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Herder   /hˈɛrdər/  /hˈərdər/   Listen

German philosopher who advocated intuition over reason (1744-1803).  Synonym: Johann Gottfried von Herder.
Someone who drives a herd.  Synonyms: drover, herdsman.

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"Herder" Quotes from Famous Books

... Becker, Christian Education, or the Duties of Parents. Herder, $1.00. A striking presentation of the Roman Catholic view; could be read to advantage ...
— Religious Education in the Family • Henry F. Cope

... road the Younger Son must tread, Ere he win to hearth and saddle of his own,— 'Mid the riot of the shearers at the shed, In the silence of the herder's hut alone— In the twilight, on a bucket upside down, Hear me babble what the weakest won't confess— I am Memory and Torment—I am Town! I am all that ...
— The Seven Seas • Rudyard Kipling

... seen the sun or the sky for so long that I was hungry for it. In Omaha I fell in with a bunch of cattlemen and, as I always liked to handle stock, that settled it. I accepted an offer as herder; they didn't call it that, but it amounted to the same. I had a half-dozen ponies, rations for six months, and something under a thousand head of stock to look after. By comparison it wasn't work at all; only I was all alone and it took all the ...
— The Dominant Dollar • Will Lillibridge

... been inclined to scoff at this apparition as a heretical innovation, there was still the story of Concepcion, the Demon Vaquero, whose terrible riata was fully as potent as the whaler's harpoon. Concepcion, when in the flesh, had been a celebrated herder of cattle and wild horses, and was reported to have chased the Devil in the shape of a fleet pinto colt all the way from San Luis Obispo to San Francisco, vowing not to give up the chase until he had overtaken the disguised Arch-Enemy. This the Devil prevented by resuming ...
— The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales • Bret Harte

... in my heart—joy which fed upon itself and increased each moment. Don't you remember what Herder says? Let but the heart once awake, and wave follows wave ...
— She and I, Volume 1 • John Conroy Hutcheson

... often have illusions which seem to them indubitably real images, and Mittermaier says that they are superficial and have youthful fancies. Experience in practice does not confirm this judgment. The much experienced Herder repeatedly prizes children as born physiognomists, and Soden values the disinterestedness of children very highly. According to Lbisch, children tell untruths without lying. They say only what they have in mind, but they do not know and care very little whether their mental ...
— Robin Hood • J. Walker McSpadden

... a high, red-walled canyon opening upon the river, lived a poor sheep-herder and horse-trader named Creech. This man owned a number of thoroughbreds, two of which he would not part with for all the gold in the uplands. These racers, Blue Roan and Peg, had been captured wild on the ranges by Ute Indians ...
— Wildfire • Zane Grey

... their faces, and had not yet got down to their legs; in any case they were charming children, and as a test of their culture, he had a mind to ask a little girl if she could tell him where the statue of Herder was, which he thought he might as well take in on his ramble, and so be done with as many statues as he could. She answered with a pretty regret in her tender voice, "That I truly cannot," and he was more satisfied than if she could, for he thought it better to be a child and honest, than ...
— Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells

... happily blended his mother's joyous fancy and the sterner traits of his father. Thus a rich imagination, a wealth of feeling, and the power of poetic expression went hand in hand with an indomitable will. In the spring of 1770 the young poet went to Strassburg to complete his law course. There Herder happened to be, even then a famed critic and scholar, and he aroused in Goethe a love and understanding of what was really great and genuine in literature: especially Homer, the Bible, Shakspere, and the Volkslied i.e., the simple folksong. In the fall ...
— A Book Of German Lyrics • Various

... have successfully eluded a too lax teacher, and that they would have yielded without argument to the bark of a trained sheep dog. She had set Vic a harder task than she realized; a task from which any experienced herder would have shrunk. In her ignorance she blamed Vic, and called him lazy and careless and a few other sisterly epithets which he ...
— Starr, of the Desert • B. M Bower

... be hard with his papers stolen the way they are," admitted Billee. "Of course it was a put up job, and I have my suspicions of who did it. But this land would be a rich prize for a sheep herder or anybody else, and we've got to ...
— The Boy Ranchers at Spur Creek - or Fighting the Sheep Herders • Willard F. Baker

... conditions he read German poetry, translating Heine's "The Palm and the Pine" and Herder's "Spring Greeting". Here, too, he found comfort for himself and his companions in the flute which he had carried with him during the entire war. One of his comrades gives the following account of Lanier's playing: "Late one evening I heard from our tent the clear sweet ...
— Sidney Lanier • Edwin Mims

... that—although the general course of the human mind is marked out, and each succeeding phasis in which it exhibits itself appears inevitable—the human race cannot be considered, as Vico and Herder were, perhaps, inclined to look upon it, as a mass without intelligence, traversing its orbit according to laws which it has no power to modify or control. On such an hypothesis, Wisdom and Folly, Justice and Injustice, would be the same, followed by the same consequences ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCXXVIII. February, 1843. Vol. LIII. • Various

Words linked to "Herder" :   hand, drover, philosopher, shepherd, sheepman, swineherd, hired man, goatherd, hired hand, herdsman, pigman, herd

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