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High hat   /haɪ hæt/   Listen
High hat

Cymbals that are operated by a foot pedal.  Synonym: high-hat cymbal.
A man's hat with a tall crown; usually covered with silk or with beaver fur.  Synonyms: beaver, dress hat, opera hat, silk hat, stovepipe, top hat, topper.

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"High hat" Quotes from Famous Books

... wears a gray suit with a gray high hat and gray gloves, with a white silk tie and white linen. But in summer this costume is often made lighter and more comfortable to suit the weather, and a straw hat or panama, with flannel trousers and dark serge sacque coat, would ...
— The Book of Good Manners • W. C. Green

... the Dauntless Equestrienne, and to give her enhancing act a barebacked daring, riding either a pig or a sheep, whichever we found was freshest and most skittish. Dora was dressed for the Haute ecole, which means a riding-habit and a high hat. She took Dick's topper that he wears with his Etons, and a skirt of Mrs Pettigrew's. Daisy, dressed the same as Alice, taking the muslin from Mrs Pettigrew's dressing-table with-out saying anything beforehand. None of us would have advised ...
— The Wouldbegoods • E. Nesbit

... nationality—a general conformity is all that seems feasible or desirable. Will the Chinese [Page 295] cling to their cap and robes with a death grip like that of the Korean who jumped from a railway train to save his high hat and lost his life? As they are taking passage on the great railway of the world's progress, will they not take pains to adapt themselves in every way to the requirements of a ...
— The Awakening of China • W.A.P. Martin

... Tom as driver and the pickaninny behind, started for General Dean's. The Major was beautiful to behold, in his flowered waistcoat, his ruffled shirt, white trousers strapped beneath his highly polished, high-heeled boots, high hat and frock coat, with only the lowest button fastened, in order to give a glimpse of that wonderful waistcoat, just as that, too, was unbuttoned at the top that the ruffles might peep out upon the world. Chad's raiment, too, ...
— The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come • John Fox

... half way to the door I was conscious of seeing Aunt Peg and Matthias; a moment more, and she with her white apron, and he with his high hat full of roses, were walking before us and throwing ...
— The Harvest of Years • Martha Lewis Beckwith Ewell

... how to direct me to it I found the others all at this door, very angry. They'd been here all night, trying to get out. Then the door opened this gentleman must have opened it and before I could protect him, that underbred man in the high hat ...
— The Enchanted Castle • E. Nesbit

Words linked to "High hat" :   chapeau, lid, cymbal, hat, man's clothing

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