"Give ear" Quotes from Famous Books
... God, he listens ... he collects all their voluptuous nothings and out of them creates worlds. Do you see him give ear? His face has kept its sanctimonious expression, but the fire gleams forth beneath his drooping eye-lid. He is leaning near, as near as possible to those stammering lips.... The penitent is silent. What! already? everything said ... — The Grip of Desire • Hector France
... situation of his new discoveries, the nature of the people, and other circumstances, shewing that he was much concerned at having let slip the opportunity. Some persons proposed to murder the admiral, that what he had done might not be known; but to this infamous proposal the king would not give ear. ... — A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Vol. III. • Robert Kerr
... Protector of the Drunken, Mountain of Might, give ear,' said Deesa, standing in front ... — Life's Handicap • Rudyard Kipling
... for their parts; which industry God continue. The stranger, that entereth in the court of England upon the sudden, shall rather imagine himself to come into some public school of the university, where many give ear to one that readeth unto them, than into a prince's palace, if you confer thus with those of other nations." Description of Britain, book ii. chap. 15. By this account, the court had profited by the example of the queen. The sober way of life practised ... — The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. - From Elizabeth to James I. • David Hume
... replied the ked khoda; 'but pray give ear to my tale. About three months ago, when the wheat was nearly a gez high, and lambs were bleating all over the country, a servant belonging to the Prince Kharab Culi Mirza announced to us that his ... — The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan • James Morier
... INGER. It is easy to see whence you have learnt such venomous words. You have let yourself give ear to what the thoughtless rabble mutters and murmurs about things ... — Henrik Ibsen's Prose Dramas Vol III. • Henrik Ibsen
... and therefore as the worst, as the worst and therefore as the best, of all possible bad jests ever to be cracked between this and the crack of doom. Sophocles, said a learned member, was the proper parallel to Shakespeare among the ancient tragedians: AEschylus—hear, O heaven, and give ear, O earth!—AEschylus was only ... — A Study of Shakespeare • Algernon Charles Swinburne
... extinguished in misfortune and crime? Those who had known her so well in Washington might find it impossible to believe that the fascinating woman could have had murder in her heart, and would readily give ear to the current sentimentality about the temporary aberration of mind under the ... — The Gilded Age, Complete • Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner
... their private cares and troubles. They know that the man who can make them laugh till the tears stream down their faces, can at the right moment show a serious face, and give ear to the humblest tale of trouble. He makes it his business—and surely it is part of an officer's business—to know all about his men's lives, their families, their favourite sports, their objects in life, and the way in which they spend their leave. When he was in the ... — The Story of Baden-Powell - 'The Wolf That Never Sleeps' • Harold Begbie
... Zion, he will comfort all her waste places: and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of Jehovah; joy and gladness shall be found therein; thanksgiving and the voice of melody. Hearken unto me my people, and give ear unto me O, my nation: for a law shall proceed from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for alight of the peoples. My righteousness, is near, my salvation is gone forth, and mine arms shall judge the peoples: the isles shall ... — Five Pebbles from the Brook • George Bethune English
... do cry gert tears when you lets on like that, my Joan. Oh, gal, why won't 'e give ear to me, as have lived fifty an' more winters in the world than what you have? Why caan't 'e taste an' try what the Lard is? Drabbit this nonsense 'bout Nature! As if you was a fitcher, or an 'awk, or an owl! Caan't 'e see what a draggle tail, low-minded pass all this be bringin' 'e to? Yet you'm ... — Lying Prophets • Eden Phillpotts
... first intimation of the storm that was soon to burst When it suited Henry to give ear to the scandals afloat about the queen, his grief and indignation, or what it pleased him should pass for ... — Studies from Court and Cloister • J.M. Stone
... friends. The counterfeit is perfect; the familiar look, the words, the tone, are reproduced with marvelous distinctness. Many are comforted with the assurance that their loved ones are enjoying the bliss of heaven; and without suspicion of danger, they give ear to "seducing ... — The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan • Ellen G. White
... which the Greeks Call Epidicazomenos; the Latins, From the chief character, name Phormio: Phormio, whom you will find a parasite, And the chief engine of the plot.—And now, If to our Poet you are well inclin'd, Give ear; be favorable; and be silent! Let us not meet the same ill fortune now That we before encounter'd, when our troop Was by a tumult driven from their place; To which the actor's merit, seconded By your good-will and candor, has ... — The Comedies of Terence • Publius Terentius Afer
... barbarism to the dignity of a philosophic system. He first proclaimed the gospel of eternal tyranny as the new revelation which Providence had reserved for the western Palestine. Hear, O heavens! and give ear, O earth! The corner-stone of the new-born dispensation is the recognized inequality of races; not that the strong may protect the weak, as men protect women and children, but that the strong may claim the authority ... — The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)
... your presence need: For Lyndaraxa, faithless as the wind, Yet to your better fortunes will be kind; For, hearing that the Christians own your cause, From thence the assurance of a throne she draws. And since Almanzor, whom she most did fear, Is gone, she to no treaty will give ear; But sent me ... — The Works Of John Dryden, Volume 4 (of 18) - Almanzor And Almahide, Marriage-a-la-Mode, The Assignation • John Dryden
... law is the people that in the midst of a world of chaos in which nation fought nation with the weapons of death, sat in communion with a past world from which came such messages as this: "Attend to me, O my people: and give ear unto me, O my nation: for a law shall go forth from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light to the peoples. . . . Hearken unto me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye dismayed at their ... — The Menorah Journal, Volume 1, 1915 • Various
... end of speaking concerning the prophecies of Joseph, he called the children of Laman, his sons, and his daughters, and said unto them: Behold, my sons, and my daughters, who are the sons and the daughters of my first-born, I would that ye should give ear unto my words. ... — The Book Of Mormon - An Account Written By The Hand Of Mormon Upon Plates Taken - From The Plates Of Nephi • Anonymous
... joyous uproar; each in turn Ask what the walls that Phoebus hath designed? Which way to wander, whither to return? Then spake my sire, revolving in his mind The ancient legends of the Trojan kind, 'Chieftains, give ear, and learn your hopes and mine; Jove's island lies, amid the deep enshrined, Crete, hundred-towned, a land of corn and wine, Where Ida's mountain stands, the cradle ... — The Aeneid of Virgil - Translated into English Verse by E. Fairfax Taylor • Virgil
... is your wit that you give ear to such babblings? Did she not come from that country, as I tell you, and who should hear the latest news more ... — The Black Douglas • S. R. Crockett
... heart, protector of the drunken, mountain of might, give ear!" said Deesa, standing ... — Children's Literature - A Textbook of Sources for Teachers and Teacher-Training Classes • Charles Madison Curry
... sits on a high mountain can see things well. By the power and order of God, there is no empire equal to that of our great Emperor. May God make his life long! Therefore, whatever our Government advises you, you should give ear to it. I tell you the truth that our Government is wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. There are many things which you cannot understand, but our Government understands them well. It often happens that a thing which is unpleasant at first is regarded ... — Forty-one years in India - From Subaltern To Commander-In-Chief • Frederick Sleigh Roberts
... said, 'thy son hath preached with faithfulness and acceptance, and turned thousands unto righteousness. But a sorcerer hath arisen, saying, "Why follow ye Abdallah, seeing that he breathes not fire out of his mouth and nostrils?" And the people give ear unto the words that come from this man's lips, when they behold the flame that cometh from his nose. And unless thou teachest me to do as he doth I ... — The Twilight of the Gods, and Other Tales • Richard Garnett
... Winnipeg twenty years ago—or Adelaide when town lots went begging within the memory of middle-aged men? Did they lie about Vancouver six years since, or Creede not twenty months gone? Hardly; and it is just this knowledge that leads the passer-by to give ear to the wildest statements of the wildest towns. Anything is possible, especially among the Rockies where the minerals lie over and above the mining towns, the centres of ranching country, and the supply towns to the farming districts. There are literally ... — Letters of Travel (1892-1913) • Rudyard Kipling
... any other kind of Excellence: and therefore, if pure Intellect, as compared with human nature, is divine, so too will the life in accordance with it be divine compared with man's ordinary life. [Sidenote: 1178a] Yet must we not give ear to those who bid one as man to mind only man's affairs, or as mortal only mortal things; but, so far as we can, make ourselves like immortals and do all with a view to living in accordance with the highest Principle in us, for small as it ... — Ethics • Aristotle
... cry for help and deliverance. It is the expostulation of the soul with Fate, the cry to a Power who should be a friend, but hides his face. There, is a pathetic sense of man's frailty and mortality. "Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears, for I am a stranger with thee and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. O spare me, that I may recover strength, before I go ... — The Chief End of Man • George S. Merriam
... awakened by M. de Rosny calling my name in a raised voice. Seeing, somewhat late, that he was beckoning to me to approach, I went forward in a confused and hasty fashion; kneeling before the king as I had seen him kneel, and then rising to give ear to his Majesty's commands. Albeit, having expected nothing less than to be called upon, I was not in the clearest mood to receive them. Nor was my bearing such as I could ... — A Gentleman of France • Stanley Weyman
... which were fragments of a most ancient ecclesiastical process. He has believed that nothing would be more amusing than the actual resurrection of this antique affair, wherein shines forth the illiterate simplicity of the good old times. Now, then, give ear. This is the order in which were the manuscripts, of which the author has made use in his own fashion, because ... — Droll Stories, Volume 2 • Honore de Balzac
... time all good men [their own bishops and canons] have complained of this burden, either on their own account, or on account of others whom they saw to be in danger. But no Popes give ear to these complaints. Neither is it doubtful how greatly injurious to public morals this law is, and what vices and shameful lusts it has produced. The Roman satires are extant. In these Rome still recognizes and ... — The Apology of the Augsburg Confession • Philip Melanchthon
... which is just and equal, may live and work together in | brotherly union and concord, to their own well-being, and the | prosperity of this realm; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. | | For brethren and friends in other lands. | | Almighty Father, who art present in thy power in every place; | Give ear in thy loving-kindness to the supplications which we | offer unto thee on behalf of our brethren and friends in distant | lands; may thy mighty hand shield and protect them from all | evil; may thy Holy Spirit guide them in the right way ... — The Book of Common Prayer - and The Scottish Liturgy • Church of England
... cxli. "Lord, I cry unto Thee; Make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice. Let my prayer be set forth before Thee as incense, and the lifting up of hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my ... — The Mysteries of Free Masonry - Containing All the Degrees of the Order Conferred in a Master's Lodge • William Morgan
... and lungs! But what it was that inscrutable Ahab said to that tiger-yellow crew of his —these were words best omitted here; for you live under the blessed light of the evangelical land. Only the infidel sharks in the audacious seas may give ear to such words, when, with tornado brow, and eyes of red murder, and foam-glued lips, Ahab leaped after his prey. Meanwhile, all the boats tore on. The repeated specific allusions of Flask to that whale, ... — Moby-Dick • Melville
... Harari, as accomplices, who had offered him three hundred piastres to murder the above mentioned priest, inasmuch as the Passover holidays were approaching, and they required blood for their cakes. He said that he did not, however, give ear to their instigations, and did not know what had happened to the priest and his servant. Upon this the Pasha caused the persons named to be arrested as instigators, and punished with blows and other torments of the most cruel nature; but as they were ... — Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, Volume I • Sir Moses Montefiore
... with all her springs, The bents and braes give ear; But the wood that rings wi' the sang she sings I may not see nor hear; For far and far thae blithe burns are, And strange ... — Poems and Ballads (Third Series) - Taken from The Collected Poetical Works of Algernon Charles - Swinburne—Vol. III • Algernon Charles Swinburne
... material, however, such a nature is almost invariably an anomaly. That other world of flesh into which has been woven pride and greed looks askance at the idealist, the dreamer. If one says it is sweet to look at the clouds, the answer is a warning against idleness. If one seeks to give ear to the winds, it shall be well with his soul, but they will seize upon his possessions. If all the world of the so-called inanimate delay one, calling with tenderness in sounds that seem to be too perfect to be less than understanding, it shall be ill with the body. The hands ... — Jennie Gerhardt - A Novel • Theodore Dreiser
... prompt, decisive, resourceful, and with the powers and privileges of the office he held besides, he had so far escaped all the dangers and difficulties of his situation. Charles had constantly befriended him and had refused to give ear either to the reiterated pleas of the islanders for his removal, or to the emphatic representations of the Spanish court, which, in bitter recollection of what he had done—and no more cruel or more successful pirate ... — Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer - A Romance of the Spanish Main • Cyrus Townsend Brady
... was commemorated in a song, the composition of which is attributed to Deborah and Barak: "For that the leaders took the lead in Israel, for that the people offered themselves willingly, bless ye the Lord. Hear, O ye kings, give ear, O ye princes; I, even I, will sing unto the Lord; I will sing praise to the Lord, the God of Israel."* The poet then dwells on the sufferings of the people, but tells how Deborah and Barak were raised up, and enumerates the tribes who took part in the conflict ... — History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 6 (of 12) • G. Maspero
... Son, give ear! 'Tis we. Castor and Polydeuces, call to thee, God's Horsemen and thy mother's brethren twain. An Argive ship, spent with the toiling main, We bore but now to peace, and, here withal Being come, have seen thy mother's bloody fall, Our sister's. Righteous is her doom this day, But not thy deed. ... — The Electra of Euripides • Euripides
... to the purpose of Parnell, in the belief that he was uttering the weightiest reproach in his power against it. But this was the description of all others which recommended it to the Irish race—for it was, in truth, the only policy which could compel British statesmen to give ear to the wretched story of Ireland's grievances and to legislate in regard to them. It is sad to have to write it of Butt, as of so many other Irish leaders, that he died of a broken heart. Those who would labour for "Dark Rosaleen" have a rough ... — Ireland Since Parnell • Daniel Desmond Sheehan
... all these mail-clad men Stand and give ear, or gape and catch at flies, While ye wage warring words that wound not? When Have I been found of you so wordy-wise That thou or he should call to counsel one So slow of speech and wit as thou and he, Who know my hand no sluggard, know your son? Till speech ... — Locrine - A Tragedy • Algernon Charles Swinburne
... God's servant, the brother of all I behold, and, as son of the soil, mourning over the slaughter of its latest defenders—I, by this symbol of love and command, which I raise to the heaven, adjure thee, O King, to give ear to the mission of peace,—to cast down the grim pride of earth. And instead of the crown of a day, fix thy hopes on the crown everlasting. For much shall be pardoned to thee in thine hour of pomp and of conquest, if now thou savest from doom and from death the last ... — Harold, Complete - The Last Of The Saxon Kings • Edward Bulwer-Lytton
... good comrades, to me give ear— Talking does little to help us here. Much farther in this I can see than you all, And a trap has been laid in which ... — The Works of Frederich Schiller in English • Frederich Schiller
... ye Kings give Ear, And Israels great Avengers honour hear. When God of Hosts, thou Israels Spear and Shield, Wentst out of Seir, and marched'st from Edoms field, Earth trembled, the Heaven's drop'd, the Clouds all pour'd; The Mountains melted from ... — Anti-Achitophel (1682) - Three Verse Replies to Absalom and Achitophel by John Dryden • Elkanah Settle et al.
... Of coxcombs beware, To flattery never give ear; Try well each pretense, And keep to plain sense, And then you ... — Childhood's Favorites and Fairy Stories - The Young Folks Treasury, Volume 1 • Various
... terrible yet gracious, give ear. If by my offerings I have found favour, lift from my heart this crushing load. Deliver me from the fear of the blood guilty. Are ye not divine? Do not the immortals know all things? Ye know, then, how I was tempted, how sore was the compulsion, and how life and love were ... — A Victor of Salamis • William Stearns Davis
... brow of scorn, fair maid, And to my suit give ear; There's never a dame in Cumberland, Such a look of scorn ... — Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2) • John Roby
... than sun-motes that vary At every waft of an opening and shutting door; They gather chattering near, Hush, break out in laughter, whisper aside, Grow silent more and more, Though she will never chide. Now through the silence sounds her voice still clear, And all give ear. Like a silver thread through the golden afternoon, Equably the voice discloses All that age-old wisdom; like an endless tune Aristonoe's voice wavers among the roses, Level and unimpassioned, Telling them how of nothing love is ... — Georgian Poetry 1918-19 • Various
... the self-same hour, In the King's path, behold, the man, Not kneeling, sternly fix'd! he stood Right opposite, and thus began, Frowning grim down: "Thou wicked King, Most deaf where thou shouldst most give ear! What, must I howl in the next world, Because thou wilt ... — Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold • Matthew Arnold
... woman standing "in the top of the high places, by the way in the places of the paths." She sounds her voice from every quarter so that no one may miss hearing it. "Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of men." Then she pleads for the simple and the foolish to give ear to her words. It is spiritual response for which this Wisdom of God is pleading, a response which she has always sought and is but rarely able to secure. The tragedy is that our eternal welfare depends upon our hearing, and we have trained our ears ... — The Pursuit of God • A. W. Tozer
... say, is your slave, your servant? More likely is it that you all are slaves unto him, for in beauty of form, in pleasant looks, and fair appearance, he excelleth you all. Why, then, will you speak lies unto us? We will not give ear unto your words, nor believe you, for we found the lad in the wilderness, in a pit, and we took him out, and we will carry him away with us on our journey." But the sons of Jacob insisted, "Restore our slave to us, lest you meet death at the ... — The Legends of the Jews Volume 1 • Louis Ginzberg
... ways darken, And the God, withdrawn, Give ear not or hearken If prayer on him fawn, And the sun's self seem but a shadow, the noon as ... — Studies in Song • Algernon Charles Swinburne
... When Men see that Strictness of Morals, and that Christian Self-denial, which are so manifestly taught in the Gospel, own'd by the Clergy, and some where or other actually comply'd with, they will easily give Ear to any Thing that is said to them besides. This grand Point concerning the Austerity of Life, and mortifying the Flesh, being literally understood, and acknowledged by the Clergy to be such, as the Apostles have deliver'd ... — An Enquiry into the Origin of Honour, and the Usefulness of Christianity in War • Bernard Mandeville
... head and fade right away. He is aged and feeble, and every thing depends on keeping up his spirits. An old plant must be shaded, well watered, and tended, or you can't transplant it no how, you can fix it, that's a fact. He won't give ear to me now, for he knows I can't talk serious, if I was to try; but he will listen to you. Try to cheer him up, and I will go down below ... — The Attache - or, Sam Slick in England, Complete • Thomas Chandler Haliburton
... looks around, Then forward pricks to higher ground He halts, he speaks; the French give ear: 'Lords barons, Charles hath left us here, And for our king we're bound to die; For him maintain the Christian cause; Behold! how near the battle draws; Behold! where yonder Paynim lie; Confess to God; and I will give Absolvement, that your souls may live. Pure martyrs are ... — A Popular History of France From The Earliest Times - Volume IV. of VI. • Francois Pierre Guillaume Guizot
... for Ibla compared to that of our Lord Solomon for Balkees (Queen of Sheba), or their beauty and attractiveness to that of our Lord Joseph?' And then he related the combat of Seyyidna Mousa with Og; and I thought, 'hear O ye Puritans, and give ear O ye Methodists, and learn how religion and romance are one to those whose manners and ideas are the manners and ideas of the Bible, and how Moses was not at all a crop-eared Puritan, but a gallant warrior!' There ... — Letters from Egypt • Lucie Duff Gordon
... I want, why should I trouble about these matters?" let me quote the burning words of the grand old prophet Isaiah, which entered into my soul and stirred it to action: "Rise up, ye women that are at ease; hear my voice, ye careless daughters, give ear unto my speech; many days shall ye be troubled, ye careless women, etc." It is just because we fold our hands and sit at ease that so many of our less fortunate fellow creatures are leading lives of misery, want, sin ... — The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV • Various
... old men, and give ear, all ye in-habitants of the land! Hath this been in your days, or even in the ... — Wild Apples • Henry David Thoreau
... time to end this sense of secret shame; not until the day when men crush me beneath their abuse and punishment shall I fell absolved and restored in the sight of Heaven; then only shall I account myself worthy to say to Jesus my Saviour: 'Give ear to me, innocent victim, Thou who heardest the penitent thief; give ear to a sullied but contrite victim, who has shared in the glory of Thy martyrdom and been ... — Mauprat • George Sand
... or tongue can tell." Both the phrases that we have Italicized express tenures, and very uncommon tenures of land. In the "Comedy of Errors," when Dromio of Syracuse says, "There's no time for a man to recover his hair that grows bald by nature," [Hear, O Rowland! and give ear, O Phalon!] his master replies, "May he not do it by fine and recovery?" Fine and recovery was a process by which, through a fictitious suit, a transfer was made of the title in an entailed estate. In "Love's Labor's Lost," almost without a doubt the first comedy that Shakespeare ... — Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 21, July, 1859 • Various
... knight," said Don Quixote, "and give ear to what I am about to say to you. I would have you know that this Don Quixote you speak of is the greatest friend I have in the world; so much so that I may say I regard him in the same light as my own person; and from the precise ... — Don Quixote • Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
... parish, it began to spring into vegetation, sudden and beautiful as that which answers the patient watching of the husbandman. Many a hard, worldly-hearted man—many a sleepy, inattentive hearer—many a listless, idle young person, began to give ear to words that had long fallen unheeded. A neighboring minister, who had been sent for to see and rejoice in these results, describes the scene, when, on entering the little church, he found an anxious, crowded auditory assembled around their venerable teacher, ... — The May Flower, and Miscellaneous Writings • Harriet Beecher Stowe
... seeing such a crowd about the gentleman on horseback and me, came up and asked what the matter was? Everybody reflected on the gentleman for treating me so unjustly upon pretence of robbery. The judge did not give ear to all that was said in my behalf, but asked the cayalier if he suspected anybody else besides me? The cavalier told him he did not, and gave his reasons why he believed his suspicion not to be groundless. Upon ... — The Arabian Nights Entertainments Volume 1 • Anonymous
... triumphed over all the officers of the British Navy—float forth magnificently from her narrow bed, hoist her white sails, and under British ensign salute the new fort, and shape a course for Portsmouth. That she had stuck fast and in danger so long was simply because the cocked hats were too proud to give ear to the wisdom in an old otter-skin. Now Admiral Darling was baffled and gone; and Captain Tugwell would show the world what he could do, and what stuff his men were made of, if they only had their way. From old Daddy Stakes, the bald father of the village, to Mrs. Caper junior's ... — Springhaven - A Tale of the Great War • R. D. Blackmore
... the world had been for the last five minutes shouting shrilly—"Rajah Laut! Rajah Laut! Hai! Give ear!" while the old seaman had been speaking louder, unconsciously, to make his deep bass heard above the impatient clamour. He ... — An Outcast of the Islands • Joseph Conrad
... harkened to the voice of the violin and resolved to show that the piano, too, could produce thrilling effects. In the same way he had listened to the human voice, and determined that the song of his own instrument should be heard. Those who give ear to the piano alone will never learn the secret of calling ... — For Every Music Lover - A Series of Practical Essays on Music • Aubertine Woodward Moore
... ye Christian people, unto my tale give ear, 'Tis about a base consperracy, as quickly shall appear; 'Twill make your hair to bristle up, and your eyes to start and glow, When of this dread consperracy you honest ... — Ballads • William Makepeace Thackeray
... find out the camp, Oostesimow can palaver with them; and should Esquimaux pay you a visit, Moses will do the polite. Besides, had you not interrupted, I was going to have given special instructions to Frank regarding you. So, Master Frank, be pleased to take Eda off your shoulder, and give ear to my instructions. While you are examining the other side of the water, you will keep as much as possible within eye-shot, and always within ear-shot, of the camp. In a still day like this a gun-shot can be heard five or six miles off; and should you see any sign of the natives having been here ... — Ungava • R.M. Ballantyne
... rotted; and the merchant had to pay the porters from his purse five hundred dirhams for them to carry it forth and cast it without the city, the smell of it having become fulsome. So his friend said to him, "How often did I tell thee thou hadst no luck in wheat? But thou wouldst not give ear to my speech, and now it behoveth thee to go to the astrologer[FN151] and question him of thine ascendant." Accordingly the trader betook himself to the astrologer and questioned him of his star, and astrophil ... — Supplemental Nights, Volume 1 • Richard F. Burton
... "The bishop would give ear to nought I had to say. He listened to his own page's account and not to mine, and when I said in my defence that though I did use the words about the Normans, I did so merely as one boy quarrelling with the other, he said I ought to have my ... — Wulf the Saxon - A Story of the Norman Conquest • G. A. Henty
... neither Njal's sons, nor Kari, who had married their sister, would give ear to Mord's false words, but in spite of themselves ill-feelings began to spring up in their ... — The Red Romance Book • Various
... you did very well to inform them of that great duty which now lies upon the King; and did he give ear ... — A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654, Vol II. • Bulstrode Whitelocke
... our fathers, grant us Peace! Unto our cry of anguish and despair Give ear and pity! From the lonely homes, Where widowed beggary and orphaned woe Fill their poor urns with tears; from trampled plains, Where the bright harvest Thou has sent us rots— The blood of them who should have garnered it Calling to Thee—from fields of carnage, where The ... — War Poetry of the South • Various
... Who among you will give ear to this, Will attend and hear for time to come? Who gave up Jacob to plunderers, And Israel to those who spoiled him, And poured out upon him the heat of his anger, And his violence like a flame, So that it scorched him round about, but he knew it not, And it burned ... — The Makers and Teachers of Judaism • Charles Foster Kent
... the devil finds those who give ear to such fables, he takes them captive and so fills them with these falsehoods that they neither see nor hear anything else. They think their belief is the only one, and they will not suffer themselves to be instructed out of God's Word. And so, in their ... — Epistle Sermons, Vol. III - Trinity Sunday to Advent • Martin Luther
... to the house of a woman so active-minded and so excitable as Mrs. Wade We must remember the peculiar state of her health. As far as I am concerned, Dr. Jenkins's evidence is final, and entirely satisfactory. As for the dirty calumnies of dirty-minded reactionists, I am not the man to give ear ... — Denzil Quarrier • George Gissing
... length; The point was brass, refulgent to behold, Fixed to the wood with circling rings of gold: The noble Hector on his lance reclined, And bending forward, thus revealed his mind: "Ye valiant Trojans, with attention hear! Ye Dardan bands, and generous aids, give ear! This day, we hoped, would wrap in conquering flame Greece with her ships, and crown our toils with fame. But darkness now, to save the cowards, falls, And guards them trembling in their wooden walls. Obey the night, and use her peaceful hours, Our steeds to forage, and refresh our powers. ... — MacMillan's Reading Books - Book V • Anonymous
... the city by a secret port Went, and along the moonlit highway sped. And himself spake unto himself and said (Heard only of the silence in his heart) "Tarry thou here no longer, but depart Unto the land of the Great Mage; and seek The Mage; and whatsoever he shall speak, Give ear to that he saith, and reverent heed; And wheresoever he may bid thee speed, Thitherward thou shalt set thy face and go. For surely one of so great lore must know Where lies the land thou sawest in thy dream: Nay, if he know not that,—why, then I deem The wisdom of exceeding little ... — The Poems of William Watson • William Watson
... Guast's sinister designs, this woman persuaded the King my husband that I was jealous of her, and on that account it was that I joined with my brother. As we are ready to give ear and credit to those we love, he believed all she said. From this time he became distant and reserved towards me, shunning my presence as much as possible; whereas, before, he was open and communicative to me as to a sister, well knowing ... — Marguerite de Navarre - Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois Queen of Navarre • Marguerite de Navarre
... lordship had need to walk warily, for your doings are narrowly observed, and her majesty is apt to give ear to any that shall ill you. Great hold is taken by your enemies for neglecting ... — Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth • Lucy Aikin
... hope, monseigneur," replied he, in a voice which he vainly endeavored to render firm, "that you did not give ear to such a calumny." ... — The Conspirators - The Chevalier d'Harmental • Alexandre Dumas (Pere)
... an address to an inanimate object, as if it were a person, and had intelligence.—Lord. Example.—"Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth." ... — A Brief Commentary on the Apocalypse • Sylvester Bliss
... my tongue," seemed to come in Rupert's off-hand accents through his cousin's deferential lips. As may be supposed, however, the king and those who advised him in the matter, knowing too well the manner of man the Count of Hentzau was, were not inclined to give ear to his ambassador's prayer. We kept firm hold on Master Rupert's revenues, and as good watch as we could on his movements; for we were most firmly determined that he should never return to Ruritania. Perhaps we might have obtained his extradition and hanged him on ... — Rupert of Hentzau - From The Memoirs of Fritz Von Tarlenheim: The Sequel to - The Prisoner of Zenda • Anthony Hope
... the other, sternly. "Arise, and listen to me. For the damning offences into which I have been led, I hold you responsible. But for you I might have died free from sin. It is fit you should know the amount of my iniquity. Give ear to me, I say. When first shut within that dungeon, I yielded to the promptings of despair. Cursing you, I threw myself upon the pallet, resolved to taste no food, and hoping death would soon release me. But love of life prevailed. On the second day ... — The Lancashire Witches - A Romance of Pendle Forest • William Harrison Ainsworth
... "Now, shipmates all, give ear to me, an' don't ventur' to interrupt. It's nat'ral an' proper, Ruby, that you an' Minnie and your mother should wish to live together; as the old song says, 'Birds of a feather flock together', an' the old song's right; and as the thing ought to be, an' you all want ... — The Lighthouse • Robert Ballantyne
... other was their becoming naturalized. People who were naturalized were more or less worthy, and if they separated themselves from the others who would not get naturalized, and petitioned the Raad themselves, the Raad would give ear to their petition. He strongly disapproved of the Raad being deceived in the manner it had been ... — The Transvaal from Within - A Private Record of Public Affairs • J. P. Fitzpatrick
... must necessarily be done. It is the will of God that the good should reign, and the wicked be damned. Is it possible that this will should not be done? But what good do we wish for ourselves, when we say, "Thy will be done as in heaven, so in earth?" Give ear. For this petition may be understood in many ways, and many things are to be in our thoughts in this petition, when we pray God, "Thy will be done as in heaven, so in earth." As thy angels offend thee not, so may we also not offend thee. Again, how is "Thy will be done as in heaven, ... — The World's Best Orations, Vol. 1 (of 10) • Various
... her from thy father's bed And choke him sleeping: drunken men are helpless! I see how fain thou art to lie with her. When thou are sated or wouldst have a change, Then come to me, but softly we will tread, For heavy sleep comes not to my old husband, Such as they have, who can give ear to this, And then sleep ... — The German Classics, v. 20 - Masterpieces of German Literature • Various
... all, of every sort, Give ear unto my song, And if you find it wond'rous short, It ... — The Dog's Book of Verse • Various
... so often, "Lead me in thy righteousness." "Deliver me in thy righteousness." "Judge me according to thy righteousness." "Quicken me in thy righteousness." "O Lord (says he), give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness." "And enter not into judgment with thy servant, O Lord: for in thy sight shall no flesh living be justified." And David, what if God doth thus? Why, then, saith he, "My tongue shall speak of his righteousness." ... — The Pharisee And The Publican • John Bunyan
... said withal, that he himself ought to shut his ears against such tales, and not be too easy in believing them, for that there would never be wanting those that would tell lies to their disadvantage, as long as any would give ear to them. ... — The Wars of the Jews or History of the Destruction of Jerusalem • Flavius Josephus
... parts. In particular they had a bitter taste of those who had come from James's dominions; and they would have suffered much more, 'if they had not made a resolute and determined stop to the running of that fountain and refused to give ear to many overtures.' The ambassador expressed his satisfaction at this assurance, and then endeavoured to show how unworthy those Irish princes were of the least encouragement. Their flight was the result of madness, they ... — The Land-War In Ireland (1870) - A History For The Times • James Godkin
... the dejection of his guest, 'why do you not eat? Is the fare not to your taste?' And when Fleur answered not to his inquiries, the host continued, 'Young sir, give ear to me! I will tell you somewhat to distract your thoughts. No long time ago some merchants came to this house to spend the night, and with them they brought a maiden, who for fairness of face and sorrow of heart resembled you, for she sate weeping, and would neither eat nor ... — Fleur and Blanchefleur • Mrs. Leighton
... secretly striving to reclaim her. There was no opportunity for her to exert her own will, for she could not be tempted in her present circumstances, and the strength gained by such an exertion was impossible to her. Again and again, with untiring patience, did Mr. Chantrey give ear to her despairing utterances, and meet them with soothing arguments. But often he felt himself on the verge of despair, doubtful of the truths he was trying so earnestly to implant again in her ... — Brought Home • Hesba Stretton
... which, being expressed in a long set form, it is not worth while to repeat. After having set forth the conditions, he said: "Hear, O Jupiter; hear, O pater patratus of the Alban people, and ye, O Alban people, give ear. As those conditions, from first to last, have been publicly recited from those tablets or wax without wicked or fraudulent intent, and as they have been most correctly understood here this day, the Roman people will not be ... — Roman History, Books I-III • Titus Livius
... every sort, Give ear unto my song; And if you find it wond'rous short, It cannot ... — The Vicar of Wakefield • Oliver Goldsmith
... "Give ear, ye tender branches, unto the words of your parent stock; bend to the lessons of instruction and imbibe the maxims of age and experience! As the ant creepeth not to its labour till led by its elders; as the ... — The Great White Queen - A Tale of Treasure and Treason • William Le Queux
... had befallen Ghanim from first to last and to deposit it in the royal muniment rooms, that those who came after him might read it and marvel at the dealings of Destiny and put their trust in Him who created the night and the day. Yet, O auspicious King, this story to which thou hast deigned give ear is on no wise more ... — The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton
... all your wise intentions aside to carry out their own selfish schemes,—men who would be only too glad, in a word, to leave you the mere name of acting-Burgomaster, and nothing more. I am quite sure it is your worship's kindly heart that has made you give ear to them until misfortune is hanging over the town, and the citizens and the rest are all bemoaning themselves, while your worship's false friends raise their heads like snakes, as they are, to sting you the moment your worship's back ... — The Young Carpenters of Freiberg - A Tale of the Thirty Years' War • Anonymous
... great and small, give ear to what I say— Refrain from work on Saturdays as strictly as you may; So shall the saint your patron be and prosper all you do— And when examinations come ... — Our Holidays - Their Meaning and Spirit; retold from St. Nicholas • Various
... roll, Who in Thine image madest man To search him to the soul, If e'er in token of the Cross, With infant arms outspread, Thou sawest Thy Beloved toss In anguish on His bed; Or heardest in the childish cry That pierced the cottage room The voice of Christ in agony Breaking from Calvary's gloom, Give ear! and from Thy Throne above With eyes of mercy mild, Look down, of Thine immortal ... — A Celtic Psaltery • Alfred Perceval Graves
... Goddess-nurse of the young [2605], give ear to my prayer, and grant that this woman may reject the love-embraces of youth and dote on grey-haired old men whose powers are dulled, but whose hearts ... — Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns, and Homerica • Homer and Hesiod
... became as cold as ice) she cried in woeful case: Alas! what chance, my Pyramus hath parted thee and me? Make answer, O my Pyramus: it is thy Thisbe, even she Whom thou dost love most heartily that speaketh unto thee: Give ear and raise thy heavy head. He, hearing Thisbe's name, Lift up his dying eyes, and, having seen her, closed the same. But when she knew her mantle there, and saw his scabbard lie Without the sword: ... — The Sources and Analogues of 'A Midsummer-night's Dream' • Compiled by Frank Sidgwick
... expected," thought the boy, who was in no particular hurry to give ear to the entreaty. "Now who is it that carries news to him from the house? That's the next ... — Marcy The Blockade Runner • Harry Castlemon
... to know if all prospered with her father-in-law. Nor would she give ear to misgiving or ask herself what she would do if no voice were steadily ... — The Grey Room • Eden Phillpotts
... of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrah. To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts: and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, ... — Sermons on National Subjects • Charles Kingsley
... as you do not give ear to me it is useless for me to speak. I must go to my office. The friar from San Beda desires to return this evening. I have done all I can. I have told you the facts as they stand. Take courage, Be peaceable for your mother's sake and restrain yourself ... — The Waters of Edera • Louise de la Rame, a.k.a. Ouida
... way before us, Friends to her sweet voice give ear, Form the dances, raise the chorus, We but for an hour ... — The Bakchesarian Fountain and Other Poems • Alexander Pushkin and other authors
... give ear to a lying tongue of an old woman?" said Mustapha, prostrating himself. "Hath not your slave proved himself faithful? Am not I as dust in thy presence? Take my life, O pacha! but doubt not the ... — The Pacha of Many Tales • Captain Frederick Marryat
... Give ear, O Earth, the honeyed air again Swells with the rapture of the heavenly shore; And I am singing as I upward pass Upon the "sea of mingled fire and glass," To Him who Loved and gave Himself for Men, ... — Across the Sea and Other Poems. • Thomas S. Chard
... "You are to be our chief leader, and, on account of your illustrious birth and renowned intelligence, will occupy a superior position in the council of the notables. Is it not so? Has not the Senor Juez O'Brien so ordained? You will give ear to me, you will alleviate my indignant sufferings?" He implored me with his eyes for a ... — Romance • Joseph Conrad and F.M. Hueffer
... the whole day petitioning Hemti, but he would not give ear unto him. And Sekhti went his way to Khenensuten to complain to the lord steward Meruitensa. He found him coming out from the door of his house to embark on his boat, that he might go to the judgment-hall. Sekhti said: "Ho! turn, ... — Egyptian Literature
... But give ear again. Here goes another minute-gun. It indirectly admonishes you to receive the grossest insult, and stand still ... — White Jacket - or, the World on a Man-of-War • Herman Melville
... the soul of Christianity;—for Islam is definable as a confused form of Christianity; had Christianity not been, neither had it been. Christianity also commands us, before all, to be resigned to God. We are to take no counsel with flesh-and-blood; give ear to no vain cavils, vain sorrows and wishes: to know that we know nothing; that the worst and cruelest to our eyes is not what it seems; that we have to receive whatsoever befalls us as sent from God above, and say, It is good ... — Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History • Thomas Carlyle
... sugar-estates, that the settling of free Indian immigrants would materially affect the labour supply of the colony. I must express an earnest hope that neither will any planters be short-sighted enough to urge such a theory on the present Governor, nor will the present Governor give ear to it. The colony at large must gain by the settlement of Crown lands by civilised people like the Hindoos, if it be only through the increased exports and imports; while the sugar-estates will become more and more sure of a constant supply of labour, without ... — At Last • Charles Kingsley
... they heard it, since but newly were they come. On Diego and Ferrando greater wonder yet did fall, And of their free will thither they would not have come at all. To what he said who was brought forth in happy hour give ear: "Ho! now don Pero Vermudoz, who art my nephew dear, Didago and Ferrando now keep them well for me, For in mine eyes my sons-in-law are dear exceedingly. By God's help the Moriscos shall hold the field ... — The Lay of the Cid • R. Selden Rose and Leonard Bacon
... answer, No! And we are sorry to say that some professedly religious teachers, though many times corrected, persist in misrepresenting us on this point. We have never so held; we have never so taught. Our premises lead to no such conclusions. Give ear: The mark and worship of the beast are enforced by the two-horned beast. The receiving of the mark of the beast is a specific act which the two-horned beast is to cause to be done. The third message of Rev. ... — The United States in the Light of Prophecy • Uriah Smith
... and farther too, at times. I pass nights in the marshes, or at the edge of the forests; I am alone at night in the fields, in the thickets; there the curlews call and the hares squeak and the wild ducks lift up their voices.... I note them at evening; at morning I give ear to them; at daybreak I cast my net over the bushes.... There are nightingales that sing so pitifully sweet ... ... — A Sportsman's Sketches - Works of Ivan Turgenev, Vol. I • Ivan Turgenev
... that the gods will not my woe redresse, Since men are altogether pittilesse, Ye silent ghosts unto my plaints give eare; Give ear, I say, ye ghosts, if ghosts can heare, And listen to my plaints that doe excell The dol'rous tune of ravish'd Philomel. Now let Ixions wheele stand still a while, Let Danaus daughters now surcease their toyle, Let Sisyphus ... — Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama - A Literary Inquiry, with Special Reference to the Pre-Restoration - Stage in England • Walter W. Greg
... faithful.—My patience has been exercised by one of my children. I scarcely know how to act, so as neither to be too indulgent, nor too severe. O Thou, who hast promised, that crooked things shall be made straight, and the rough, places plain, give ear to my supplication, and in this matter point out the path of duty, that at the last, I may present my whole family and say, 'None that Thou gavest me are lost.'—While engaged in prayer, my soul was blessed in such a manner, that for some ... — Religion in Earnest - A Memorial of Mrs. Mary Lyth, of York • John Lyth
... Laomedon's child Upraised his hands, his sorrow-burdened hands, Turning him toward the sky-encountering fane Of Zeus of Ida, who with sleepless eyes Looks ever down on Ilium; and he prayed: "Father, give ear! Vouchsafe that on this day Achaea's host may fall before the hands Of this our warrior-queen, the War-god's child; And do thou bring her back unscathed again Unto mine halls: we pray thee by the love Thou bear'st to Ares ... — The Fall of Troy • Smyrnaeus Quintus
... her sake, and upon her account, that he said a word about being off, and not upon his own. I will take my oath he never dropt a syllable of being tired of her, or of wishing to marry Miss Morton, or any thing like it. But, to be sure, Lucy would not give ear to such kind of talking; so she told him directly (with a great deal about sweet and love, you know, and all that—Oh, la! one can't repeat such kind of things you know)—she told him directly, she had not the least mind in the world to be off, for she could ... — Persuasion • Jane Austen
... took the lead in Israel, That the people volunteered readily, Bless Jehovah! Hear, O kings, Give ear, O rulers. I myself will sing to Jehovah, I will sing praise to Jehovah, ... — The Origin & Permanent Value of the Old Testament • Charles Foster Kent
... advance of annexation would prove not only abortive, but might be regarded as offensive to Mexico and insulting to Texas. Mexico would not, I am persuaded, give ear for a moment to an attempt at negotiation in advance except for the whole territory of Texas. While all the world beside regards Texas as an independent power, Mexico chooses to look upon her as a revolted province. Nor could we negotiate with Mexico for Texas without admitting that ... — A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents: Tyler - Section 2 (of 3) of Volume 4: John Tyler • Compiled by James D. Richardson
... the dewy lawn; When Jove convened the senate of the skies, Where high Olympus' cloudly tops arise. The Sire of Gods his awful silence broke, The heavens attentive trembled as he spoke:— "Celestial states, immortal gods, give ear! Hear our decree, and reverence what ye hear; The fix'd decree, which not all heaven can move; Thou, Fate, fulfill it; and ye, Powers, approve! What god but enters yon forbidden field, Who yields assistance, or but wills to yield, Back to the skies ... — Museum of Antiquity - A Description of Ancient Life • L. W. Yaggy
... he passed he turned and spake: "King, only for thy nobler sake Than aught of power man's power may take Or pride of place that pride may break I bid the lordlier man in thee, That lives within the king, give ear. This justice done before thee here On one that hell's own heart holds dear, Needs might not this ... — The Tale of Balen • Algernon Charles Swinburne
... to recent enactments." The other was able to reply that he was married, and was the father of three legitimate children; and when the emperor signified that he had no further charges to bring, added aloud: "Another time, Caesar, when you give ear to informations against honest men, take care that your informants are honest themselves." Augustus felt the justice of the rebuke thus publicly administered, and submitted to ... — The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. VI (of X)—Great Britain and Ireland IV • Various
... warns again: "If thou give ear to her honeyed phrases, my son, curses will alight on thee which no tears that thou may'st weep will ... — A Second Book of Operas • Henry Edward Krehbiel
... Evans. Give ear to his motions, Master Slender: I will 195 description the matter to you, if you be capacity ... — The Merry Wives of Windsor - The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.] • William Shakespeare
... good or evil. Good abounds In this delightful sphere; But man will walk his daily rounds, And evermore give ear ... — Hesperus - and Other Poems and Lyrics • Charles Sangster
... (which, if a man do, he shall live in them,) and withdrew the shoulder, and hardened their neck, and would not hear: yet many years didst thou forbear them, and testifiedst against them by thy spirit in thy prophets: yet would they not give ear; therefore gavest thou them into the hand of the people of the lands. Nevertheless, for thy great mercies' sake, thou didst not utterly consume them, nor forsake them; for thou art a gracious and ... — Female Scripture Biographies, Vol. I • Francis Augustus Cox
... constancy: "I would not willingly suffer you to go to Hell," and the man said again with indignation: "Let us go thither in peace," but the kindly and good Master replied: "I will not do so; if thou wilt not hear, there will be some who will gladly give ear"—but we must return ... — The Chronicle of the Canons Regular of Mount St. Agnes • Thomas a Kempis
... says Marian, throwing out her hands. "How could you believe such folly? That old man! Why will you give ear to such gossip?" ... — The Hoyden • Mrs. Hungerford |