"Chapeau" Quotes from Famous Books
... magnificent white horse. He was very singularly and splendidly dressed, in a rich Eastern-looking uniform, of scarlet, azure, and gold. At his side hung a diamond-hilted sword, suspended by a girdle of gold brocade. On his head he wore a three-cornered chapeau, from which rose a long, white ostrich plume, and a superb heron feather. The band that held these was clasped with brilliants ... — Stories of Many Lands • Grace Greenwood
... Ligne was wounded in the knee; Count Chapeau-Bras,[ia]—too, had a ball between His cap and head,[418] which proves the head to be Aristocratic as was ever seen, Because it then received no injury More than the cap; in fact, the ball could mean No harm unto a right legitimate head; "Ashes ... — The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron
... wideawake were better for you, and I would like to see that honest face with a cutty-pipe in the middle of it." There is my Lord Mayor. My once dear lord, my kind friend, when your two years' reign was over, did not you jump for joy and fling your chapeau-bras out of window: and hasn't that hat cost you a pretty bit of money? There, in a splendid travelling chariot, in the sweetest bonnet, all trimmed with orange-blossoms and Chantilly lace, sits my Lady ... — Roundabout Papers • William Makepeace Thackeray
... who was now dashing along well on her way toward Munich. Alan Hawke was startled at the distinguished appearance of the musician. An aristocratic pallor refined his face, he was neatly booted and gloved, the elegant lines of the Pole's supple figure were displayed in a morning frock coat, and his chapeau de soie ... — A Fascinating Traitor • Richard Henry Savage
... bestowed on these are solely with a view to introduce them into it or to prepare them for it. Even in the last years of the ancient regime[2237] little boys have their hair powdered, "a pomatumed chignon (bourse), ringlets, and curls"; they wear the sword, the chapeau under the arm, a frill, and a coat with gilded cuffs; they kiss young ladies' hands with the air of little dandies. A lass of six years is bound up in a whalebone waist; her large hoop-petticoat supports a skirt covered with wreaths; she ... — The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 1 (of 6) - The Ancient Regime • Hippolyte A. Taine
... the player makes, by a fatal interaction of cause and effect, merely results in bringing it back to the same spot. Now, a considerable number of light comedies revolve round this idea. An Italian straw hat has been eaten up by a horse. [Footnote: Un Chapeau de paille d'Italie (Labiche).] There is only one other hat like it in the whole of Paris; it MUST be secured regardless of cost. This hat, which always slips away at the moment its capture seems inevitable, keeps the principal character on the run, and through him ... — Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic • Henri Bergson
... known him," he said; "he was the greatest librettist who ever existed. I only had to put the words on the piano, put on my hat, and go out. When I came back the music was all written—the words had done it alone." ("Je n'avais qu'a mettre les paroles sur le pupitre, prendre mon chapeau et sortir. Quand je revenais la musique etait toute ecrite, les paroles l'avaient faite ... — In the Courts of Memory 1858-1875. • L. de Hegermann-Lindencrone |
Words linked to "Chapeau" : bowler hat, shovel hat, straw hat, brim, Stetson, derby, stovepipe, titfer, sun hat, crown, poke bonnet, hatband, dress hat, felt hat, derby hat, bonnet, Panama hat, tyrolean, trilby, slouch hat, headdress, dunce cap, sou'wester, millinery, headgear, sombrero, fedora, shako, busby, cowboy hat, boater, cavalier hat, sailor, cocked hat, silk hat, tirolean, opera hat, plug hat, campaign hat, lid, leghorn, fur hat, deerstalker, top hat, skimmer, fool's cap, topper, high hat, ten-gallon hat, toque, snap-brim hat, sunhat, dunce's cap, bowler, beaver, bearskin, Panama, homburg, woman's hat |
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