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Coral necklace   /kˈɔrəl nˈɛkləs/   Listen
Coral necklace

Glabrous annual with slender taproot and clusters of white flowers; western Europe especially western Mediterranean and Atlantic coastal areas.  Synonym: Illecebrum verticullatum.

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"Coral necklace" Quotes from Famous Books

... preventing the separation, as they would be obliged to restitute the presents received; and, if one of the couple persisted in requesting it, they would prevent him or her by making away with one of the objects furnished, such as a coral necklace, or a china vase. Without this wise measure, it is to be supposed that a husband, with mistresses, would very often endeavour to obtain a divorce. My fellow-traveller enlightened me upon all the points that I wished to investigate. The government, said he to me, after resting ...
— Adventures in the Philippine Islands • Paul P. de La Gironiere

... presumed to do so. Indeed Griff had defended its hue in single combat, and his eye was treated for it with beefsteak by Peter in the pantry. We were immensely, though silently, proud of her in her white embroidered cambric frock, red sash and shoes, and coral necklace, almost an heirloom, for it had been brought from Sicily in Nelson's days by my mother's poor young father. How parents and doctors in these days would have shuddered at her neck and arms, bare, not only in the evening, but by day! When she ...
— Chantry House • Charlotte M. Yonge

Words linked to "Coral necklace" :   genus Illecebrum, Illecebrum, herb, herbaceous plant

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