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Gloominess   Listen

An atmosphere of depression and melancholy.  Synonyms: gloom, glumness.
A feeling of melancholy apprehension.  Synonyms: gloom, somberness, sombreness.
The quality of excessive mournfulness and uncheerfulness.  Synonyms: lugubriousness, sadness.

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"Gloominess" Quotes from Famous Books

... house early one morning. He found her alone in a small drawing-room, and sat down with an expression of weary discontent. This mood had been frequent in the young man of late. Sidwell remarked a change that was coming over him, a gloominess unnatural to his character. ...
— Born in Exile • George Gissing

... recollected me; for the gloominess of the place and the approaching night had prevented his distinguishing my features before.—'Yes, Sir,' returned Mr Jenkinson, 'I remember you perfectly well; I bought an horse, but forgot to pay for him. Your neighbour Flamborough is the only ...
— The Vicar of Wakefield • Oliver Goldsmith

... anxiety, or gloominess, or perversion of mind, lays hold upon you, make it a rule not to publish it by complaints, but exert your whole care to hide it; by endeavouring to hide it, you will drive ...
— The Life Of Johnson, Volume 3 of 6 • Boswell

... been a philosopher, and as I rode from Haddon, beneath all my gloominess there ran a current of amusement which brought to my lips an ill-formed, half-born laugh when I thought of the plight and condition in which I, by candid self-communion, found myself. Five years before that time I had left France, and had ...
— Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall • Charles Major

... what might have been—give very precious memories to cheerful tempers; while to those who are of a sad nature, they only enhance the gloominess of the present. Jane was not so cowardly as to let Francis see that she regretted anything for herself, and she proceeded to tell of her handsome salary, and how small her expenses had been, so ...
— Mr. Hogarth's Will • Catherine Helen Spence

... politely approached towards Lenertoula, who was taking an Evening Walk, in Company with her melancholy Sister, and wished for nothing more than for a third Person to join them, whose Chearfulness might help to dissipate the continual Gloominess of her Temper. After the first Compliments, which are not short among this ceremonious People, the Gentleman entertain'd the Ladies with the most refined Gallantry. He expressed himself in so graceful and charming a Manner, that they were both ...
— The Amours of Zeokinizul, King of the Kofirans - Translated from the Arabic of the famous Traveller Krinelbol • Claude Prosper Jolyot de Crbillon

... the rude pile of logs, which stood in a cleared space, barely large enough to secure its safety from falling trees, and beyond all was a dense forest of tall trees and thick underbrush and a fast falling shower of snow (at the time) added to the gloominess of the scene. I gazed around me with sadness, almost with dismay and terror. At length I found voice to say 'can we live here.' 'I have no doubt that we can live here, and be happy too,' replied your grandfather in a hopeful voice, 'if it pleases God to grant us health and strength to meet and, ...
— Walter Harland - Or, Memories of the Past • Harriet S. Caswell

... primeval forest, and descended into a small valley of open ground, through which ran the stream we had crossed in the morning. Indeed we were not more than two miles south of the place we had quitted. Our hope of proceeding without much interruption was thus disappointed: the gloominess of the weather, and the constant showers that fell, so impeded our view and distorted its objects, that what appeared plain and practicable at a distance of two or three miles, when approached was found impassable. I think it probable, however, that our most ...
— Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales • John Oxley

... that, although they had been five months at the cottage, it did not appear as if they had been there as many weeks. All were happy and contented, with the exception, perhaps, of Edward, who had fits of gloominess, and occasionally showed signs of impatience as to what was passing in the world, of which he remained ...
— The Children of the New Forest • Captain Marryat

... exceed the dreariness, gloominess, and humidity, of a Milanese sky in winter; which, I conclude, under the old regime, led to all the hospitality, and conviviality, practised here, by ...
— The Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton, Vol. I. - With A Supplement Of Interesting Letters By Distinguished Characters • Horatio Nelson

... say that Edgar Allan Poe never tried to be gloomy, or that Mr. W.S. Gilbert never tried to be extravagant. The whole issue depends upon whether we realise the simple and essential fact that ruggedness is a mode of art like gloominess or extravagance. Some poems ought to be rugged, just as some poems ought to be smooth. When we see a drift of stormy and fantastic clouds at sunset, we do not say that the cloud is beautiful although it is ragged at the edges. When we ...
— Robert Browning • G. K. Chesterton

... which I find myself when I have sacrificed too freely to the jolly god: unlike the major part of mankind, my temperament, instead of being invigorated and enlivened by the sparkling juice of the grape, loses its wonted nerve and elasticity; a sombre gloominess pervades the system, the pulse becomes nervous and languid, the spirits flagging and depressed, and the mind full of chimerical apprehensions and ennui. It was in this mood that Eglantine found me ruminating on the noble works before me, while resting against a part of the pile ...
— The English Spy • Bernard Blackmantle

... usual take the worst view of it. I have lived too quickly, passed already the zenith, and am going down hill, where it is dark and cold. I feel that in her I could recover my lost youth, vitality, and the desire for life. If she be lost to me, then truly nothing remains but to vegetate, and gloominess unutterable as the foretaste of decay. Therefore I love Aniela with the instinct of self-preservation,—not with my senses only, not with my soul, but also from ...
— Without Dogma • Henryk Sienkiewicz

... the white people and their children so generally living without much labour, was frequently the subject of my serious thoughts. And I saw in these southern provinces so many vices and corruptions, increased by this trade and this way of life, that it appeared to me as a dark gloominess hanging over the land; and though now many willingly run into it, yet in future the consequence ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol X • Various

... A dreary desert wide; Her gloominess and tears The stern and gay deride. O God! life's heartless mockeries who can bear When grief is dumb ...
— Alvira: the Heroine of Vesuvius • A. J. O'Reilly

... sunlight. The MORNING STAR, which hung from his wrist, glittered and glowed with its silver and bronze. His whole appearance was terrible; but his face did not answer to this appearance. It was sad, even to gloominess; and something of shame seemed to cover it. Yet it was noble and high, though thus beclouded; and the form looked lofty, although the head drooped, and the whole frame was bowed as with an inward grief. The horse seemed to share in his master's dejection, ...
— Phantastes - A Faerie Romance for Men and Women • George MacDonald

... threw Danton into a fit of gloominess from which nothing seemed to arouse him. He was careless of his duty, and equally careless to the reprimands that followed. This went on for two days, during which the maid seemed at one moment to avoid him, and at another to watch for his coming. In ...
— The Road to Frontenac • Samuel Merwin

... boy coming fresh from the provinces and imagining that the temple of science must really be a temple, such gates cannot make a healthy impression. Altogether the dilapidated condition of the University buildings, the gloominess of the corridors, the griminess of the walls, the lack of light, the dejected aspect of the steps, the hat-stands and the benches, take a prominent position among predisposing causes in the history of Russian pessimism.... Here is our garden... I fancy it has grown neither better nor worse since ...
— The Wife and Other Stories • Anton Chekhov

... and rhythm that interpreted the words were of a grandiose gloominess, like a song of shades pursued in the night, across the sea. Daniel recalled the hour he had written this music; he recalled the expression on Gertrude's face the time he played it for her. Eleanore was there, too, wearing a white dress, with a myrtle wreath ...
— The Goose Man • Jacob Wassermann

... excepted). The mountains which surround that part of the lake seen from the town, immediately reminded me of the magnificent scenery of Killarney. The beauty of its situation, and the imposing aspect which Lucerne presents at a distance, renders the gloominess of its interior the more striking; and I do not know, whether coming from Berne, where all is activity, gave me the impression, but I think I never was in a more melancholy and deserted town of the same magnitude. The population is only 4,000; but, to judge from its extent, ...
— A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium • Richard Boyle Bernard

... brief period he began to drop behind his classes. He seemed moody and obtuse. He could not complete his tasks even by the most severe application. It seemed impossible for him to apply himself. The power of concentration appeared to be lost. Soon he was seized by fits of gloominess from which he did not seem to have power to free himself. His strength began to fail to such a degree that he could hardly drag himself to his meals, and at last he was almost confined to his room. He became greatly emaciated. The failure of his mental powers seemed to keep ...
— Plain Facts for Old and Young • John Harvey Kellogg

... little bedroom, so sweet and clean, with creepers peeping in at him through the window, and reminding him of home; and those blue eyes, that always looked so true, made it hard work to leave. He went off with a heavy heart and the gloominess of a mute; and as he shook hands with his friends, he made the most profound bow to Alice, and said, "Miss Cosin, I am going from paradise to I'll not say what. You cannot imagine how awful ...
— The French Prisoners of Norman Cross - A Tale • Arthur Brown

... feel as courageous when with Lantier as she said. She was, indeed, perfectly resolved not to hear his flattery, even with the slightest interest; but she was afraid, if ever he should touch her, of her old cowardice, of that feebleness and gloominess into which she allowed herself to glide, just to please people. Lantier, however, did not avow his affection. He several times found himself alone with her and kept quiet. He seemed to think of marrying the tripe-seller, a woman of forty-five and very well preserved. Gervaise ...
— L'Assommoir • Emile Zola

... LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, as the dawn spread upon the mountains; a great people and a strong, there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after them, even to the years ...
— Select Masterpieces of Biblical Literature • Various

... on this particular evening in early November Joe was alone. It had been a dreary depressing day with the cold rain beating on the rattling window panes and a complaining wind whistling mournfully through the bare trees. The young man's face almost seemed to reflect the gloominess of the dull gray evening sky into which he gazed with the vain hope of discovering a let-up that at least would permit ...
— Pearl and Periwinkle • Anna Graetz

... some heavy crime. Go! Sophy, order the most spirited horse in the stable to be saddled for me—I must away into the open air where I may look on the blue sky and hear the busy hum of man. I must dispel this gloominess by change ...
— The Works of Frederich Schiller in English • Frederich Schiller

... price for his produce, the agricultural labourer is to be raised to comparative affluence by a minimum wage of 25s. a week, and the rest of us are to go without most of our imported luxuries and a good many necessities. So impressed were Members by the gloominess of the prospect that the moment the speech was over they rushed out to secure what they felt might be their last really substantial luncheon, and Mr. DAVID MASON, who had nobly essayed to fill the breach caused by Mr. ASQUITH'S absence, was ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 152, February 28, 1917 • Various

... example, Irene and me; She's thin and I'm rather—voluminous; Our skirts, full and frilly, just cover the knee, And our hose-play discourages gloominess; We've a bent for a boot with a soul-stirring spat, Gilt-buttoned and stubbily toed, And a top-gallant plume on a tip-tilted hat When we're ripe for the Park ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, May 10, 1916 • Various

... I'll take you over to Berlin or Vienna, or one of those wonderful places. We'll leave Isaac to grub along and sow red fire in Hyde Park. We'll find the doctors. We shall teach you to walk again without that stick. No more gloominess, please." ...
— The Lighted Way • E. Phillips Oppenheim

... of him, as I do of all the noble lords of the creation, in their peculiarities; and was disgusted, nay, shocked at him, even then. I was glad, I remember, on that particular occasion, to see his strange features recovering their natural gloominess; though they did this but slowly, as if the muscles which contributed to his distortions, had ...
— Clarissa, Volume 1 (of 9) • Samuel Richardson

Words linked to "Gloominess" :   gloom, ambiance, sadness, melancholy, apprehensiveness, apprehension, atmosphere, cloud, desolation, gloomy, dread, glumness, nakedness, bleakness, bareness, uncheerfulness, ambience

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