"Listing" Quotes from Famous Books
... shamefacedly. "'Twas this same Margery Stair. As I have said, her father blows hot or cold as the wind sets, but not she. She is the fiercest little Tory in the two Carolinas, bar none. When I had got Jennifer in order and began to talk of 'listing again, she flew into a pretty rage and stamped her foot and all but swore that Dick Jennifer in buff and blue should never look upon her face again with ... — The Master of Appleby • Francis Lynde
... must have also appealed to the growing taste for poetry that was less ornate and studied. His practice was to use a large number of concrete monosyllabic words of Anglo-Saxon origin to describe objects and forces common to rural life. A simple listing of the common nouns from the opening of "Fragment I" will serve to illustrate this tendency: love, son, hill, deer, dogs, bow-string, wind, stream, rushes, mist, oak, friends. Such diction bears an obvious kinship ... — Fragments Of Ancient Poetry • James MacPherson
... while she drew the hat-pins from her hat and dropped it as carelessly on the water as if that had been her dressing-table. Then she took down her hair. It was in two great brown, shining braids. The ends disappeared in the water, listing down-stream. ... — The Spread Eagle and Other Stories • Gouverneur Morris
... all, if Penfeather wants men, as wants 'em he doth, what's to stay or let us from rowing out to Penfeather soft and quiet and 'listing ourselves along of Penfeather, and watch our chance t' heave Penfeather overboard and go a-roving on our own ... — Black Bartlemy's Treasure • Jeffrey Farnol |
Words linked to "Listing" : shopping list, contents, list, roll, calendar, masthead, codex, directory, class list, item, stocktaking, database, mailing list, hit list, catalogue, numbering, ticket, A-list, table of contents, push-down stack, push-down list, stock-taking, shortlist, bill, corrigenda, order of business, play list, free list, inventorying, price list, flag, stock list, itemization, bibliography, portfolio, inventory, posting, short list, catalog, point, agendum, character set, necrology, FAQ, credits, sick list, organization, criminal record, blacklist, stack, schedule, honours list, itemisation, agenda, slate, menu, record, enumeration, shitlist, black book, hit parade, roster, standing, wish list, calorie chart, grocery list, index, checklist, distribution list, canon, organisation, computer menu, queue, key, playlist |
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