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Focus on   /fˈoʊkəs ɑn/   Listen
Focus on

Center upon.  Synonyms: center, center on, concentrate on, revolve about, revolve around.  "Our day revolved around our work"

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"Focus on" Quotes from Famous Books

... Governor Hardy has to be told what's going on!" He flipped on the teleceiver near by and asked the central communications operator to connect him with the governor's office. In a moment the face of Christopher Hardy sharpened into focus on the screen. ...
— The Space Pioneers • Carey Rockwell

... probably there's nothing niftier on earth than just the little spot she's been pining for; look good yourself, and you'll see, there she's just climbing the hill to the apple tree—look at it carefully, and then step inside and focus on ...
— Michael O'Halloran • Gene Stratton-Porter

... under a slightly mistaken impression concerning the distance to Tabreez, I push ahead in the expectation of reaching there to-night; the plain becomes more generally cultivated; the caravan routes from different directions come to a focus on broad trails leading into the largest city in Persia, and which is the great centre of distribution for European goods arriving by caravan to Trebizond. Coming to a large, scattering village, some time in the afternoon, I trundle leisurely through the lanes inclosed between lofty ...
— Around the World on a Bicycle V1 • Thomas Stevens

... realized I was not being amused at the right time. Anchoring herself by magnetic processes, she began to weave the atmosphere delicately with her taste-bud tendrils. Quickly she hollowed the air molecules into a reflective mirror, and brought it to focus on our neighboring world. I levitated myself into a position so that I could look into ...
— Lonesome Hearts • Russell Robert Winterbotham

... character-writer's materials, they are "Human Nature, in its various Forms and Affections." Each character should focus on a single vice or virtue, yet since "the Heart of Man is frequently actuated by more Passions than one," subsidiary traits ought to be included to round out the portrait (e.g., the covetous man may also be impudent, the impudent man ...
— A Critical Essay on Characteristic-Writings - From his translation of The Moral Characters of Theophrastus (1725) • Henry Gally

... causing general confusion of outline. This defect is simply remedied by placing in front of the eye (Fig. 117b) a concave lens, to disperse the rays somewhat before they enter the eye, so that they come to a focus on the retina. If a person's sight is thus corrected for distant objects, he can still see near objects quite plainly, as the lens will accommodate its convexity for them. The scientific term for short-sight is myopia. ...
— How it Works • Archibald Williams

... ignore the circumstances or persons until we have quieted ourselves. Freedom does not come from merely yielding out of resentment or unhealthy resistance, it comes also from the strong and steady focus on such yielding. Concentration and relaxation are just as necessary one to another to give stability to the nerves of a man—as the centrifugal and centripetal forces are necessary to give ...
— Nerves and Common Sense • Annie Payson Call

Words linked to "Focus on" :   concentrate on, come to, refer, bear on, have-to doe with, touch, relate, concern, touch on, pertain

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