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Epos   Listen

A body of poetry that conveys the traditions of a society by treating some epic theme.
A long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds.  Synonyms: epic, epic poem, heroic poem.

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"Epos" Quotes from Famous Books

... themselves out in effecting their greatness. The reason is that their great products overshadow all later production, and prevent all competition by their very greatness. When once a nation has worked up its mythic element into an epos, it contains in itself no further materials out of which an epos can be elaborated. So Italian literature has always been overshadowed by Latin literature. Italian writers, especially in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ...
— The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 • William Painter

Words linked to "Epos" :   rhapsody, poesy, Iliad, verse, verse form, Divina Commedia, Divine Comedy, odyssey, Aeneid, Nibelungenlied, heroic verse, heroic meter, heroic, poetry, chanson de geste, poem

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