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Anemia   /ənˈimiə/   Listen

A deficiency of red blood cells.  Synonym: anaemia.
A lack of vitality.  Synonym: anaemia.
Genus of terrestrial or lithophytic ferns having pinnatifid fronds; chiefly of tropical America.  Synonym: genus Anemia.

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"Anemia" Quotes from Famous Books

... sick. The air of the country restores me, or patience, or THE OTHER person, the one who wants to work again and to produce. What is my illness? Nothing. Everything is all right, but I have something that they call anemia, an effect without a tangible cause, a breakdown which has been threatening for several years, and which became noticeable at Palaiseau, after my return from Croisset. An emaciation that is too rapid to be within reason, a pulse too slow, too feeble, an indolent or capricious stomach, with ...
— The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters • George Sand, Gustave Flaubert

... there can be human compassion for anemia of the soul. When the pitch of Life is dropped, and the spirit is so put over and reversed that that only is horrible which before was sweet and worldly and of the day, the human relation disappears. The sane soul turns appalled away, lest not merely itself, but sanity should ...
— Widdershins • Oliver Onions

Words linked to "Anemia" :   family Schizaeaceae, hypoplastic anaemia, ischaemia, fern genus, pine fern, congenital pancytopenia, hyperchromic anaemia, microcytic anaemia, crescent-cell anaemia, blood disorder, refractory anaemia, sickle-cell anaemia, macrocytic anaemia, aplastic anaemia, ischemia, drepanocytic anaemia, anemic, pernicious anaemia, sickle-cell disease, erythroblastosis fetalis, malignant anaemia, Fanconi's anaemia, blood disease, hypochromic anaemia, symptom, Schizaeaceae, iron deficiency anaemia, haemolytic anaemia, favism

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