"Archaism" Quotes from Famous Books
... xxxvi. and xliv. are related, we have seen, to passages in Jock o' the Side and Archie o' Cafield, but ballads, like Homer, employ the same formulae to describe the same circumstances: a note of archaism, as in Gaelic poetic passages ... — Sir Walter Scott and the Border Minstrelsy • Andrew Lang
... I will present you to the Smithsonian Institution as the last embodiment of effete theories. Who exhumed you, patron saint of archaism, from the charnel-house of centuries?" He looked down at her with an expression of intolerable bitterness and scorn. Her habitually pale face flushed to crimson, as she answered ... — Beulah • Augusta J. Evans
... translation, also, more than in the preceding, there is occasionally an affectation of archaism, which rather adds to than detracts from the poetic effect of his prose, and the number of lines in the prose translation that are really ten-syllable verses is quite remarkable. On one page (page 183 of the third edition, Lemerre) more than ... — Frederic Mistral - Poet and Leader in Provence • Charles Alfred Downer
... inserting a parenthesis between a preposition and its object, a mistake of which the most ordinary schoolboy would be ashamed. And why can not our magazine- writers use plain, simple English? Unfriend, quoted above, is a quite unnecessary archaism, and so is such a phrase as With this Borrow could not away, in the sense of 'this Borrow could not endure.' 'Borrow's abstraction from general society' may, I suppose, pass muster. Pope talks somewhere of a hermit's 'abstraction,' but what is the meaning ... — Reviews • Oscar Wilde
... by unlawfully grafting a scion of Romance on a Teutonic root. His theory, caught from Bellay, of rescuing good archaisms from unwarranted oblivion, was excellent; not so his practice of being archaic for the mere sake of escaping from the common and familiar. A permissible archaism is a word or phrase that has been supplanted by something less apt, but has not become unintelligible; and Spenser's often needed a glossary, even in his own day.[321] But he never endangers his finest passages by any experiments of ... — Among My Books • James Russell Lowell
... which they dreaded. Their attack was directed no less against the revival of really obsolete words. It is a paradox worth noting for its strangeness that the first revival of mediaevalism in modern English literature was in the Renaissance itself. Talking in studious archaism seems to have been a fashionable practice in society and court circles. "The fine courtier," says Thomas Wilson in his Art of Rhetoric, "will talk nothing but Chaucer." The scholars of the English Renaissance fought not only against the ignorant adoption ... — English Literature: Modern - Home University Library Of Modern Knowledge • G. H. Mair |
Words linked to "Archaism" : swart, swarthy, heartless, mellow, dusky, uplifted, oriental, muchness, strait, verily, menstruum, control, dowerless, earth, empiric, scrivened, bide, the halt, commodious, Negress, amort, water, curtal, mellowly, scriptural, compass, negro, gildhall, baseborn, caitiff, base, colored, proportionable, alienism, oriental person, instancy, negroid, brainish, frore, hold, expression, leal, thrown, fire, meed, quadroon, innocent, simple, archaistic, perchance, corroborant, screw, palfrey, hotheaded, horary, dighted, careful, hornpipe, thrown and twisted, half-witted, blackamoor, fardel, formulation, forth, abide, empirical, colored person, off, mulatto, adust, convenient, ether, acold, meretricious, by chance, privily, sublime, slow-witted, backward, impulsive, octoroon, hence, stay, archaise, quintessence, puissant, ambages, sooth, away, complexion, small, bosom, apopemptic, feebleminded, impetuous, pibgorn, verbal, stockhorn, air, tearaway, archaize, brotherly, dark-skinned, madcap |
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