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Capsule   /kˈæpsəl/   Listen

A small container.
A pill in the form of a small rounded gelatinous container with medicine inside.
A dry dehiscent seed vessel or the spore-containing structure of e.g. mosses.
A shortened version of a written work.  Synonyms: abridgement, abridgment, condensation.
A structure that encloses a body part.
A spacecraft designed to transport people and support human life in outer space.  Synonym: space capsule.
A pilot's seat in an airplane that can be forcibly ejected in the case of an emergency; then the pilot descends by parachute.  Synonyms: ejection seat, ejector seat.

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"Capsule" Quotes from Famous Books

... who would rather administer the dose in the form of a capsule, then I strongly recommend Spratts' Puppy Capsules, except when the pups are unusually small. I have just written to the Spratts people, telling them that their puppy capsules are too large for very small pups of the Boston terrier breed, and their manager has assured me he will have some ...
— The Boston Terrier and All About It - A Practical, Scientific, and Up to Date Guide to the Breeding of the American Dog • Edward Axtell

... the depression to form a scale-like involucre (in). Fertilization takes place about June, and the sporogonium is fully developed by the winter. The embryo developed from the fertilized ovum consists at first of a number of tiers of cells. Its terminal tier gives rise to the capsule, the first divisions in the four cells of the tier marking off the wall of the capsule from the cells destined to produce the spores. In fig. 4, C, which represents a longitudinal section of a young embryo of Pellia, these archesporial cells are shaded. The tiers below give rise ...
— Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 - "Brescia" to "Bulgaria" • Various

... transported this jar by means of a very flat vessel, into a quicksilver bath in the bason BC, and I took care to render the surface of the mercury perfectly dry both within and without the jar with blotting paper. I then provided a small capsule of china-ware D, very flat and open, in which I placed some small pieces of iron, turned spirally, and arranged in such a way as seemed most favourable for the combustion being communicated to every part. To the end of one of these pieces of iron was fixed a small morsel ...
— Elements of Chemistry, - In a New Systematic Order, Containing all the Modern Discoveries • Antoine Lavoisier

... he took down a short carbine of the Spencer pattern, and unlocking the slide, took out a cartridge and handed it to La Salle. It displayed at the end of the ball the copper capsule ...
— Adrift in the Ice-Fields • Charles W. Hall

... often have I told you not to address me by that absurd title, which, I hope, I shall soon cast off as the ripe chestnut its capsule. Councillor of War! For my part, I never counselled any one to commence this senseless war, and now that there is peace, I scarcely regard myself as a Prussian functionary; and yet you continue repeating ...
— Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia • L. Muhlbach

Words linked to "Capsule" :   renal corpuscle, sleeping capsule, anatomical structure, bodily structure, digest, summary, structure, concentrate, enclose, capsular, seed vessel, cockpit, malpighian body, lozenge, capsulise, wrap, malpighian corpuscle, boll, spacecraft, body structure, pill, condensation, seat, pericarp, tab, complex body part, paintball, silique, enwrap, condense, space vehicle, enfold, container, eyeball, envelop, encapsulate, tablet, sum-up, siliqua, peristome, orb

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