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Incorrectness   Listen

Lack of conformity to social expectations.
The quality of not conforming to fact or truth.  Synonym: wrongness.

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"Incorrectness" Quotes from Famous Books

... like it or do not like it, and they regard this as what is called a mere question of taste, which, according to the proverb, is not to be disputed about. In fact, however, the good or bad taste of an architectural design, say, if you like, its correctness or incorrectness, is to a considerable extent a matter of logical reasoning, of which you must accurately know the premises before you can form a just conclusion. But there is another reason for this prevalent uncertainty and vagueness of opinion, arising out of the very nature of architectural art itself, ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 633, February 18, 1888 • Various

... he asked one day, after spelling a word of three syllables with such ingenious incorrectness as to convulse his young ...
— Adrift in New York - Tom and Florence Braving the World • Horatio Alger

... change in the specific character of the leukaemia, or the condition of the blood. In spite of the splenic tumour we have to deal then with a pure lymphatic leukaemia. In customary clinical language, a case of this kind would be described as lieno-lymphatic leukaemia. The unreliability and incorrectness of this terminology is best illustrated by another form of leukaemic metastasis. In lymphatic leukaemia the liver may swell by lymphomatous growth, to a large tumour, and we ought then to speak of a "hepato-lymphatic" ...
— Histology of the Blood - Normal and Pathological • Paul Ehrlich

... occasional recurrence to the same remedy, is kept in such a state of preservation that, though advanced in years, he 'is able to go eight miles within two hours, and can go up hill with most young fellows.' The old gentleman's book, with its odd woodcuts, and a certain freshness and incorrectness of style—we speak grammatically—in keeping with the character of an old soldier, is readable enough. Mr. Lane's books are far from being well written; the Spirits and Water, especially, is extremely poor stuff. The Month ...
— The Recreations of A Country Parson • A. K. H. Boyd

... they notoriously disregarded the paramount supremacy of the Constitution. The conscientious doubt of others as to making the exclusion of slavery a condition precedent to admission into the Union, proves not the incorrectness of this position, but strengthens it, by showing that only a controlling love of the Union caused the doubt, which originated in a policy that would not even seem to do ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 3, September 1864 - Devoted To Literature And National Policy • Various

... happiness, and an ill temper too important a source of misery, to be treated with indifference or hopelessness. The false excuses or modes of regarding this matter, to which we have referred, should be exposed; for until their invalidity and incorrectness are exposed, no efforts, or but feeble ones, will be put forth to regulate an ill temper, or to ...
— Friends and Neighbors - or Two Ways of Living in the World • Anonymous

... rather than conversed. Few subjects were untouched by his eloquence; he spoke with equal ease on a difficult point in theology, and on the conformation of the sun. He lectured on politics, astronomy, chemistry, and anatomy with great fluency and equal incorrectness. In describing the circulation of the blood, he said, "It's a purely metaphysical subject;" and the answering remark, "It is the most purely physical," made him vehemently angry. He spoke of the sun by saying, "I've studied the sun; I know it as well as I do this field; it's a dark ...
— The Englishwoman in America • Isabella Lucy Bird

... before acquiring the moral certainty of avoiding error. With the aid of these precautions, I have discovered the justice of M. de Reaumur's suggestions, and I have a thousand times seen, if certain experiments seemed to combat them, it was from incorrectness of execution. Yet I must except some facts where my results have constantly been different from his. Those respecting the reception of a stranger queen substituted for the natural one, are ...
— New observations on the natural history of bees • Francis Huber

Words linked to "Incorrectness" :   improperness, political incorrectness, incorrect, error, correctness, erroneousness, quality, wrongness, impropriety, rightness

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