"Argot" Quotes from Famous Books
... sometimes even with a stone-breaker by an English roadside. And this one was of a type more unique and distinctive than any other—a fellow who, with the blood of Saxon kings and Norman nobles in his veins, had known nothing but the street life of the crudest city in the world, who spoke a sort of argot, who knew no parallels of the things which surrounded him in the ancient home he had inherited and in which he stood apart, a sort of semi-sophisticated savage. The duke applied himself with grace and finished ability to drawing him out. The questions he asked were all seemingly ... — T. Tembarom • Frances Hodgson Burnett
... notification from the post-office that there was a misdirected parcel for me from Moscow, lying in the proper office,— would I please to call for it? I called. The address on the parcel was "Madame Argot," I was informed, but I must get myself certified to before I could ... — Russian Rambles • Isabel F. Hapgood
... classical slang which was spoken by Poulailler and Cartouche, and which is to the bold, new, highly colored and risky argot used by Brujon what the language of Racine is to ... — Les Miserables - Complete in Five Volumes • Victor Hugo
... seem extraordinary in these days, but when the tax on vehicles was first imposed, it was done very timidly, and such deceptions were easily practised by the coach proprietors, always pleased to "faire la queue" (cheat of their dues) the government officials, to use the argot of their vocabulary. Gradually the greedy Treasury became severe; it forced all public conveyances not to roll unless they carried two certificates,—one showing that they had been weighed, the other that their taxes were duly paid. All things have their salad days, even the Treasury; and in ... — A Start in Life • Honore de Balzac
... began; but then, leaning over the balcony with a rather vulgar gesture, Baia threw down a few well-chosen words. Tartarin, deflated, sat down on a drum, his Moor spoke in the argot of ... — Tartarin de Tarascon • Alphonse Daudet
... holding his bridle and stirrups for him; behind them, the male and female Egyptians, pell-mell, with their little children crying on their shoulders; all—duke, counts, and populace—in rags and tatters. Then came the Kingdom of Argot; that is to say, all the thieves of France, arranged according to the order of their dignity; the minor people walking first. Thus defiled by fours, with the divers insignia of their grades, in that strange faculty, most of them lame, some cripples, ... — Notre-Dame de Paris - The Hunchback of Notre Dame • Victor Hugo
... staved off the rush of wailing, walking skeletons, putting them down three at a time in heaps, with their own hands uncoupling the marked trucks, or taking receipts from the hollowed-eyed, weary white men, who spoke another argot ... — The Kipling Reader - Selections from the Books of Rudyard Kipling • Rudyard Kipling
... wizardry, he had Billy Sunday, master of slang and argot of one language, skinned by miles. For in Abel Ah Yo were the five verbs, and nouns, and adjectives, and metaphors of four living languages. Intermixed and living promiscuously and vitally together, he possessed in these languages a reservoir ... — On the Makaloa Mat/Island Tales • Jack London
... fortuitous birth, still they attach themselves somewhere to the already subsisting world of words and things, [Footnote: J. Grimm, in an interesting review of a little volume dealing with what the Spaniards call 'Germania' with no reference to Germany, the French 'argot,' and we 'Thieves' Language,' finds in this language the most decisive evidence of this fact (Kleine Schrift. vol. iv. p. 165): Der nothwendige Zusammenhang aller Sprache mit Ueberlieferung zeigt sich ... — On the Study of Words • Richard C Trench
... shoulder. "If you like, I'll read it to you—or, rather, translate it from the thieves' argot Popinot ... — The Lone Wolf - A Melodrama • Louis Joseph Vance
... the Yankee nothing excepting the Monroe Doctrine is sacred, and the unsopped watch-dogs of the press bite right and left, unmuzzled. The biter bites—it is his profession—and that ends the affair; the bitee is bitten, and, in the deplorable argot of the hour, "it ... — In Search of the Unknown • Robert W. Chambers |
Words linked to "Argot" : honkie, deck, pong, jerking off, stiff, non-standard speech, heebie-jeebies, spick, fuddled, ass, clean, out-and-outer, hand job, screaming meemies, megabucks, soused, the shits, key, bad egg, gook, Jerry, can-do, Redskin, boffin, rubbish, plumb, mean, uncool, soaked, piece of ass, airhead, Mickey Finn, loaded, sheeny, power trip, tripe, square, old man, humbug, bosh, codswallop, toothbrush, bite, blowjob, twaddle, poppycock, tight, schlock, heist, sloshed, squeeze, chink, potbelly, tosh, bolshy, Jap, plum, stuff, the trots, pie-eyed, dago, sozzled, tommyrot, spic, slant-eye, stuff and nonsense, hood, bunk off, grotty, guvnor, bitch, dike, besotted, bunghole, pixilated, kike, suit, baloney, buy it, juice, street name, Injun, rip-off, jacking off, freaky, plastered, yid, wog, dekko, schlockmeister, red man, burnup, smashed, square-bashing, Kraut, bundle, pile, drop-dead, ginzo, wish-wash, big money, bay window, dibs, straight, white trash, chuck, wop, boloney, blotto, Chinaman, sawed-off, shlockmeister, big bucks, Hun, shlock, runty, bun-fight, folderol, butch, dreck, hymie, pip out, shakedown, fuck, shtup, pint-size, tarradiddle, cock sucking, honky, wet, crocked, piece of tail, Boche, fucking, screw, good egg, pint-sized, Krauthead, blind drunk, give, tummy, arse, stroppy, whitey, baby, paleface, skin flick, rhyming slang, pissed, honkey, roll in the hay, niff, nosh-up, legs, nip, jitters, rod, wank, shag, sawn-off, caff, skinful, soup-strainer, pot, nookie, some, sister, feel, taradiddle, nick, gat, swiz, screwing, cert, corker, bunfight, squiffy, spik, tripper, 'hood, hoof, greaseball, hooey, nooky, dyke, drool, asshole, slang, babe, trumpery, slopped, arsehole, cockeyed, bilgewater, play hooky, poor white trash, corporation, trash, ditch, slam-bang, applesauce, guinea |
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