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Chromatic   Listen

Able to refract light without spectral color separation.
Based on a scale consisting of 12 semitones.
Being or having or characterized by hue.

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"Chromatic" Quotes from Famous Books

... It is astonishing how often some pupils are deceived in this matter. Until you have insured absolute accuracy in the matter of the notes you are not in condition to regard the other details. The failure to repeat an accidental chromatic alteration in the same bar, the neglect of a tie, or an enharmonic interval with a tie are all common faults which mark careless performances. After the piece has been read as a whole and you have determined upon the notes so that there is no opportunity for inaccuracy ...
— Great Pianists on Piano Playing • James Francis Cooke

... operas in the daily papers of these times will be surprised at the absurdity of the comments on the performances of the noted musicians. Ritter, for instance, quotes a criticism of a pianoforte recital where the critic was much pleased by a "double run on the chromatic scale, in which the semitones were distinctly heard." With singers the chief point was whether the singer of this season could sing louder than the singer of last season. John S. Dwight was the pioneer of musical criticism in America,—an intellectual man, one of the noted band of idealists who ...
— Annals of Music in America - A Chronological Record of Significant Musical Events • Henry Charles Lahee

... dim echo of the rustle and bustle of Paris, which drifts down the valley of the Loire from Orleans to the sea, was left behind; a whole new chromatic scale was being built up. No one hurried or rushed about, and one drank a "tilleuil" after dejeuner, instead of coffee, with the result that he ...
— The Automobilist Abroad • M. F. (Milburg Francisco) Mansfield

... the Grecian lyre. To make it capable of supporting the human voice in their symphonies, they filled up the intervals of the fifths and thirds in each scale, and increased the number of strings from eighteen to twenty-eight, retaining all the original chromatic tones, but reducing the capacity of the instrument; for, instead of commencing in the lower E in the bass, it commenced in C, a sixth above, and terminated in G in the octave below; and, in consequence, the instrument became much more melodious and capable of accompanying the human voice. ...
— Irish Race in the Past and the Present • Aug. J. Thebaud

... those natural laws of the vibrating string upon which arm-chair theorists have sought to build a very top-heavy edifice. Of course, the vibrating string ultimately gives—mostly out of tune—all the notes of the chromatic scale, but composers employ them on ...
— Recent Developments in European Thought • Various

... over the limitless and lonesome prairie; Where herds of buffalo make a crawling spread of the square miles far and near; Where the splash of swimmers and divers cools the warm noon; Where the katydid works her chromatic reed on ...
— Birds and Poets • John Burroughs

... large instruments are much more liable than smaller ones to what is termed 'chromatic' and 'spherical' aberration; and this also is detrimental to definition. No very large refractor is entirely free from ...
— To Mars via The Moon - An Astronomical Story • Mark Wicks

... thrilling scene that fair October morning, for autumn had wrought her oriental magic and far and near the lovely forests were arrayed in chromatic harmony. The maples were ablaze for miles, and so vivid seemed the flame of sumac berries one almost expected to see smoke ascending on the tranquil morning air. The scarlet banner of the woodbine fluttered from many a tree like a bloody omen, the ash was clad in purple robes, the ...
— See America First • Orville O. Hiestand

... followed by a chorus of mourning Cupids, is one of the most pathetic scenes ever written, and illustrates in a forcible manner Purcell's beautiful and ingenious use of a ground-bass. The gloomy chromatic passage constantly repeated by the bass instruments, with ever-varying harmonies in the violins, paints such a picture of the blank despair of a broken heart as Wagner himself, with his immense orchestral resources, never surpassed. In the ...
— The Opera - A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions - of all Works in the Modern Repertory • R.A. Streatfeild

... various makes of photographic lenses, and explained the influence of particular constructions in producing certain results; positive and negative spherical aberration, and the manner in which they are made to balance each other, was also described by the aid of diagrams, as was also chromatic aberration. He next spoke of the question of optical center of lenses, and said that that was not, as had been hitherto generally supposed, the true place from which to measure the focus of a lens or combination. This place was a point very near ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883 • Various

... men, that is,—whom one sees in the Piazza have an air of profound self-satisfaction. And this palace of the Doges is no training-place for humility; for if its walls do not bear witness, glorious and chromatic, to the greatness of a Doge, it is merely because the greatness of the Republic requires the space. In this room, for example, we find Tiepolo allegorizing Venice as the conqueror ...
— A Wanderer in Venice • E.V. Lucas

... chorus. This song is rude enough, and seems in measure founded upon the Church chant. It is in the minor key, and consists ordinarily of two phrases, ending in a screaming monotone, prolonged until the breath of the singer fails, and often running down at the close into a blurred chromatic. No sooner is one strain ended than it is suddenly taken up again in the prestissimo time and "slowed" down to the same dismal conclusion. Heard near, it is deafening and disagreeable. But when refined by distance, it has a sad and pleasant effect, and seems to belong to the place,—the long wail ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 3, No. 18, April, 1859 - [Date last updated: August 7, 2005] • Various

... the cooper on four chromatic tones; "the son of my brother this, my nephew that! Charles is nothing at all to us; he hasn't a farthing, his father has failed; and when this dandy has cried his fill, off he goes from here. I won't have him ...
— Eugenie Grandet • Honore de Balzac

... chromatic intervals. Those progressions were not only frequently repeated in the same melody, but some of the favourite ones recurred in several of their melodies. They frequently broke from one key into another, not gradually or with modulations, ...
— Across Unknown South America • Arnold Henry Savage Landor

... Cephalonia, now bald and bare, but clothed with dark forests till these were burnt down by some mischievous malignant. Whatever of sterility deformed the scene lay robed under a glory of colour painted with perfect beauty by the last smile of the sun. Earth and air and sea showed every variety of the chromatic scale, especially of rose-tints, from the tenderest morning blush of virgin snow to the vinous evening flush upon the lowlands washed by the purple wave. The pure translucent vault never ceased to shift its chameleon-like hues, that ranged between the diaphanous azure of the ...
— To the Gold Coast for Gold - A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Vol. I • Richard F. Burton

... which the Israelites entered from the East, and the coast land which the Philistines, supposedly an island people, invaded from the West. Dalila, gorgeously apparelled, is sitting on a rock near the portico of her house. The strings of the orchestra murmur and the chromatic figure which we shall hear again in her ...
— A Second Book of Operas • Henry Edward Krehbiel

... your crashing, clumsy chords, and utterly spit at and defy chromatic passages from one end of the instrument to the other, and back again; flats, sharps, and most appropriate "naturals," splattered all over the page. The essential spirit of discord seems let loose on our modern music, tainted, ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 54, No. 338, December 1843 • Various

... from the atmosphere. Mop opened one of his own orbs, as though for the first time, fixed it peeringly upon her, and smiling dreamily, threw into his strains the reserve of expression which he could not afford to waste on a big and noisy dance. Crowds of little chromatic subtleties, capable of drawing tears from a statue, proceeded straightway from the ancient fiddle, as if it were dying of the emotion which had been pent up within it ever since its banishment from some Italian city where ...
— Life's Little Ironies - A set of tales with some colloquial sketches entitled A Few Crusted Characters • Thomas Hardy

... Moggs—dear Moggs," said his wife, running through the chromatic scale of matrimonial address, and modulating her words and her tones from irritation into tenderness—"yes, Moggs—that's a good soul—I do wish for once you would try to be a little useful to your family. Stay at home to-day, Moggs, can't you, while ...
— Graham's Magazine Vol. XXXII No. 2. February 1848 • Various

... inflection of a note of a chord. In fact the advance made in chord combinations since the introduction of the tempered system is not very great. All, or nearly all, the chords used by Wagner are to be found in the works of Bach. The suggestion to explain Wagner's harmonies by assuming a "chromatic scale" rests upon a misapprehension of the nature of a scale. Every scale implies a tonality, i.e. a tonic note, to which all the other notes bear some definite numerical relation. There cannot be a chromatic scale in the scientific sense in music; what we call by that name in a keyed ...
— Wagner's Tristan und Isolde • George Ainslie Hight

... attentive to the curve of change than to the possible halting-points along the road. But this is not the case at all; the effort would be too great, and what happens, on the contrary, is this. For the spectrum a chromatic scale of uniform tints is very quickly substituted. This is in itself an undesirable simplification, for it is impossible to reconstitute the infinity of real shades by combinations of fundamental colours each representing ...
— A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson • Edouard le Roy

... "le beau Pasquier," in the fulness of his heart, would suddenly let off impossible fireworks of vocalization, ascending rockets of chromatic notes which would explode softly very high up and come down in full cadences, trills, roulades, like beautiful colored stars; and Therese would exclaim, "Ah, q'c'est beau!" as if she had been present at a real pyrotechnic display; and ...
— Peter Ibbetson • George du Marier et al

... of the lecture was devoted to an explanation of the determination of the chromatic relations of the colors of the spectrum. Lord Rayleigh at this point made a rather startling statement that any color can be produced by two other colors. As an example of such a formation, a ray of white light was passed separately through a solution of yellow chromate of ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 598, June 18, 1887 • Various

... Reflecting upon the process of making lenses then in vogue, young Huygens and his brother Constantine attempted a new method of grinding and polishing, whereby they overcame a great deal of the spherical and chromatic aberration. With this new telescope a much clearer field of vision was obtained, so much so that Huygens was able to detect, among other things, a hitherto unknown satellite of Saturn. It was these astronomical ...
— A History of Science, Volume 2(of 5) • Henry Smith Williams

... divides the octave into 22 SRUTIS or demi-semitones. These microtonal intervals permit fine shades of musical expression unattainable by the Western chromatic scale of 12 semitones. Each one of the seven basic notes of the octave is associated in Hindu mythology with a color, and the natural cry of a bird or beast-DO with green, and the peacock; RE with red, and the skylark; MI with golden, and the ...
— Autobiography of a YOGI • Paramhansa Yogananda

... rings increase in number, are round, concentric with the disc, and the bright and dark rings are apparently equally wide. The appearance inside the focus exactly resembles that outside when allowance is made for chromatic effects. Conclusion: ...
— On Laboratory Arts • Richard Threlfall

... garnet and sapphire; but these are, at best, vague terms. Our language has not terms enough to signify the different delicate shades; our factories have not the stuff whose hues might make a chromatic scale for them. ...
— Maria Mitchell: Life, Letters, and Journals • Maria Mitchell

... applauded for such circus tricks as beating a trumpeter in holding on to a note, or racing with an orchestra and getting ahead of it; or Caffarelli, who entertained his audiences by singing, in one breath, a chromatic chain of trills up and down two octaves. Caffarelli was a pupil of the famous vocal teacher Porpora, who wrote operas consisting chiefly of monotonous successions of florid arias resembling the music that is now written for flutes and violins." All ...
— The Merry-Go-Round • Carl Van Vechten

... analysis it was doubtless Paderewski's wonderful piano tone, so full of variety and color, so vital with numberless gradations of light and shade, that charmed and enthralled his listeners. It mattered to no one—save the critics—that he frequently repeated the same works. What if we heard the Chromatic Fantaisie a score of times? In his hands It became a veritable Soliloquy on Life and Destiny, which each repetition invested with new meaning and beauty. What player has ever surpassed his poetic conception of Schumann's Papillons, or the Chopin Nocturnes, ...
— Piano Mastery - Talks with Master Pianists and Teachers • Harriette Brower

... had a sweet, clear, tenor voice which he used skilfully, gliding over dangerous passages, skipping too difficult ones which he thought beyond his execution, singing, in fact, with the prudence of an amateur who can not spend his time studying runs and chromatic passages four hours daily. He sang his solo with a simplicity bordering upon negligence, and even substituted for the rather complicated passage at the end a ...
— Serge Panine • Georges Ohnet

... bumpkin in his peasant garb, all decorated with dust. He was modest, half-shy, and the nuns who peered at him from behind the arras as he walked down the hallway of the Convent caused his countenance to run the chromatic scale. ...
— Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 6 - Subtitle: Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists • Elbert Hubbard

... of unbeautiful music all their own, generally produced at late hours of the night on the house tops, garden walls, and in the alleys of our dwellings. Miss Cat's songs are far too chromatic to be appreciated by human ears; as a result her concertos and solos are rarely spoken of by human critics. However, Nature does sometimes produce a Tetrazzini, Alice Neilson, or Caruso, in the form of a cat, which really delights in harmonious combinations of sound. I know, for instance, ...
— The Human Side of Animals • Royal Dixon

... lay awake and tried to get to sleep the silence seemed unnaturally profound. The tick of the big clock down in the hall struck on the ear with almost a thud, and the light breeze outside moaned among the ventilators and played chromatic scales through the keyhole in a fashion quite disturbing. I wished that wind would shut up, and that the clock would run down. How was a fellow to get to sleep with such ...
— Boycotted - And Other Stories • Talbot Baines Reed

... ping-zing of their high-toned note could be heard as one drifted by the ear. The wood-fire smoke rose straight and steadily from kitchen chimneys, as the sticks, set alight to boil the billy for tea, gradually went out, and the aromatic scent of it floated through the air, seeming to fit in with the chromatic whistle of the magpies from the gum trees in the paddocks. But the men who were gathered round Marmot's verandah noted nothing of these things. Marmot himself, with his shirt-sleeves rolled up, sat on a ...
— Colonial Born - A tale of the Queensland bush • G. Firth Scott

... made her fingers behave, but not her heart. It was singing a tune far out of harmony with chromatic exercises, and she was glad her mother could ...
— Missy • Dana Gatlin

Words linked to "Chromatic" :   white-pink, dun, mosstone, reddish-orange, sulphur-yellow, violet, crimson-yellow, rusty-red, greyish-blue, greyish-brown, amber, coral-red, ochre, achromatic, lilac-blue, bottle-green, gray-pink, yellow-brown, ultramarine, grey-brown, crimson-magenta, scarlet, cerise, reddisn-purple, lavender-tinged, grayish-green, vermillion, gilded, aureate, cress green, powder blue, ocher, pink, bluish green, blue-green, brownish-orange, greenish-brown, blue, coppery, rose-lavender, pinkish-lavender, yellow, creamy, azure, rose, rose-mauve, stone, fuscous, scarlet-pink, bronze-red, rosy-purple, Chinese-red, sage-green, purple-brown, teal, caramel, grayish-brown, cresson, grey-pink, jade-green, chocolate-brown, watercress, grayish-pink, blue-purple, reddish-brown, cyan, chromatic aberration, pinkish-orange, hazel, straw, bluish-lilac, mousey, mouselike, grey-blue, pinkish, auburn, buff, silvery-blue, dark-blue, bronze, gray-blue, hazel-brown, sage, blood-red, pea-green, sapphire, reddish, brownish-yellow, violet-blue, blackish-brown, brownish, light-blue, tawny, greyish-pink, chartreuse, pink-tinged, blue-lilac, purplish-lilac, mouse-colored, brownish-red, orange-red, maroon-purple, dark-green, ruby, gold, olive, brown-green, rose-lilac, rusty-brown, mauve-blue, lilac-colored, purplish-red, crimson, purple, mauve-pink, brownish-purple, brown, magenta, orangish-red, golden-brown, deep-pink, red-brown, deep-yellow, umber, grayish-blue, bluish, hue, yellow-green, greyish-green, scarlet-crimson, chroma, reddish-lavender, rose-purple, wine-red, yellow-tinged, ruby-red, purple-tinted, yellowish-orange, chromatic color, bluish-violet, honey, rusty, pink-red, powdery-blue, copper colored, mousy, carmine, xanthous, mahogany-red, vermilion, tangerine, rust-red, purplish-brown, tawny-brown, rosaceous, diatonic, magenta pink, reddish-pink, violet-tinged, amber-green, purple-lilac, silver-blue, blae, blue-violet, bright-red, olive-drab, colorful, yellowish-beige, beige, peacock-blue, rose-tinted, cinnabar, lavender, pink-orange, moss green, snuff, colored, mummy-brown, crimson-purple, rose-red, light-green, raspberry-red, brownish-green, lilac-pink, red-lavender, purplish-green, blackish-red, purple-green, greenish, dark-brown, rust, maroon, taupe, bluish-purple, color, avocado, red, flame-orange, grey-green, snuff-brown, roseate, rust-brown, sky-blue, buff-brown, earthlike, silver-green, chestnut-brown, chestnut, rose-tinged, sulfur-yellow, sea-green, pinkish-purple, violet-pink, peachy-colored, peachy-coloured, music, brown-purple, reddish-violet, cerulean, rosy, purple-red, amethyst, lavender-pink, red-purple, violet-tinted, orange-brown, purple-tinged, canary, chukker-brown, red-violet, cherry-red, orangish, bronzy, tan, yellow-beige, yellow-orange, tannish, lilac, pale blue, blushful, golden-yellow, purplish, peachy, mauve, orange, cherry, lilac-purple, coloured, dull-purple, purplish-blue, silvery-green, golden, caramel brown, gray-green, purple-blue, jade, canary-yellow, russet, khaki, gilt, salmon, gray-brown, yellowish, carnation, red-orange, blueish, creamy-yellow, bright blue, sorrel, drab, golden-green, pink-lavender, ruddy, pink-purple, olive-brown, green, coral, vinaceous

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