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Emu   /ˈimjˌu/   Listen

(Written also emeu and emew)
Any of various systems of units for measuring electricity and magnetism.  Synonym: electromagnetic unit.
Large Australian flightless bird similar to the ostrich but smaller.  Synonyms: Dromaius novaehollandiae, Emu novaehollandiae.

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"Emu" Quotes from Famous Books

... of soil in those parts of it which have been explored, as from its amazing extent, and great diversity of climate. These mountains, where the road has been made over them, are fifty-eight miles in breadth; and as the distance from Sydney to Emu Ford, at which place this road may be said to commence, is about forty miles, the beginning of the vast tract of country to the westward of them, it will be seen, is ninety-eight miles distant ...
— Statistical, Historical and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales and its Dependent Settlements in Van Diemen's Land • William Charles Wentworth

... him. 'I am always insincere,' says Emerson somewhere, 'as knowing that there are other moods': 'Les emotions,' wrote Theophile Gautier once in a review of Arsene Houssaye, 'Les emotions ne se ressemblent pas, mais etre emu—voila l'important.' ...
— Miscellanies • Oscar Wilde

... dry to bring any growth here, so that it had not even the remains of a previous season's vegetation, and offered no trace of cover. A long and most exhausting chase did enable Finn to pull down a solitary emu, and of this the pack left nothing but beak and feathers when they passed on, still hungry, in quest ...
— Finn The Wolfhound • A. J. Dawson

... storm-cloud rushed up and under the original darkness like the best "drop" black-brushed over the cheap "lamp" variety, turning it grey by contrast. The deluge lasted only a quarter of an hour; but it cleared the night, and did its work. There was hail before it, too—big as emu eggs, the boys said—that lay feet deep in the old diggers' holes on Pipeclay for days afterwards—weeks ...
— Over the Sliprails • Henry Lawson

... emu. So did the wife of the manager of another mine near-by. They used to arrange to have the emus meet occasionally and there was always a glorious fight. Once when they had got the lady's emu over for a visit, one of the Australian boys thought it would look amusing ...
— Herbert Hoover - The Man and His Work • Vernon Kellogg

... tout dort, je m'assieds plein de joie Sous le dome etoile qui sur nos fronts flamboie; J'ecoute si d'en haut il tombe quelque bruit; Et l'heure vainement me frappe de son aile Quand je contemple emu cette fete eternelle Que le ciel rayonnant donne au monde la nuit! Souvent alors j'ai cru que ces soleils de flamme Dans ce monde endormi n'echauffaient que mon ame; Qu'a les comprendre seul j'etais predestine; Que j'etais, moi, vaine ombre obscure et taciturne, Le roi mysterieuse ...
— The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and - Modern Times • Alfred Biese

... and, in his presence, stand "carrement" before my desk, hand in apron-pocket, and rehearse the same, saucily and aloud, concluding with the words, "Qu'il est vraiment beau, Mademoiselle, ce jeune docteur! Quels yeux— quel regard! Tenez! J'en ai le coeur tout emu!" ...
— Villette • Charlotte Bronte

... list of Australian birds in even a big book. But a few more call for mention. There is the emu, like an ostrich, but with coarse wiry hair. The emu does damage on the sheep-runs by breaking down the wire fences. (Some say the emu likes fencing wire as an article of diet; but that is an exaggeration founded on the fact that, like all great birds, it can and ...
— Peeps At Many Lands: Australia • Frank Fox

... from Tarrong railway station to Emu Flat, and then on to Donohoe's Hotel, ran twice a week. Pat Donohoe was mailman, contractor and driver, and his admirers said that Pat could hit his five horses in more places at once than any other man on the face of the earth. ...
— An Outback Marriage • Andrew Barton Paterson

... when they reached an open plain, and here they met an Emu. As both Dot and the Kangaroo were thirsty, they asked the Emu the way to a ...
— Dot and the Kangaroo • Ethel C. Pedley

... Burning like molten gold. A red canoe Crosses with fan-like paddles and the sound Of feminine song, freighted with great-eyed maids Whose unzoned bosoms swell on the rich air; A lamp is in each hand; some mystic rite Go they to try. Such rites the birds may see, Ibis or emu, from their cocoa nooks,— What time the granite sentinels that watch The mouths of cavern-temples hail the first Faint star, and feel the gradual darkness blend Their august lineaments;—what time Haroun Perambulated Bagdat, and none knew He was the Caliph who knocked soberly By ...
— The Germ - Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art • Various

... pet will win, though he's hardly a fighting cock, But he's game enough, and it's many a mile that he's tramped with the travelling stock.' The cook he banged on a saucepan lid; and, soon as the sound was heard, Under the dray, in the shadows hid, a something moved and stirred: A great tame Emu strutted out. Said Saltbush, 'Here's our bird!' But Rooster Hall, and his cronies two, ...
— Rio Grande's Last Race and Other Verses • Andrew Barton 'Banjo' Paterson

... may not under certain circumstances be brought into contact with the earth. Some of the aborigines of Victoria used to regard the fat of the emu as sacred, believing that it had once been the fat of the black man. In taking it from the bird or giving it to another they handled it reverently. Any one who threw away the fat or flesh of the emu was held accursed. "The late Mr. Thomas observed on one occasion, at Nerre-nerre-Warreen, ...
— Balder The Beautiful, Vol. I. • Sir James George Frazer

... away the emu; he's still the undefeated champion of the ages. Tidy him up a little and serve him to the next guy that feels like he needs exercise more'n he does nourishment. The gravy may be mussed up a trifle, but the old ring-general ain't lost an ounce. I fought ...
— From Place to Place • Irvin S. Cobb

... la sous un jour nouveau et touchant pour moi Madame Jenkin, qu'il entourait si galamment, et ses deux jeunes fils donnaient plus de relief a sa personne. J'emportai des quelques heures que je passai a cote de lui dans ce charmant paysage un souvenir emu. ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Volume 9 • Robert Louis Stevenson

... The word "Khatanu" means any kinsman by marriage, and "emu" is still used generally of any "kinsman" or even for "friend." Some have translated "son-in-law" and "father-in-law," but the latter word would be "khamu," not "emu." Dusratta was the father-in-law of Amenophis IV, but brother-in-law of ...
— Egyptian Literature

... that in the beginning the earth opened in the midst of Perigundi Lake, and the totems (murdus or madas) came trooping out one after the other. Out came the crow, and the shell parakeet, and the emu, and all the rest. Being as yet imperfectly formed and without members or organs of sense, they laid themselves down on the sandhills which surrounded the lake then just as they do now. It was a bright day and the totems ...
— Darwin and Modern Science • A.C. Seward and Others

... RASMUSSEN's reforms will focus on adapting Denmark to the criteria for European integration by 1999; although Copenhagen has won from the European Union (EU) the right to opt out of the European Monetary Union (EMU) if a national referendum rejects it. Denmark is, in fact, one of the few EU countries likely to fit into the EMU on time. Denmark is weathering the current worldwide slump better than many West European countries. After posting ...
— The 1995 CIA World Factbook • United States Central Intelligence Agency

... very dilapidated condition. The detached party, on their return, reported that they could not find a more favourable position for the tents; and that we appeared to be on a low marshy tongue of land which the river nearly flowed round. We this day saw the tracks of an emu, and of several ...
— Journals Of Two Expeditions Of Discovery In North-West And Western Australia, Vol. 1 (of 2) • George Grey

... recevoir, est la lettre que votre Majeste a eu la bonte de m'adresser, tant en son nom qu'en celui du Prince son Epoux. L'expression de la part que vous prenez tous deux a mon malheur, et de l'interet que vous continuez a me porter, m'a vivement emu, et quelque douloureuse qu'en soit l'occasion, qu'il me soit permis, Madame, de vous en remercier, et de dire a votre Majeste que mon c[oe]ur et mes sentimens pour elle, sont et seront toujours les memes que ceux que j'etais si ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 • Queen Victoria

... have a profound interest, when it is recollected that the stone axe is as much the weapon and the implement of the modern as of the ancient savage; that the former turns the bones of the kangaroo and of the emu to the same account as the latter did the bones of the deer and the urus; that the Australian heaps up the shells of devoured shellfish in mounds which represent the "refuse-heaps" or "Kjokkenmodding," of Denmark; and, finally, ...
— The Antiquity of Man • Charles Lyell

... a chance to dodge the calendar and enter the light of day not ours. The morning train of the day I saw in that street went before the War. I decided to lose it, and visit the shop at the top of the street, where once you could buy anything from a toddy glass to an emu's egg having a cameo on it of a ship in full sail. It was also a second-hand bookshop. Most lovers of such books would have despised it. It was of little use to go there for valuable editions, or even for such works as Sowerby's Botany. But when last the other ...
— Waiting for Daylight • Henry Major Tomlinson

... Saturday, the 20th of November, 1813, that Evans, in charge of five men, one of whom had been with Blaxland's party, started from the point of forest land on the Nepean known as Emu Island. He lost no time in following the tracks of the late expedition, leaving the measurement until his return. On Friday, the 26th, he reached Blaxland's furthest point, and thenceforward passed over new ground. It ...
— The Explorers of Australia and their Life-work • Ernest Favenc

... were the harmonious thrush and the mellow songster so opprobiously named the thickhead, for no better reason than that collectors experience a difficulty in skinning it.* (* Mr. Chas. L. Barrett, a well known Australian ornithologist, and one of the editors of the Emu, knows the Promontory well, and he tells me that he has no doubt that the birds which pleased Bass were the grey shrike thrush (Collyriocincla harmonica) and ...
— The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders • Ernest Scott

... appearance M. Evariste Dumoulin would have given it a severe talking to. Some Genin or other would have hurled at it the first cobble-stone he could lay his hand on—a line from Boileau: L'esprit n'est point emu de ce qu'il ne croit pas. It was replaced on the stage by an "urn" that Talma carried under his arm. A spectre is ridiculous; "ashes," that's the style! Are not the "ashes" of Napoleon still spoken of? ...
— The Memoirs of Victor Hugo • Victor Hugo

... result, in which the female generally comes off conqueror." (23. See the excellent account of the habits of this bird under confinement, by Mr. A.W. Bennett, in 'Land and Water,' May 1868, p. 233.) So that with this emu we have a complete reversal not only of the parental and incubating instincts, but of the usual moral qualities of the two sexes; the females being savage, quarrelsome, and noisy, the males gentle and good. The case is very different with the African ostrich, ...
— The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex • Charles Darwin

Words linked to "Emu" :   unit, flux density unit, light unit, radioactivity unit, charge unit, unit of measurement, current unit, ratite, magnetomotive force unit, flightless bird, quantity unit, power unit, inductance unit, field strength unit, ratite bird, genus Dromaius, potential unit, conductance unit, capacitance unit, elastance unit, Dromaius, resistance unit

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