat, Hooray Henry, patriarch, old man, old boy, signor, buster, dude, iron man, father-figure, hunk, ham, middle-aged man, Shem, adult, housefather, fellow, bull, Japheth, stud, widowman, signore, Senhor, Black man, Peter Pan, male person, Abel, hombre, Herr, he-man, Samson, posseman, man's body, ponce, Tarzan, ironside, ex, inamorato, bey, boy

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