"Confirming" Quotes from Famous Books
... of the theory of Bright and Boaden (Gentleman's Magazine, 1832), afterward confirmed by a book written by Charles Armitage Brown (1838); the theories of Hunter, Hallam, Dyce, Mrs. Jameson, M. Chasles, Ulrici, Gervinus and many others (most of them, by the way, confirming the theory originated by Boaden and Bright); and having thus gone over the work of twenty-five named authors, and a space of time extending from 1817 to 1866, Mr. Massey begins his second chapter by saying that as yet there has never been any genuine attempt to interpret ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Lippincott's Magazine Of Popular Literature And Science, April 1875, Vol. XV., No. 88 • Various
... that did not release me. When at last I received an answer to my inquiries, confirming the statement of the immigrant from Ohio, it ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The New Penelope and Other Stories and Poems • Frances Fuller Victor
... whence he came. And the Court proceeded to consider their finding and sentence, which finding and sentence, being signed by the President and the Judge-Advocate, duly went its appointed way to the Confirming Authority and there remained. For the General in Chief command in the field was hard pressed with other and weightier matters, having reason to believe that he would have to meet an attack of three Army Corps on a front of eight miles with only one Division. Which belief turned ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Leaves from a Field Note-Book • J. H. Morgan
... as confirming me, Lady Lundie. Thank you. Now, as to the method of carrying out our friend's advice. The method seems plain. All we can do to divert Blanche's mind is to turn Blanche's attention to some other subject of reflection ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Man and Wife • Wilkie Collins
... 15th of April, the pontifical bulls arrived from Rome, confirming the election of the Senor Posada to the Archiepiscopal dignity; and on Saturday last, the 31st of May, the consecration took place in the cathedral with the greatest pomp. The presiding bishop was the Senor Belaunzaran, the old Bishop of Linares; the two assistant bishops were ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Life in Mexico • Frances Calderon De La Barca
... having at that time taken no active steps in regard to Marion Fay after the rejection of his suit on the day following Christmas. Eight days had thus elapsed, and he had done nothing. He had done nothing, though there was not an hour in the day in which he was not confirming his own resolve to do something by which he might make Marion Fay his own. He felt that he could hardly go to the girl again immediately after the expression of her resolution. At first he thought that he would write ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Marion Fay • Anthony Trollope
... congregation of the people of Israel assembled in a military manner, and had the result of the commonwealth, or the power of confirming all their laws, though proposed even by God himself; as where they make him king, and where they reject or depose him as civil magistrate, and elect Saul. It is manifest that he gives no such example to a legislator in a popular government as to deny or evade ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Commonwealth of Oceana • James Harrington
... not discuss this thing. At the shore of the pool where they had put on their skates in the morning she paused, shaken with a new thought. The woman would come back on the morrow, and, without one word of denial from her, would tell him that terrible lie, confirming his old suspicions. She must see him,—she could not leave him with that foul memory,—and she returned to the temple in the hope that he was already there. The little building, however, was empty and desolate, and she sat down by ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Web of Life • Robert Herrick
... insinuation involved nothing less than this. Throughout those many years, during which the anonymous author, as he himself tells us, had been preparing for the publication of an elaborate and systematic attack upon Christianity, the bishop was preaching Christian doctrine, confirming Christian children, ordaining Christian ministers, without breathing a hint to the world that he felt any misgiving of the truths which he thus avowed and taught. Yet men talked as if, somehow or other, the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Essays on "Supernatural Religion" • Joseph B. Lightfoot
... of April of this year, Congress passed a bill abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia—a measure for which Lincoln had himself introduced a bill while a member of Congress. In confirming the act as President, he remarked privately: "Little did I dream in 1849, when as a member of Congress I proposed to abolish slavery at this capital, and could scarcely get a hearing for the proposition, that it would ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Every-day Life of Abraham Lincoln • Francis Fisher Browne
... this chair and think of any gentleman for whom she had a preference, would be married before a twelvemonth. I asked him if it would answer as well for gentlemen, for by a wonderful coincidence we had each drank three times at the well. He said it would, and thought he was confirming his statement. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Seeing Europe with Famous Authors - Vol. II Great Britain And Ireland, Part Two • Francis W. Halsey
... from confirming this idea. When he shakes the body, the others imitate him and push, but without combining their efforts in a given direction, for, after advancing a little towards the edge of the brick, the burden goes back again, returning to the point of departure. In the absence of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Wonders of Instinct • J. H. Fabre
... on every fresh occasion of capturing them. I have been recently informed by Mr. Jenner Weir, who keeps a variety of small birds, that none of them will touch our common "soldiers and sailors" (species of Malacoderms), thus confirming my belief that they were a protected group, founded on the fact of their being at once very abundant, of conspicuous colours, and the objects ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection - A Series of Essays • Alfred Russel Wallace
... at John and getting a confirming cold-eyed nod in return, Philon got on his feet. "Sorry, folks. Maybe we'll ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The House from Nowhere • Arthur G. Stangland
... operated on numerous men and women with apparent success. There has not been time yet to measure how long their new lease of life is to be; but they have regained the joy of life they had lost—strength and powers of work. Still, all this needs confirming. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Goat-gland Transplantation • Sydney B. Flower
... Senate at all times a large proportion of experienced members. By this arrangement, too, the Senate becomes a permanent body, ready at any time to convene for the consideration of treaties, for the trial of impeachments, or for confirming ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Studies in Civics • James T. McCleary
... of soldiers have gone South on a sort of military picnic, and will return in a cordial mood towards their Southern brethren in arms,—and that there is no real depth and earnestness of purpose in the Free States. Though one year has done the ordinary work of a century in effecting or confirming changes in the ideas and sentiments of the people, these persons still sagely rely on the party-phrases current some eighteen months ago to reconstruct the Union on the old basis of the domination of the Slave Power, through the combination ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 9, No. 55, May, 1862 • Various
... slowly, confirming her niece's words. Sor Tommaso very reluctantly closed his case, placed it under his arm, gathered up his broadcloth cloak with his hat, and made a low ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Casa Braccio, Volumes 1 and 2 (of 2) • F. Marion Crawford
... thank you." But the twinge in the lawyer's ankle was confirming his resolution to say nothing more to her on the subject of his regret and unwillingness that she should choose to refuse his hospitality, and spend such a lonely and uncomfortable night. "I won't say another word to her about it," he declared to himself. So he simply made arrangements ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Jane Field - A Novel • Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
... may heedfully be broken, And he wants wit, that wants resolued will, To learne his wit, t' exchange the bad for better; Fie, fie, vnreuerend tongue, to call her bad, Whose soueraignty so oft thou hast preferd, With twenty thousand soule-confirming oathes. I cannot leaue to loue; and yet I doe: But there I leaue to loue, where I should loue. Iulia I loose, and Valentine I loose, If I keepe them, I needs must loose my selfe: If I loose them, thus finde I by their losse, For Valentine, my selfe: for Iulia, Siluia. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare
... a bill was brought into the house of lords by the lord-chancellor for confirming the possession of religious endowments in the hands of dissenters, and arresting such litigation as had recently taken place in the case of Lady Hewley's charities, which were endowed by her for Calvinistic Independents, but which had gradually ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. - From George III. to Victoria • E. Farr and E. H. Nolan
... appointed Bishop of Meaux (March 19, 1516) about the same time that Francis the First despatched him as special envoy to treat with the Pope. It would seem that the intimate acquaintance with the papal court gained on this occasion, confirming the impressions made by a previous diplomatic mission in the time of Louis the Twelfth, convinced Briconnet that the church stood in urgent need of reform; and he resolved to begin the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2) • Henry Martyn Baird
... 300 casualties five miles? It is a case of sauve qui peut for the wounded: and when they get to the dressing station the congestion is very bad, thirty men in a tent, and only three or four doctors to deal with 3,000 or 4,000 wounded. I mention this as confirming my previous criticism of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Letters from Mesopotamia • Robert Palmer
... her, or was it merely a pose, or—ten thousand theories occurred to her, to drive her perilously near madness in her solitude. Things he had done, words he had said, characteristics she had observed in him, all these things flashed into her mind, upsetting and confirming each and every theory with an utter lack of logic, but with ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Halo • Bettina von Hutten
... unnecessary fuss over that Black Swan business, and acted very shabbily in making you send in your resignation just before the holidays. There's something, too, that I can't understand about the doctor's not confirming your re-election; and I think there ought to have been some further attempt made to get you to remain in the team— you did a lot of good service last season. However, my advice is, Put your pride in your pocket, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Triple Alliance • Harold Avery
... the lieutenant, who had continued to take some notice of me, for which I was not ungrateful, chanced to come by while I was full of these thoughts, and after confirming the news which I had heard, fell to talking with ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Athelstane Ford • Allen Upward
... understand, found upon his person, and a receipt for L750 given to Daniel MacNaghten, confirming, therefore, the man's account of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume 1 (of 3), 1837-1843) • Queen Victoria
... same sound was repeated from the opposite bank with different modulations, confirming his words, but it sounded none the less terrible as it revealed all the perils and ambushes hidden by ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Wood Rangers - The Trappers of Sonora • Mayne Reid
... represented in Congress, in which he touched on those points of national policy which most deeply affected his mind. Among many remarks worthy of anxious thought, which subsequent events have confirmed and are confirming, he traces the "smothering for nearly three years, in legislative halls, the right of petition and freedom of debate," to the influence of slavery, "which shrinks, and will shrink, from the eye of day. Northern subserviency to Southern dictation is the price paid by a Northern ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. • Josiah Quincy
... of any consequence rewarded his search—one was a note from Sir Ralph Fairfield confirming an appointment with Grell to dine at the St. Jermyn's Club the previous evening; the other was a miniature set in diamonds of a girl, dark and black-haired, with an insolent ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Grell Mystery • Frank Froest
... its place, applied the products of the encomienda of Guas and Libon in the province of Camarines, and apportioned the said encomienda to your royal crown for the support of the girls and for divine worship. The seminary petitions your Majesty to concede it the grace of confirming that favor, since its service to God and to ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898: Volume XVIII, 1617-1620 • Various
... this Divine gift was peculiar to their nation, and that the other nations foretold the future (what will superstition invent next?) by some unexplained diabolical faculty. (74) The principal passage of Scripture which they cite, by way of confirming their theory with its authority, is Exodus xxxiii:16, where Moses says to God, "For wherein shall it be known here that I and Thy people have found grace in Thy sight? is it not in that Thou goest ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Theologico-Political Treatise [Part I] • Benedict de Spinoza
... were moved to accord him the honour of rank as a seigneur, and the first title-deed conveying a grant of land en seigneurie was issued to him on February 4 of that year. The deed bore the signature of the Duc de Montmorenci, titular viceroy of New France. Three years later a further deed, confirming Hebert's rights and title, and conveying to him an additional tract of land on the St Charles river, was issued to him by the succeeding viceroy, Henri de ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Seigneurs of Old Canada: - A Chronicle of New-World Feudalism • William Bennett Munro
... often because they make their baptism the mere occasion of giving them, in a formal, public way, their Christian names. They christen their children to give them a name; and often with them this holy sacrament is as empty as the name. Their baptism, in their view, is but the sealing and confirming the name they had before chosen for the child; and when this is done they have no more thought of the baptism. With them the baptism of their children is the ordinance of name-giving. Before it takes ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Christian Home • Samuel Philips
... the Front Royal pike to strike my rear at Winchester, driving Powell's cavalry in as he advanced. This renewed my uneasiness, and caused me to delay the general attack till after assurances came from Powell denying utterly the reports as to Longstreet, and confirming ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Vol. II., Part 4 • P. H. Sheridan
... his reign with a proclamation, for confirming all protestants in the offices which they enjoyed on the first day of December; then he chose the members of his council, who were generally staunch to his interest, except the archbishop of Canterbury and the earl ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.II. - From William and Mary to George II. • Tobias Smollett
... the colonel had hesitated in confirming the choice of the men. He did not for a moment suspect him to be wanting in courage; but he regarded him as one who shirked his work, and who won the votes of the men rather by a fluent tongue and by ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — With Lee in Virginia - A Story of the American Civil War • G. A. Henty
... to the rue d'Enfer, the address given him by Monsieur Alain, and there found Dr. Berton, a cold, grave man, who astonished him much by confirming all the details given by Monsieur Bernard about his daughter's illness. From him Godefroid ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Brotherhood of Consolation • Honore de Balzac
... reserved, no doubt, for the accounts. Herself accustomed to pilfer, she knew to the least detail every trick of the servants, and not a centimo escaped her; she always thought she was being robbed. Such was her spirit of economy that at home they ate stale bread, thus confirming the popular saying, "in the house of the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Quest • Pio Baroja
... am strongly of opinion that so far from confirming the Ezelite view of subsequent events, the Ezelite account of Ṣubḥ-i-Ezel's first appearance appreciably weakens it. Something, however, we may admit as not improbable. It may well have gratified ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Reconciliation of Races and Religions • Thomas Kelly Cheyne
... safety, do otherwise; and I sat up late last night for the purpose of burning Burke, which I had brought with me, but had fortunately so well concealed, that it escaped the late inquisition. I indeed made this sacrifice to prudence with great unwillingness—every day, by confirming Mr. Burke's assertions, or fulfilling his predictions, had so increased my reverence for the work, that I regarded it as a kind of political oracle. I did not, however, destroy it without an apologetic apostrophe to the author's benevolence, which I am sure would suffer, were he to ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, • An English Lady
... It is one thing to see new truths when they are revealed, but it is another step to be willing to see that those truths condemn falses in which we have strongly confirmed ourselves, or evil habits in which we delight, and to avoid confirming ourselves in falses, and to avoid striving to justify evils. To do the latter means to endure and resist temptations, and to engage in a warfare until the old man with his deeds is ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Personal Experience of a Physician • John Ellis
... were presently taken down to tea in the dining-room by Miss King and Miss Mercy; and presently a chorus of little voices and peals of laughter broke out, confirming the fact, whispered by Delaford to his lady, that Lord Fitzjocelyn had arrived, and had joined the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Dynevor Terrace (Vol. I) - or, The Clue of Life • Charlotte M. Yonge
... this in the bush unless you are also capable of confirming the insult with your fists. But Carmichael could; and he was much too blind to fight without his glasses. He was, in fact, the same strenuous character who had set his dogmatic face against the most harmless expletives in dormitory at school, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Stingaree • E. W. (Ernest William) Hornung
... Mr. Barnes with proof of everything I say," said Miss Banks. "There can be no difficulty, Rosalie dear, in confirming all that I have to tell. If you will permit me to relate the story without interruption and afterward let me go my way without either pity or contempt, I shall be, oh, so grateful to you all—especially to you, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Daughter of Anderson Crow • George Barr McCutcheon
... obtained by Mr. Charles W. Atwater, and forwarded to Mr. B. Silliman, Jr., through whose kindness they have been placed in my hands. These remains possess the greater interest, because the many articles found with them present no trace of European art; thus confirming the opinion expressed in Mr. Atwater's letter:—"There are a great many mounds in the township of Huron," he observes, "all which appear to have been built a long time previous to the intercourse between the Indians and the white men. I have opened ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Some Observations on the Ethnography and Archaeology of the American Aborigines • Samuel George Morton
... excitement and commotion went on increasing at a very rapid rate. Oates himself, of course, became immediately a man of great importance; and to maintain himself in his new position, he invented continually new stories, each more terrible than the preceding. New informers, too, began to appear, confirming Oates's statements, and adding new details of their own, that they might share his distinctions and rewards. These men became continually more and more bold, in proportion to the increasing readiness of the people to receive their inventions for truths. They ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — History of King Charles II of England • Jacob Abbott
... brow drew dark; tumultuous thoughts filled his brain; Caillette's words, Brusquet's rhymes, confirming his own conviction, rankled in his mind. This king dared arrogate a law absolute unto himself; its statutes, his own caprices; its canons, his own pretensions? The duke remembered the young girl's outburst against the monarch and a feeling of hatred arose in his breast; his hand involuntarily ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Under the Rose • Frederic Stewart Isham
... friend were so very anxious to learn what Captain Beardsley had to say to them that they did not ask the wounded blockade-runner any questions, but drew off on one side to read their letters; and this action on their part went far toward confirming Marcy's suspicions that these two men were the ones Beardsley had left ashore "to do his dirty work" while he was at sea. He was as certain as he could be, without positive proof, that those letters told of the unsuccessful attempts the captain had made at different times to find out ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Marcy The Blockade Runner • Harry Castlemon
... his daily [134] prayer. The later Shinto teachers proposed to simplify the duties of the faith by prescribing one brief daily prayer to the gods in general, and special prayers to a few gods in particular; and in thus doing they were most likely confirming a custom already established by necessity. Hirata wrote: "As the number of the gods who possess different functions is very great, it will be convenient to worship by name the most important only, and to include the rest ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation • Lafcadio Hearn
... own hand. Questioned as to the cause and motive for his coming, he said he was driven by hunger and necessity, because they had nothing to eat up on the hill; so would all have to come [to us] in a few days. Events showed this to be false, for a great quantity of provisions was found there later, confirming my suspicions and those of others. It must have been a trick contrived by the devil and his ministers against our captain-general, who, conducting himself on this occasion (as on others) with great prudence ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 (Vol 27 of 55) • Various
... burly Swiss in the doorway, the king and I entered. I removed my mask as I did so, being aware of the necessity of gaining the prisoners' confidence, but I begged the king to retain his. As I had expected, the man immediately recognized me and fell on his knees, a nearer view confirming the notion I had previously entertained that his features were familiar to me, though I could not remember his name. I thought this a good starting-point for my examination, and bidding Maignan withdraw, I assumed an air ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Lock And Key Library - Classic Mystery And Detective Stories, Modern English • Various
... Medecin Malgre Lui and wanted to ask how long this dumb man retained his miraculous power and whether his relations and friends were pleased about it and whether, after the novelty had worn off, they continued shouting "Viva S. Alfio." But I said nothing; I was afraid of confirming them in the notion that I was scoffing, whereas I was very much impressed; the influence of the stream of lava was still upon me and all that Joe had said about living on the slopes of volcanoes. And I was wondering whether I could ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Castellinaria - and Other Sicilian Diversions • Henry Festing Jones
... the heir of the Cassier family is a strange exception of heroic virtue in the midst of a school of seduction. The saints were never exotics in their own circle. Their early histories are filled with sad records confirming the prophecy of our blessed Lord: "The world will hate you because it ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Alvira: the Heroine of Vesuvius • A. J. O'Reilly
... a submarine on the surface of the water. Even when she is fifty feet below the surface she leaves this palpable pathway up above. And few submarines travel at a depth of sixty feet. Then besides this track there are air-bubbles and spots of oil, all confirming the presence beneath the water ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Our Navy in the War • Lawrence Perry
... committee is significant in the evidence it indirectly affords, confirming the declaration of 1853,[AT]—that the postal subsidies were not as assumed, payments solely for services rendered, but in fact were ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Manual of Ship Subsidies • Edwin M. Bacon
... censured; it is rather worthy of thy origin and hopes; still, Donna Violetta, we should remember how difficult it is to winnow the truth from the chaff of imposition and legal subtlety, and, most of all, should a judge be certain before he gives his decree, that, in confirming the claims of one applicant, he does not ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Bravo • J. Fenimore Cooper
... assist them, by sending a great number of his soldiers to vote at the election. As soon as they were chosen, they were to share the provinces, and take the command of armies, according to their pleasure, only confirming Caesar in the possession of what he had ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Boys' and Girls' Plutarch - Being Parts of The "Lives" of Plutarch • Plutarch
... Naaman's wife understood it, for she said to her, "Would to God my Lord were with the prophet in Samaria! for he would cure him of his leprosy." It is said of the disciples of Christ that they "went everywhere preaching the word, the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following." And also, that the great salvation, "which at the first began to be spoken unto us by the Lord, was confirmed unto us by those who heard him, God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders, and divers miracles and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Christian Foundation, June, 1880
... everywhither I went something seemed to whisper in my heart, 'Khalid is no more.' It was the first time in my life that I felt the pangs of separation, the sting of death and sorrow. The days and months passed, heartlessly confirming my ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Book of Khalid • Ameen Rihani
... lying helpless on the cabin floor, while two soft arms pressed his sore-addled head to a protecting bosom, and warm lips caressed his face, and a dear voice entreated; the thought of the boatswain's confirming words, "Carew pulled the lass away ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Fire Mountain - A Thrilling Sea Story • Norman Springer
... representation of public spectacles and games in honour of Caesar's victories. In the meantime Antonius, in his progress through Italy, was making great use of the decree confirming all Caesar's acts, which he interpolated and forged in the most shameless manner. Among other things he restored Deiotarus to all his dominions, having been bribed to do so by a hundred millions of sesterces by the king's agents, but Deiotarus himself, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4 • Cicero
... that in confirming such an organization we should be doing a positive injury and wrong to the churches of Christ established at Amoy, and that our duty to the Master and His people here forbids this. Therefore, our ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Forty Years in South China - The Life of Rev. John Van Nest Talmage, D.D. • Rev. John Gerardus Fagg
... guesses, I will say no more on the subject now; nor of your English and Irish travellers, none of whom I know. I have one general wish, that you may be amused while you stay, by the natives of any nation: and I thank you a thousand times for confirming Your intention of returning by the beginning of November; which I should not desire coolly, but from the earnest wish of putting you in possession of Cliveden while I live; which every body would ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Letters of Horace Walpole, V4 • Horace Walpole
... the king at Ptolemais. And he was favorably received; and although some apostates of the nation Made complaints against him, the king treated him just as his predecessors had done and exalted him in the presence of all his Friends, both confirming to him the high priesthood, and all the other honors that he had before, and giving him preeminence among ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Makers and Teachers of Judaism • Charles Foster Kent
... Book of Common Prayer. By midsummer (1638) he was preparing for war and would shortly be under the necessity of applying to the city for money and men. It was probably with this end in view that he granted (18 Oct., 1638) to the citizens an ample inspeximus charter, confirming to them their ancient privileges and franchises. Negotiations for a new charter had been going on since the preceding March(389) (if not earlier), and it was only now conceded on payment of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — London and the Kingdom - Volume II • Reginald R. Sharpe
... of Hayti were startled at the multitude of human bones which were found in some of the caverns of the island, for they were considered as confirming the reports of cannibalism which had reached them. These ossuaries were accidental; perhaps natives seeking shelter from the hurricane or earthquake were overwhelmed in these retreats, or blocked up and left to ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 10, No. 58, August, 1862 • Various
... honour the same coronation with their presence, and to present to the king some honourable gift, whereby they might declare themselues glad for his aduancement, and procure his freendship towards them, for the confirming of their priuileges & liberties, according to the grants and charters made to them by the former kings: he of a zealous mind to Christes religion, [Sidenote: Matt. Paris.] abhorring their nation (and doubting some sorcerie by them to be practised) commanded that they should ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) - Richard the First • Raphael Holinshed
... great care. He was sent afterwards to Caen, where he studied under Bochart. It is said that while playing extravagantly there at the customary games of boys, he suddenly paused, became grave, and cried out, 'My father is dead,' and that a fortnight after arrived tidings from Ireland confirming his impression. Johnson is inclined to believe this story, and we are more than inclined. Since the lexicographer's day, many of what used to be called his 'superstitions' have been established as certain facts, although their explanation is still shrouded in darkness. Roscommon was then ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete • George Gilfillan
... different islands, and fortunately kept my collections separate. Too much confidence, however, must not be placed in the proportional results, as the small collections brought home by some other naturalists though in some respects confirming the results, plainly show that much remains to be done in the botany of this group: the Leguminosae, moreover, has as yet been only ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Voyage of the Beagle • Charles Darwin
... been simply Baginda Sabyam. Until about a hundred years ago the southern coast of Sumatra as far as Urei River was dependant on the king of Bantam, whose Jennang (lieutenant or deputy) came yearly to Silebar or Bencoolen, collected the pepper and filled up the vacancies by nominating, or rather confirming in their appointments, the proattins. Soon after that time, the English having established a settlement at Bencoolen, the jennang informed the chiefs that he should visit them no more, and, raising the two headmen ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The History of Sumatra - Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And - Manners Of The Native Inhabitants • William Marsden
... considered probable that the Yankee had communicated. The stranger looked suspicious—a heavy ship—and certainly a man-of-war. All hands in consequence set to work to whistle for a breeze, and to our infinite satisfaction it came very soon, confirming most on board in their belief as to the efficacy of the operation. Sail was then made, and we steered for the stranger. She was soon pronounced to be a powerful frigate, a worthy match for the Doris, and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Marmaduke Merry - A Tale of Naval Adventures in Bygone Days • William H. G. Kingston
... of this oil furnish another phenomenon confirming our theory. In each distillation a small quantity of charcoal remains in the retort, and a little water is formed by the union of the oxygen contained in the air of the distilling vessels with the hydrogen of the oil. As ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Elements of Chemistry, - In a New Systematic Order, Containing all the Modern Discoveries • Antoine Lavoisier
... claim to Mulinuu was passed by the Land Commission and sent on to the Chief Justice on the 17th of May. He ended by confirming the report; but though his judgment bears date the 9th of August, it was not made public till the 15th. So far as we are aware, and certainly so far as Samoa has profited by his labours, his Honour may be said to have had nothing else to do but to attend to this ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 18 (of 25) • Robert Louis Stevenson
... carried a powerful lamp, and by its gleams it was easy to trace for a time the progress of the ponderous tank. There was no need to make inquiries of persons living along the way, though once or twice Tom did get out to ask, confirming the fact that the big machine had rumbled past in a direction ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Tom Swift and his War Tank - or, Doing his Bit for Uncle Sam • Victor Appleton
... Finally, the scrap gear is securely clamped in the straightening press shown in Fig. 57. With a 3-1/2-lb. hammer and a suitable hollow-ended drift manipulated by one of Sandow's understudies, teeth are broken out of the scrap gear at various points. These give a record confirming the center-punch tests, which, if the angle of the center punch is kept at 120 deg. and the weight of the hammer and blow are uniform, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Working of Steel - Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel • Fred H. Colvin
... hour after this, further communicated to me that he is perfectly satisfied that the Irish intelligence, contained in the paragraph published in the morning papers, is utterly untrue, unless government have received a despatch from Lord Clarendon, confirming it. He also states that a queen's messenger certainly had arrived from Dublin by a steamer this morning, and he left Liverpool by the half-past six express train. Now, it is perfectly true that a queen's messenger was dispatched from Dublin last night. I had sent ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. - From George III. to Victoria • E. Farr and E. H. Nolan
... Evils and falsities confirmed in man are permanent, and come to be of his love and life. Confirming evil and falsity is nothing else than putting away good and truth, and if persisted in, it is their rejection; for evil removes and rejects good, and falsity truth. For this reason confirming evil and falsity is a closing up of heaven, - for every good and truth flows in from ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom • Emanuel Swedenborg
... the important news to Julia and Dr. Lacey. Poor Fanny! The clouds were gathering darkly about her, but she, all unconscious of the consequence, talked, laughed, rode and sang with Frank, never thinking that she was thus confirming Lida in a belief which would tend to remove Dr. Lacey farther and farther from her. Could Lida have heard a conversation which one evening took place between Mrs. Cameron and Fanny, different, very different would have been the report which she ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Tempest and Sunshine • Mary J. Holmes
... replied, "it seems to have been done with a purpose. His attorneys were leading up to that very point in such a manner that, when the climax was reached, she would involuntarily betray herself—as she did—thus confirming in the strongest ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — That Mainwaring Affair • Maynard Barbour
... being at the age of seventy-six years, apparently in his last illness, and anxious for the glory in history which comes from successful achievement, again gave to the press a full account of his part in the affair, confirming what he had previously stated, showing how he planned it, executed it and realized a goodly sum for it; how Barnum wished to purchase it from him; and how, above all, he had his joke at the expense of those who, though they had ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White Volume II • Andrew Dickson White
... for baptism the Spaniards force them to go to the tasks that I have mentioned; and when they return they have forgotten what they knew; for this reason there are today many Indians to be baptized. In some cases when I have gone to a village to administer confirmation, I have returned without confirming any one, because the Indians were not in the place, but were occupied in labors ordered by the alcalde-mayor, and I could not collect them together. In proof of this, I send a mandate issued by a deputy of Tondo. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, Volume V., 1582-1583 • Various
... of Stenger's Brigade (112th and 142d Regiments of Baden Infantry) were questioned. I have read their depositions, taken under oath and signed with their own names; all confirming the fact that this order of the day was given to them on the 26th of August. In one place by the Major Mosebach, in another by Lieut. Curtius, &c. Most of these witnesses said that they were ignorant whether the order was carried out, but three ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 2, May, 1915 - April-September, 1915 • Various
... Lordship to judge whether Mr. Jackson's correspondence will bear any other construction than that it in fact received; and whether, supposing it to have been erroneously construed, his letter of the 4th of November should not have corrected the mistake, instead of confirming ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Sea Power in its Relations to the War of 1812 - Volume 1 • Alfred Thayer Mahan
... (seventeen thousand acres) allowed under the Mexican law. It was granted ten thousand acres, which left all land west of Divisadero Street unsettled as to title. Appeal was taken, and finally the city's claim was confirmed. In 1866 Congress passed an act confirming the decree, and the legislature authorized the conveyance of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Backward Glance at Eighty • Charles A. Murdock
... Cesare Borgia's rank by the physician Torella, written to meet his needs, and see what inference you draw from that. Surely such an inference as will invest with the ring of truth—expressing as it does his intimate nature, and confirming further what has here been said—that answer of his to the Venetian envoy, "that he had not found the ladies of Romagna so difficult that he should be driven to such rude and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Life of Cesare Borgia • Raphael Sabatini
... In an interesting volume (The Minor Works of George Grote, edited by Alexander Bain. London: Murray), we find Grote confirming Mr. Mill's estimate of his father's psychagogic quality. 'His unpremeditated oral exposition,' says Grote of James Mill, 'was hardly less effective than his prepared work with the pen; his colloquial fertility in philosophical subjects, his ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Critical Miscellanies, Vol. 3 (of 3) - Essay 2: The Death of Mr Mill - Essay 3: Mr Mill's Autobiography • John Morley
... it were composed of three stars touching each other; his telescope was not sufficiently powerful to resolve them into Saturn and his ring. Within a month he ascertained that Venus exhibits phases like those of the moon—a discovery of great importance in confirming the Copernican system. The same phenomenon he afterward detected in Mars. We close the list with the discovery of the revolution of the sun round his axis, in the space of about a lunar month, derived from careful observation of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 3 of 8 • Various
... wilt thou barter our affection for a girl?; we will cast thee into the sea, because of this.' So saying, they threw me overboard." (Here Abdullah turned to the dogs and said to them, "Is this that I have said true O my brothers or not?"; and they bowed their heads and fell a-whining, as if confirming his speech; whereat the Caliph wondered). Then Abdullah resumed, "O Commander of the Faithful, when they threw me into the sea, I sank to the bottom; but the water bore me up again to the surface, and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 9 • Richard F. Burton
... I'll eat my hat!" was his characteristic way of confirming this fresh discovery, and there was certainly a trace of triumph noticeable in his voice, as though this would wipe out ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Eagles of the Sky - With Jack Ralston Along the Air Lanes • Ambrose Newcomb
... English the north end of Borneo, as well as the south end of Palawan. This he readily promised, and he was, in consequence, carried back to Sulu and reinstated; his nephew, Alim-ud-deen, readily giving place to him, and confirming the grant to the East India Company, in ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Former Philippines thru Foreign Eyes • Fedor Jagor; Tomas de Comyn; Chas. Wilkes; Rudolf Virchow.
... Indies meets and elects a successor, when they immediately write to the directors at home, desiring them to confirm and approve their choice. They also write to the same purpose to the states-general of the United Provinces, who have reserved to themselves the power of confirming or excluding a governor-general. It is usual, however, for the directors and the state to confirm the choice of the council, and to send him letters patent, conformable to the desire of the council; yet there have been some instances ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 11 • Robert Kerr
... you no got it Oahika aboard, eh?" which enquiry went a good way toward confirming my opinion that the rascal was a person ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Turned Adrift • Harry Collingwood
... quarrelsome. If two of them take to drinking together, the probability is that in a few minutes, though they may never have seen each other before, they will be expressing in very strong terms their mutual regard and affection, confirming their words with an ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Russia • Donald Mackenzie Wallace
... disputes in philosophy, and not a few of far greater moment in religion. But I shall not enter into the detail of them in this place, as well because I think arguments A POSTERIORI are unnecessary for confirming what has been, if I mistake not, sufficiently demonstrated A PRIORI, as because I shall hereafter find occasion ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge • George Berkeley
... right of confirming and repealing laws was so particular a privilege granted them by the charter, that we can never recede from it; and we do allure you, we are not a little surprised that you have suffered that prerogative ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — An Historical Account Of The Rise And Progress Of The Colonies Of South Carolina And Georgia, Volume 1 • Alexander Hewatt
... to keep Veronica without Vera. That had been tacitly understood between them long ago. If Vera went to Cameron she could not take Veronica with her without openly confirming ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Tree of Heaven • May Sinclair
... Red" of Scotland and Central England, they are tenanted by fossil fishes often of the same species and still oftener of the same genera as the British, whereas when they consist of limestone they contain shells similar to those of Devonshire, thus confirming, as Sir Roderick has pointed out, the contemporaneous origin which had been previously assigned to formations exhibiting two very distinct mineral types in different parts of Britain. (Murchison's Siluria ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Student's Elements of Geology • Sir Charles Lyell
... the effect of putting Frederick out of countenance. His confusion, which, he could not help feeling, was evident to them, was on the point of confirming their suspicions, when M. Dambreuse drew close to him, and, in a tone of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Sentimental Education, Volume II - The History of a Young Man • Gustave Flaubert
... guitar, and in an instant I saw the dogged heads spring up with a jerk of mortified pride, while the steward and cabin-boy poured in a fresh supply of wine, and a shout of union went up from both divisions. I lost no time in confirming my converts; and, ramming down my eloquence with a wad of doubloons, ordered every man to his post, for the enemy was ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Captain Canot - or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver • Brantz Mayer
... anointed the Empress in the same way, reciting this prayer: "May the Father of eternal glory be thy aid; and may the Omnipotent bless thee; may he hear thy prayers, and give thee a long life, ever confirming this blessing and maintaining it forever with all thy people; may he confound thy enemies; may the sanctification of Christ and the anointing of this oil ever aid thee, so that he who on earth has given thee his blessing may give thee in heaven the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Court of the Empress Josephine • Imbert de Saint-Amand
... placed under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Public Instruction, who shall also exercise the right of confirming the rabbis nominated by the directorates. The functions of the directorates shall include the registration of the Jewish population, the management of the communal finances, the dispensation of charity, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume II • S.M. Dubnow
... her debatings, and not less as the result of experience gained in her earlier campaigning, Madame Jolicoeur took up a strategic position nicely calculated to inflame the desire for, by assuming the uselessness of, an assault. In set terms, confirming particularly her earlier and more general avowal, she declared equally to the Major and to the Notary that absolutely the whole of her bestowable affection—of the remnant in her withered heart available for distribution—was bestowed upon the Shah de Perse: ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Lords of the Housetops - Thirteen Cat Tales • Various
... crowd had edged up to the two gentlemen with apparent carelessness, to overhear their conversation. Those who did overhear repeated it in covert asides, and this circulating undertone, confirming a vague rumor that Beaucaire would attempt the entrance that night, lent a pleasurable color of excitement to the evening. The French prince, the ambassador, and their suites were announced. Polite as the assembly was, it ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Monsieur Beaucaire • Booth Tarkington
... Charles and his abettors.[2] Neither was this the only instance: to all, Cavaliers or republicans, who approached him to discover his intentions, he uniformly professed the same sentiments, occasionally confirming his professions with oaths and imprecations. To ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans - to the Accession of King George the Fifth - Volume 8 • John Lingard and Hilaire Belloc
... adduced the evidence which they had of his death and resurrection—declared the opportunities which they had with him after his passion—the instructions they received from him—the orders which he gave them, and his ascension from the mount of Olives, of which they were witnesses, "confirming their words with ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Sermons on Various Important Subjects • Andrew Lee
... old fisherman confirming the words of Smith's Dictionary, when it said that nobody had been there and returned, for generation ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 117, July, 1867. • Various
... correctness of the story of the little old black; yet there was an openness of manner about him, and a clearness of description, that did not appear like fabrication. He pointed to the S.S.W. when he left us, as the direction in which he would again join us, thus confirming, without any apparent intention, what he had stated with regard to the southerly course the river was about to take. Among the natives who were with him, there was another man of very different manners and appearance. Our friend was small in stature, had piercing grey eyes, and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Two Expeditions into the Interior of Southern Australia, Complete • Charles Sturt
... was beating you again," Mackenzie nodded, confirming his speculation of a little ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Flockmaster of Poison Creek • George W. Ogden
... probably by the priest or chief scribe, or by some inferior artist, from a document divided into similar squares; then came the chief artist, who went over every figure and hieroglyphic with a black line, and a firm and steady hand, giving expression to each curve, deviating here and confirming there the red line. The line thus traced was then followed by the sculptor. The next process was to paint the figure in the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Architecture - Classic and Early Christian • Thomas Roger Smith
... of character, our self-confidence, and so forth. Thus, the controversy will tend to leave its mark, small or great, on those who took part in it. It will tend to modify their modes of judgment, confirming one, perhaps, in his former ways, shaping the confidence of another, opening the eyes of a third. Similarly, it will tend to set a precedent for future judgments. It will affect what men say and think on the next question ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Introduction to the Science of Sociology • Robert E. Park
... severe experiences, if it is ever learned. Haldane, as yet, had not received such wholesome depletion. His self-approval and assurance, moreover, were quite natural, since his mother and sisters had seldom lost an opportunity of developing and confirming these traits. The yielding of women to his will and wishes had been one of the most uniform experiences of his life, and he had come to regard it as the natural order of things. Without formulating the thought in plain words, he nevertheless ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Knight Of The Nineteenth Century • E. P. Roe |