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Capital letter   /kˈæpətəl lˈɛtər/   Listen
Capital letter

One of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis.  Synonyms: capital, majuscule, upper-case letter, uppercase.

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"Capital letter" Quotes from Famous Books

... announce merely that Mr. and Mrs. Somebody will be "At Home," and the word "dancing" is added almost as though it were an afterthought in the lower left corner, the words "At Home" being slightly larger than those of the rest of the invitation. When both "At" and "Home" are written with a capital letter, this is the most punctilious and formal invitation that it is possible to send. It is engraved in script usually, on a card of white Bristol board about five and a half inches wide and three and three-quarters of an inch high. Like the wedding invitation it ...
— Etiquette • Emily Post

... escape clear out of the country? and be happy, if he could, with his - But soft! I will not betray my secret of my heroine. Suffice it to breathe in your ear that she was what Hardy calls (and others in their plain way don't) a Pure Woman. Much virtue in a capital letter, such as yours was. ...
— Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson - Volume 2 • Robert Louis Stevenson

... prepared, while I, it must be confessed, had consumed my portion, and John Turner relapsed into silence. I watched him as he ate delicately, slowly, with a queer refinement. Many are ready to talk of some crafts under the name of art, which must now, forsooth, be spelt with a capital letter—why, I know no more than the artists. John Turner had his Art, and now exercised it. I always noticed that during the earlier and more piquant courses of a meal he was cynical and apt to give speech on matters of human meanness and vanity not unknown to many who are silent about them. Later ...
— Dross • Henry Seton Merriman

... Atlantic who knew something about the arcana in each government. As it is, both halves of the English-speaking race are apt to make official bogeys,—to spell Washington or London as the case may be with a very big capital letter, and then to envisage this impersonation as something dark, mysterious, or even terrible. How useful it would be if, when this sort of talk was in the air, someone could say, "Honestly, they really are not a bit like ...
— The Adventure of Living • John St. Loe Strachey

... No. 30 the protruding brim gives the head and face the unattractive proportions of the capital letter "F." The length of the nose is emphasized by the line of the hat-rim above it and it appears unduly obtrusive. The flat arrangement of the hair and the curve of the hat-brim in the back also exaggerate the obtrusive qualities ...
— What Dress Makes of Us • Dorothy Quigley

... himno. Canto versaro. Canton kantono. Canvas kanvaso. Canvass subpostuli. Cap cxapo. Cap (military) kepo. Capability kapableco. Capable kapabla. Capacious vasta. Capacity enhavebleco. Cape promontoro. Capital (city) cxefurbo. Capital (money) kapitalo. Capital letter granda litero. Capital (of a column) kapitelo. Capitalist kapitalisto. Capitulate kapitulaci. Capitulation kapitulaco. Capon kapono. Caprice kaprico. Capsize renversigxi. Captain (ship) sxipestro. Captain (milit.) kapitano. Captive malliberulo. Captive mallibera. ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... know what this gas in the air is. When we write about it, we use its nickname, the large capital letter O; but its whole ...
— The Child's Day • Woods Hutchinson

Words linked to "Capital letter" :   small capital, grapheme, small cap, graphic symbol, character, upper-case letter, lowercase

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