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Magnetized   /mˈægnɪtˌaɪzd/   Listen

Having the properties of a magnet; i.e. of attracting iron or steel.  Synonyms: magnetic, magnetised.

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"Magnetized" Quotes from Famous Books

... laughable, the fatality,—and yet how continually it comes to pass, thought Hepzibah, in this dull delirium of a world,—that whosoever, and with however kindly a purpose, should come to help, they would be sure to help the strongest side! Might and wrong combined, like iron magnetized, are endowed with irresistible attraction. There would be Judge Pyncheon,—a person eminent in the public view, of high station and great wealth, a philanthropist, a member of Congress and of the church, and intimately associated with whatever ...
— The House of the Seven Gables • Nathaniel Hawthorne

... spoken, she did not realize how immensely she had staked upon her chances of success. In a fever of anxiety she waited, watching the man's gaze as it wavered undecidedly over the Scitsym, then returned, as if magnetized, to ...
— The Mystics - A Novel • Katherine Cecil Thurston

... armature is made of steel and is permanently magnetized. Such an armature, termed a polarized armature, is repelled when its like poles are opposed to like poles of the magnet and otherwise is attracted with force due to the sums of the magnetism. If the magnet is sufficiently powerful depolarization ...
— The Standard Electrical Dictionary - A Popular Dictionary of Words and Terms Used in the Practice - of Electrical Engineering • T. O'Conor Slone

... model a system of braking that is intended to be used in conjunction with the electro-magnetic traction system just described. You will have noticed that in the experiments with the traction circuit the brake shoes here have remained idle; that is to say, they have not been attracted to the magnetized wheels. This is because a portion of the traction current has been circulating around this coil on the iron brake beam, inducing in the brake shoes magnetism of like polarity to that in the wheels to which they apply. They have therefore been repelled from the wheel tires instead of ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887 • Various

... the iron core which is made a magnet by the current, and left again a mere piece of iron when the current is interrupted. Ten years later Faraday explained and applied the laws of Induction, basing them upon the demonstrations of Ampre. The use of a core of soft iron, magnetized by the passage of a current through a helix of wire wrapping it as the thread does a spool, is the indispensable feature, in some form meaning the same thing, with the same results, in all machines that ...
— Steam Steel and Electricity • James W. Steele

... Neither did the gifted author conceive these sketches beforehand, and execute them in pursuance of a deliberate purpose; but at that time he found himself in a mental condition similar to that above described. We may neither be magnetized nor hypnotized, nor put to sleep in any fashion, and yet the brain may remain alien to our mechanical productions. Its cells are functionally agitated, and doubtless act by a reflex impulsion on the motor ...
— The Arena - Volume 4, No. 19, June, 1891 • Various

... the nervous system of one organization mysteriously potent over the nervous system of another, which mounted to his brain, mastered the sources of his volition, and drew him helpless after her, as helplessly as the magnetized patient obeys the will ...
— A Siren • Thomas Adolphus Trollope

... enjoy the prospect, a slow-moving figure, trance-like, she went along the first terrace path to a point near the veranda where the whole sweep of landscape with its panorama of retreat magnetized her senses. Like the gray of lava, the Gray soldiery was erupting from the range; in columns, still under the control of officers, keeping to the defiles; in swarms and batches, under the control of nothing but their own emotions. Mostly they were hugging cover, ...
— The Last Shot • Frederick Palmer

Words linked to "Magnetized" :   magnetic, antimagnetic, attractable

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