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Defalcation   Listen

The sum of money that is misappropriated.
The fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else.  Synonyms: embezzlement, misapplication, misappropriation, peculation.

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"Defalcation" Quotes from Famous Books

... confer together and go down street and look through glasses darkly. The woman stays at home and rocks the cradle, and God tells her what to do. The suffrage never was abused by women in Utah. During the seventeen years that they voted in the Territory there was not a defalcation in ...
— The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV • Various

... sensibly pious. Not long after her arrival, several refractory vassals who had for years withheld their usual tribute, and against whom the good sultan, unwilling to shed blood, though his treasury much felt the defalcation, had not sent a force to compel payment, unexpectedly sent in their arrears; submissively begged pardon for their late disobedience, and promised in future to be loyal in their duty. The sultan, who attributed ...
— The Arabian Nights Entertainments Complete • Anonymous

... to light on her behalf. "I don't wonder at Dr. Grantly; I don't wonder at Susan; but, oh, Papa, I do wonder at you. How could you, how could you believe it?" Poor Eleanor, as she thought of her father's defalcation, could resist her tears no longer, and was forced to cover ...
— Barchester Towers • Anthony Trollope

... bonds, one-tenth that sum. One sees two men, drunk with their success, gouging and tearing at each other's hearts in Wall Street, and sees their gouging and tearing bring about a panic which takes from the people in an hour over a billion dollars and drives scores to suicide, murder, and defalcation—the two men continuing meanwhile as ornamental pillars of society instead of wearing prison stripes. One sees a great railroad corporation, in which are millions of the trust funds of widows, orphans, and charitable institutions, caught "short" (having sold something it did ...
— Frenzied Finance - Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated • Thomas W. Lawson

... love of 'smart' dealing: which gilds over many a swindle and gross breach of trust; many a defalcation, public and private; and enables many a knave to hold his head up with the best, who well deserves a halter: though it has not been without its retributive operation, for this smartness has done more in a few years to impair the public credit, and ...
— Contributions to All The Year Round • Charles Dickens

... arguments. Yet Griffo left the Company of Death a misnomer, as far as he was concerned. Griffo had let the Reds ride onward to Arezzo and back to Florence, very much to Simone's annoyance and discomfiture. What, then, was the cause of Griffo's defalcation, and who had inspired him to this signal ...
— The God of Love • Justin Huntly McCarthy

Words linked to "Defalcation" :   sum of money, defalcate, plunderage, sum, larceny, amount, amount of money, raid, thievery, thieving, misapplication, embezzlement, stealing, theft, misappropriation

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