"Marbled" Quotes from Famous Books
... suitable for Cotton; Colours specially suitable for Jute Dyeing; Colours suitable for Wool Fibres.—VII., Dyed Patterns on Various Pulp Mixtures—Placard and Wrapping Papers; Black Wrapping and Cartridge Papers; Blotting Papers; Mottled and Marbled Papers made with Coloured Linen, Cotton and Union Rags, or with Cotton, Jute, Wool and Sulphite Wood Fibres, dyed specially for this purpose; Mottling with Dark Blue Linen; Mottling with Dark Blue Linen and Dark Blue Cotton; Mottling ... — The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics - A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student • Franklin Beech
... AND JOURNALS, with Notices of his Life, by Thomas Moore, 3 vols. 8vo., illustrated with 44 Engravings by the Findens, from Designs by Turner, Stanfield, &c., elegantly half bound morocco, marbled edges, in the best style, ... — Notes & Queries, No. 19, Saturday, March 9, 1850 • Various
... prose and verse, from the best classic writers, presented to Mara Lincoln, the fly-leaf said, by her sincere friend, Theophilus Sewell; a Virgil, much thumbed, with an old, worn cover, which, however, some adroit fingers had concealed under a coating of delicately marbled paper;—there was a Latin dictionary, a set of Plutarch's Lives, the Mysteries of Udolpho, and Sir Charles Grandison, together with Edwards on the Affections, and Boston's Fourfold State;—there was an inkstand, curiously contrived from a sea-shell, with pens and paper in that phase ... — The Pearl of Orr's Island - A Story of the Coast of Maine • Harriet Beecher Stowe
... diving, and put together so as to resemble a floating heap of rubbish, and fastened to some old upright reeds. The eggs are from three to six, at first greenish white in color, but soon become dirty, and are then of a yellowish red or olive-brown tint, sometimes marbled. ... — Birds Illustrated by Color Photograph [April, 1897] - A Monthly Serial designed to Promote Knowledge of Bird-Life • Various
... properly fed, is in perfection at seven years old. It should then be a light red on the cut surface, a darker red near the bone, and slightly marbled with fat. Beef contains, in a hundred parts, nearly twenty of nitrogen, seventy-two of water, four of fat, and the remainder in salts of various descriptions. The poorer the quality of the beef, the more ... — The Easiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking - Adapted to Domestic Use or Study in Classes • Helen Campbell
... attitude. He had started into a sitting posture, and was braced up on his hands, his face thrust forward, half covered by the straight unkempt hair. What a face it was! White and flecked with sweat-drops, marbled here and there with livid stains, the lips quivering and working till they twisted themselves sometimes into a ghastly mockery of a smile, the long teeth gleaming more wolfish than ever. The iris of the prominent ... — Guy Livingstone; - or, 'Thorough' • George A. Lawrence
... a vast marbled hall stood an elegantly-wrought fountain, connected with the fine aqueduct of the city. A draught of air rushed through this hall, and in stormy weather switched the water all over the floor, now robbed of its mosaics, and covered, wherever ... — Uarda • Georg Ebers
... small and obtusely angulated, with a conspicuous white spot on their hinder surface" (Blyth). "Ground colour dingy-fulvous, occasionally yellowish grey; the body with numerous elongate wavy black spots, somewhat clouded or marbled; the head and nape with some narrow blackish lines, coalescing into a dorsal interrupted band; the thighs and part of the sides with black round spots; the tail black, spotted, and with the tip black; ... — Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon • Robert A. Sterndale
... night it was fine to sit here and watch the great breakers coming in, all marbled and clouded and rainbowed with spindrift and sheets of spray. But the snow and the song of them under the diffused light of the stars produced a more indescribably beautiful and ... — The Blue Lagoon - A Romance • H. de Vere Stacpoole
... the world. The dresses of White Admirals and Red, and Silver-Washed Fritillaries and Pearl-Bordered Fritillaries, and Large Whites and Small Whites and Marbled Whites and Green-Veined Whites, and Ringlets, and Azure Blues, and Painted Ladies, and Meadow Browns. And they go there for a Feast Day in honor of some Saint of the Fairies' Church. Which Hobb and Margaret also attended once ... — Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard • Eleanor Farjeon
... if truth be testified, Than all the pomp seen thro' proud Herod's porch Ablaze with brass, and silk, and scented torch, High on Beth-Haccarem; more to behold, If men had known, than all the glory told Of splendid Caesar in his marbled home On the white Isle; or audience-hall at Rome With trembling princes thronged. A clay lamp swings By twisted camel-cords, from blackened rings, Shewing with flickering gleams, a Child new-born Wrapped in a cloth, laid where the beasts at morn Will champ their bean-straw: ... — In The Yule-Log Glow—Book 3 - Christmas Poems from 'round the World • Various
... high, and the most curious compound of colours and marks that can be imagined. Suppose the animal pure, snowy white; cover the white with large, irregular, light bay spots through which the white is visible; in the middle of these light bay let there be dark bay marbled spots; at every six or eight inches plant rhomboidal patches of a very dark iron-grey; then sprinkle the whole with dark flea-bites! There's a phooldar, ( flower-market,) as they call them;" and we agree with the colonel that ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 341, March, 1844, Vol. 55 • Various
... different from the inimitable simplicity of the originals. The refinements, conceits, extravagant flattery, politeness, and stately manners of the Grand Monarque, shine through every line. Achilles makes love to Iphigenia as if she were in the marbled gardens of Versailles; the passion of Phedre for Hippolyte, is the refined effusion of modern delicacy, not the burning fever and maniac delirium of Phaedra in Euripides. His Greek heroes and heroines address each other as if they were in the Oeil de Boeuf; it is "monsieur" ... — Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 363, January, 1846 • Various
... in eight sections, were described by Mr. Sabine. In 1841 (10/182. 'An Encyclop. of Plants' by J.C. Loudon 1841 page 443.) it is said that three hundred varieties could be procured in the nursery-gardens near Glasgow; and these are described as blush, crimson, purple, red, marbled, two-coloured, white, and yellow, and as differing much in the size and ... — The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication - Volume I • Charles Darwin
... an untasted feast Teeming with odours. Lamia, regal drest, Silently paced about, and as she went, In pale contented sort of discontent, Mission'd her viewless servants to enrich The fretted splendour of each nook and niche. Between the tree-stems, marbled plain at first, Came jasper pannels; then, anon, there burst Forth creeping imagery of slighter trees, 140 And with the larger wove in small intricacies. Approving all, she faded at self-will, And shut the chamber up, close, hush'd and still, Complete and ready for the revels ... — Keats: Poems Published in 1820 • John Keats
... theirs the chamois fleet Treads, with a nostril to the wind; O'er their ice-marbled glaciers beat No wings ... — Collected Poems 1901-1918 in Two Volumes - Volume I. • Walter de la Mare
... dome of a swelling loaf of bread. Its warm fragrance mingled with the pungent puffs coming from the curved nozzle of the coffee-pot, set in the glowing coals. He gave her the fish, all cleaned, and rolling them in corn-meal, she laid them delicately in the sizzling frying-pan, each by the side of a marbled strip ... — The Trimming of Goosie • James Hopper
... planted in clumps. It soon increases if left undisturbed. The English Iris blooms in June and July, bearing large and magnificent flowers ranging in colour from white to deep purple, some being self-colours, while others are prettily marbled. The German Iris is especially suitable for town gardens. The Spanish Iris blooms a fortnight before the English. Its flowers, however, are smaller, and the combinations of colours very different. The Leopard ... — Gardening for the Million • Alfred Pink
... The Marbled White is a somewhat local butterfly; there was a spot along the Terrace on Cleeve Hill, near North Littleton and Cleeve Prior, where, at the proper time, this insect was plentiful, but I never saw it anywhere ... — Grain and Chaff from an English Manor • Arthur H. Savory |