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English Dictionary      examples: 'day', 'get rid of', 'New York Bay'

Enounce   Listen

(past & past part. enounced; pres. part. enouncing)
Speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way.  Synonyms: articulate, enunciate, pronounce, say, sound out.  "I cannot say 'zip wire'" , "Can the child sound out this complicated word?"

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"Enounce" Quotes from Famous Books

... any special theory as to the best way in which that task should be accomplished. Yet, in spite of Taine's political nihilism, it would be a grave error to suppose that he has no general principle to enounce, or no plan of government to propound. Such is far from being the case. Though no politician, he was a profoundly analytical psychologist. M. Le Bon, in his brilliant treatise on the psychological laws which govern national development, says, "Dans toutes manifestations de la vie d'une ...
— Political and Literary essays, 1908-1913 • Evelyn Baring

Words linked to "Enounce" :   explode, vowelize, drawl, verbalize, labialise, labialize, retroflex, accent, speak, nasalise, round, lilt, talk, roll, accentuate, misspeak, sibilate, vowelise, devoice, trill, aspirate, verbalise, subvocalise, vocalise, stress, enunciate, say, articulate, vocalize, mispronounce, subvocalize, raise, syllabize, click, sound out, palatalize, voice, twang, sound, pronounce, mouth, flap, nasalize, utter, lisp, palatalise, syllabise

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