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Air current   /ɛr kˈərənt/   Listen
Air current

Air moving (sometimes with considerable force) from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.  Synonyms: current of air, wind.  "When there is no wind, row" , "The radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere"

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"Air current" Quotes from Famous Books

... Patients who are sensitive to cold are very numerous. Mr. G.—he of the prunes and bran biscuits—was so afraid of a draft that he could detect the air current if a window was opened a few inches anywhere in a two-story house. He always wore two suits of underwear, but despite his precautions he had a swollen red throat much of the time. His prescription was a cold bath every morning, a source of delight to the other men patients, ...
— Outwitting Our Nerves - A Primer of Psychotherapy • Josephine A. Jackson and Helen M. Salisbury

... entirely, the main cause being the moist heat and the almost entire lack of motility in the air. So little accustomed to wind do the natives here appear to be that a small boy one day jubilantly drew attention to some ripples in the middle of the river caused by an air current. ...
— Through Central Borneo: - An Account of Two Years' Travel in the Land of Head-Hunters - Between the Years 1913 and 1917 • Carl Lumholtz

Words linked to "Air current" :   weather, thermal, crosswind, sou'wester, simoom, west wind, chinook, northwest wind, calm air, gust, squall, easter, zephyr, south wind, gale, draught, boreas, airstream, souther, prevailing wind, southerly, doldrums, weather condition, tailwind, blow, northerly, katabatic wind, simoon, monsoon, gentle wind, khamsin, draft, conditions, harmattan, southwester, wester, easterly, samiel, sou'easter, air, chinook wind, east wind, norther, north wind, snow eater, high wind, fohn, southeaster, breeze, foehn, atmospheric condition, headwind, Santa Ana, blast, calm, catabatic wind, northwester

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