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Have a fit   /hæv ə fɪt/   Listen
Have a fit


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"Have a fit" Quotes from Famous Books

... rather she did die—who stood open-handed for her bequests; she would leave her money to the almshouse, and if we wanted it we could go and get it there! And after that, to be sure, Aunt Pen would have a fit of remorse for her words, and confess her sin chokingly, and have us all come separately and forgive her, and would say she was the wretchedest woman on the face of the earth, that she should live undesired until her friends were all tired, and then die unlamented; and would burst into tears and ...
— Humorous Masterpieces from American Literature • Various

... unreasonable or seems, as the Concord young woman said, "in accordance with the latest scientific developments and the esoteric meaning of differentiated animal existences." That sentence, by the way, silenced her master, and nearly caused him to have a fit of illness from suppression of language, but perhaps it might affect your teacher otherwise, and you would better reserve it for that private mental rehearsal of your first lesson which you will conduct in ...
— In the Riding-School; Chats With Esmeralda • Theo. Stephenson Browne

... in London," he continued, quite seriously, "I shall pick out a beefy policeman and fight him. Then I shall get locked up, and my name will be in the papers, and my uncle will see it, and have a fit, and die. I don't want my uncle to have a fit, and die, or I shall feel that I am responsible for his death. So I ...
— The Wheel O' Fortune • Louis Tracy

... marrying!" he laughed again. "I'd look pretty tying myself to a petticoat! Any woman would have a fit if she could look into my nature. And I hate women, anyway. I've not looked sideways at one for twenty years. Too much water has run under the bridge for that, old-timer. If I was a youngster, ...
— Louisiana Lou • William West Winter

... his harness," said Winifred quickly. "I hope he isn't going to have a fit. Ned Farris's pony has fits." It did not take her long to set Fluff free from the pony-cart, and he turned a grateful look toward his little mistress, who began to wish there was a brook or spring near at hand where the ...
— A Little Maid of Old Philadelphia • Alice Turner Curtis

... Ah, have some sense: you're like a parcel o childher. Nora, hit him a thump on the back: he'll have a fit. ...
— John Bull's Other Island • George Bernard Shaw

... pleasure—but first send me the complete piano edition for Schuberth. The new Opera can then afford to wait a while, like a "good thing"—only may weariness at it remain long absent [Untranslatable play on the words Weile and Langeweile]!—In order that you may not have a fit of it in reading this letter, I will at once name to you the magic name of Rosa [Rosa von Milde, the artist and friend of Cornelius, who wrote poetry ...
— Letters of Franz Liszt, Volume 1, "From Paris to Rome: - Years of Travel as a Virtuoso" • Franz Liszt; Letters assembled by La Mara and translated

... out of them—at least, it was a matter of extreme difficulty. They were so d—-d particular about money matters; not a sportsman amongst the lot, unless it were George. That fellow Soames, for instance, would have a ft if you tried to borrow a tenner from him, or, if he didn't have a fit, he looked at you with his cursed supercilious smile, as if you were a lost soul because you were ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... woman with a husband like "that," I would fill him so full of Keely's chloride of gold that he would jingle as he walks and tinkle as he talks and have a fit at every mention of the ...
— Gov. Bob. Taylor's Tales • Robert L. Taylor

... Josephine send him this cablegram from St. Petersburg: 'They never fight in Balkans. Just scare each other. Skip headlines, father dear. Will be home soon. Beverly.' How does that sound? It will cost a lot, but he brought it upon his own head. And we're not in the Balkans, anyway. Aunt Joe will have a fit. Please call an A. D. T. boy, princess. I want to send this ...
— Beverly of Graustark • George Barr McCutcheon

Words linked to "Have a fit" :   rage

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