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Generator   /dʒˈɛnərˌeɪtər/   Listen

An apparatus that produces a vapor or gas.
Engine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by electromagnetic induction.
Someone who originates or causes or initiates something.  Synonyms: author, source.
An electronic device for producing a signal voltage.

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"Generator" Quotes from Famous Books

... Suffering is the result of THINKING INTO PAIN—disease the result of THINKING INTO WEAKNESS. Every emotion is the result of wrong or right THINKING, with one exception—Love. Love is not an Emotion but a Principle, and as the generator of Life pervades all things, and is all things. Thought, working WITHIN this Principle, creates the things of beauty and lastingness,—Thought, working OUTSIDE this Principle, equally creates the things of terror, doubt, ...
— The Life Everlasting: A Reality of Romance • Marie Corelli

... receiving set after I had heard a call and reduce the sound to a point where it was just readable. You get your message all right but you do not get so much else with it. Then you can save wear and tear if you only run your generator while you are sending messages. That you cannot transmit at the hours reserved for naval radio stations to send out the time signals by which navigators set their chronometers, or when operators are broadcasting, goes without saying. Any dunce ...
— Walter and the Wireless • Sara Ware Bassett

... the gas generator:—it was built in, under the seat, and controlled by a battery wire from the front lamp, Jim. A nice little mechanism. Well, old pal, please apologize to Mrs. Merrivale for my rude interruption of her beauty ...
— The Voice on the Wire • Eustace Hale Ball

... emulator enactor equivocator escheator estimator exactor excavator exceptor executor (law) exhibitor explorator expositor expostulator extensor extirpator extractor fabricator factor flexor fornicator fumigator generator gladiator governor grantor (law) habitator imitator impostor impropriator inaugurator inceptor incisor inheritor initiator innovator insinuator institutor instructor interlocutor interpolator interrogator inventor investor juror lector legator legislator lessor mediator modulator monitor mortgagor ...
— Division of Words • Frederick W. Hamilton

... themselves by contact with him; they radiate around him a contagious atmosphere of good or evil, and when they have left him, hover about, at the caprice of the various currents, impelling those they touch towards the goal to which they are making. They even recoil on the visible form of their generator; it is for this reason that physical is closely connected with moral well-being, and most of our diseases are nothing else than the outer expression of the hidden leaven of passion. When the action of this latter is ...
— Reincarnation - A Study in Human Evolution • Th. Pascal

... Arrhenius explains electrolysis very simply. The ions which, so to speak, wander about haphazard, and are uniformly distributed throughout the liquid, steer a regular course as soon as we dip in the trough containing the electrolyte the two electrodes connected with the poles of the dynamo or generator of electricity. Then the charged positive ions travel in the direction of the electromotive force and the negative ions in the opposite direction. On reaching the electrodes they yield up to them the charges they carry, ...
— The New Physics and Its Evolution • Lucien Poincare

... degeneration, and how widely we are fallen from the pure exemplar and idea of our nature: for after this corruptive elongation, from a primitive and pure creation we are almost lost in degeneration; and Adam hath not only fallen from his Creator, but we ourselves from Adam, our Tycho and primary generator. ...
— Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 6 • Various

Words linked to "Generator" :   turbogenerator, rotor, aerogenerator, windmill, oscillator, maker, engine, electronic device, electrostatic generator, rotor coil, alternator, coiner, setup, apparatus, magnetoelectric machine, stator, brush, dynamo, Van de Graaff generator, magneto, pulse generator, author, generate, random number generator, stator coil, shaper

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