"Masse" Quotes from Famous Books
... "assotted and bewitched" by the jesting or serious words of poets, by the inventions of "lowd liers and couseners," and by "tales they have heard from old doting women, or from their mother's maids, and with whatsoever the grandfoole their ghostlie father or anie other morrow masse ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A History of Witchcraft in England from 1558 to 1718 • Wallace Notestein
... the tyme of Christen Masse, was the Castell of Home recovered from the Engliss, by the negligence of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox
... and purifieth the whole masse of blood contained in the veynes, by purging it from the seresity peccant, and from cholericke, phlegmaticke, and melancholike humours; and that principally by urine, which passeth through the body very cleare, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Spadacrene Anglica - The English Spa Fountain • Edmund Deane
... ther be any God or good Religion, then it is in the Papistes, becavse the service of God is performed with more ceremonyes, as elevacion of the masse, organs, singinge men, shaven crownes, &c. That all ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Works of Christopher Marlowe, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Christopher Marlowe
... belle brou down below there!" said Ferdinand, as we scrambled over the huge rocks at the foot of the falls; "there ought to be salmon there en masse." Yes, there were the sharp noses picking out the unfortunate insects, and the broad tails waving lazily through the foam as the fish turned in the water. At this season of the year, when summer is nearly ended, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Little Rivers - A Book Of Essays In Profitable Idleness • Henry van Dyke
... eye on them, and let me know when they enter the avenue. It will take but a minute to tidy up and run down,' answered Mrs Jo, scribbling away for dear life, because serials wait for no man, not even the whole Christian Union en masse. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Jo's Boys • Louisa May Alcott
... and shapes, and tables of all styles. My clerk declared I had gotten up in the night and walked round and round our bed, with an old broom in my hand, trying to play billiards and talking in my sleep about carrom and masse shots and pocketing balls. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Twenty Years of Hus'ling • J. P. Johnston
... longtemps, longtemps, et dcouvrit que l'le tait forme d'une grande masse de rochers. Au centre de l'le il y avait deux pics trs levs. Les rochers de l'le taient chauffs par le soleil, et la soif du pauvre Godefroi tait toujours plus ardente. Il souffrait beaucoup. Enfin il tomba genoux en pleurant, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Contes et lgendes - 1re Partie • H. A. Guerber
... meet the annual upkeep of that establishment. James Madison Stark's pleasures had been the joys of solitude rather than the raptures of vast accumulations. He preferred that the mineral wealth of earth remain in the veins of its native rock rather than be taken out en masse, to be later hoarded, manipulated, and juggled to create distress and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — David Lannarck, Midget - An Adventure Story • George S. Harney
... were in the midst of a revolution. It was the general idea that by filling in with dirt, a new town might be built wherever the causeway terminated, and fortunes made by an act of parliament. The inhabitants of the island rallied en masse against the causeway leading one inch from their quarter, after it had fairly reached it; and, so throughout the entire line, monikins battled for what they called their interests, with an ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Monikins • J. Fenimore Cooper
... what Daubeny said at the first reading. They will all vote for the bill en masse,—hating it in their ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Phineas Finn - The Irish Member • Anthony Trollope
... sanctum sanctorum of the Baptists, was a bid for blood-injected the idea into the warty heads of a trio of thugs that by way-laying and beating me to death they would pass into history as heroes. Then the real manhood of Waco rose en masse and laid down the law in no uncertain language to the hungry hypocrites and their Baylorian hoodlums. They declared that religious intolerance would no longer be permitted to terrorize this town. Fearing just retribution ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Volume 10 of Brann The Iconoclast • William Cowper Brann
... more accurate estimate of the equivalence of "dirham" according to the area in which the measurement was taken, the reader may consult Walter Hinz, Islamische Masse und Gewichte umgerechnet ins metrische System, Leiden, 1955, pt. 1, pp. 2-8; and George C. Miles, Early Arabic Glass Weights and Stamps, New York, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Drawings and Pharmacy in Al-Zahrawi's 10th-Century Surgical Treatise • Sami Hamarneh
... rifle at close quarters, he slipped both holsters to the fore, ready for action, and drew his mittens till his hands were barely shielded by the elbow gauntlets. He knew there was no hope in attack en masse, but true to his boast, was prepared to die with teeth fast-locked. But the Bear restrained his comrades, beating back the more impetuous with his terrible fist. As the tumult began to die away, Mackenzie shot a glance in the direction of Zarinska. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Son of the Wolf • Jack London
... Upponne the trone[58] I sette thee, helde thie crowne; Botte oh! twere hommage nowe to pyghte[59] thee downe. Thou arte all preeste, & notheynge of the kynge. 40 Thou arte all Norman, nothynge of mie blodde. Know, ytte beseies[60] thee notte a masse to synge; Servynge thie leegefolcke[61] thou ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Rowley Poems • Thomas Chatterton
... if she were already a little matchmaking matron. She corraled all the men she had ever known and introduced them to Babe, Carrie, and Eva separately, in pairs, and en masse. She arranged parties at which Babe could display the curl. She got up picnics. She stayed home while Jo took the three about. When she was present she tried to look as plain and obscure as possible, so that the sisters should show up to advantage. She schemed, and planned, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Best Short Stories of 1917 - and the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various
... no eies but fountains fraught with teares; Oh life! no life, but liuely fourme of death; Oh world! no world, but masse of publique wrongs, Confusde and filde with murder and misdeeds; Oh sacred heauens, if this vnhallowed deed, If this inhumane and barberous attempt, If this incomparable murder thus Of mine, but now no more my sonne Shall pass vnreueald and vnreuenged ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Spanish Tragedie • Thomas Kyd
... also was of the opinion that the Cherry family had best lunch en masse, with Arethusa, and so adroitly did she manage this part of the affair that Mrs. Cherry ever afterwards firmly believed it was she, herself, who had suggested that she join Helen Louise and Peter and the younger hostess, rather than ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Heart of Arethusa • Francis Barton Fox
... to surrender had been made in presence of the war council. It would have been more in accordance with ordinary usage to employ the adverb secreto belonging to the verb. [177] The opinions of the persons invited to the war council were asked only en masse (per saturam). The Latin expression is taken from lanx satura, a dish offered as a sacrifice to the gods, and containing different kinds of fruit. Its figurative application to other mixtures is here indicated ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — De Bello Catilinario et Jugurthino • Caius Sallustii Crispi (Sallustius)
... that rest: And now my Lords the mariage rites perfourm'd, We think it good to goe and consumate The rest, with hearing of an holy Masse: Sister, I think your selfe will beare ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Massacre at Paris • Christopher Marlowe
... he said, slowly, like a man feeling his way in the dark. Manston was utterly at fault now. His previous experience of the effect of his form and features upon womankind en masse, had taught him to flatter himself that he could account by the same law of natural selection for the extraordinary interest Miss Aldclyffe had hitherto taken in him, as an unmarried man; an interest he did not at all object to, seeing that it kept him near Cytherea, and enabled him, a man ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Desperate Remedies • Thomas Hardy
... work to repair damages; while the liberated slaves, having shifted some of the galley's oars, pull away after their comrade; and that with such a will, that in ten minutes they have caught her up, and careless of the Spaniard's fire, boarded her en masse, with yells as of a thousand wolves. There will be fearful vengeance taken on those tyrants, unless they play the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Junior Classics • Various
... too/ For in trouth I haue my self ben conuersant in a religious hous of white freris at gaunt Which haue all thynge in comyn amonge them/ and not one richer than an other/ in so moche that yf a man gaf to a frere .iii.d or iiii.d to praye for hym in his masse/ as sone as the masse is doon he deliuerith hit to his ouerest or procuratour in whyche hows ben many vertuous and deuoute freris And yf that lyf were not the beste and the most holiest/ holy church wold ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Game and Playe of the Chesse - A Verbatim Reprint Of The First Edition, 1474 • Caxton
... world-growth substituted for that of world-production en masse by the action of centrifugal force and discharge from the solar equator. The New Astronomy proposes in this respect two points of remarkable difference from the view formerly entertained. The first relates to the fixing of the planetary orbits, and the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Notable Events of the Nineteenth Century - Great Deeds of Men and Nations and the Progress of the World • Various
... the individual combats which made international heroes out of Boillot, Immelmann, Boelke, Warneford and Navarre. The squadron attack was first employed by the Germans in the Verdun operations. Previous to that time, only bombing expeditions had been undertaken en masse, as many as sixty aeroplanes taking part in a single attack. But actual aerial combat usually engaged only two ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Story of the Great War, Volume V (of 8) • Francis J. (Francis Joseph) Reynolds, Allen L. (Allen Leon)
... he tell us that he had chosen Mme. Ugalde for the part of Marguerite, and that he yielded to M. Carvalho in giving it to the director's wife because Mme. Ugalde had quarrelled with him (as prima donnas will), about Masse's opera, "La Fee Carabosse," which preceded "Faust" at the Lyrique. The difficulty about the tenor role was overcome by the enlistment of M. Barbot, an artist who had been a companion of Carvalho's when he sang small parts at the Opera Comique. He was now far past his prime, and a pensioned ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Book of Operas - Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music • Henry Edward Krehbiel
... frosts are severe and long continued, is just the reverse in the far South. There our snow is rain, and the upturned furrows are washed down into a smooth, sticky mass by the winter storms. On steep hillsides, much of the soil would ooze away with every rain, or slide downhill en masse. In the South, therefore, unless a clay soil is to be planted at once, it must not be disturbed in the fall, and it is well if it can be protected by stubble or litter, which shields it from the direct contact of the rain and from the sun's rays. But cow- peas, or any other rank-growing green ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Success With Small Fruits • E. P. Roe
... looking on at the dancing, with his old smile, not so brilliant now as it had been. He now only smiled at beauty collectively, which was well represented that evening in Madame de Nailles's salon. Young girls 'en masse' continued to delight him, but his admiration as an artist became ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Jacqueline, v2 • Th. Bentzon (Mme. Blanc)
... insubordination is still more observable among the casual servants or "trip men" belonging to the Company. These persons are in the habit of engaging for a trip or journey, and-frequently select the most critical moments to demand an increased rate of pay, or to desert en masse. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Great Lone Land - A Narrative of Travel and Adventure in the North-West of America • W. F. Butler
... I was back at my deserted post and firing. Never before had I been in an Indian battle, but they had told me at Armstrong that the Sacs were fighting men. I knew it now. This was to be no play at war, but a grim, relentless struggle. They came en masse, rushing recklessly forward across the open space, pressing upon each other in headlong desire to be first, yelling like fiends, guns brandished in air, or spitting fire, animated by but one purpose—the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Devil's Own - A Romance of the Black Hawk War • Randall Parrish
... by an honest Christian nation? And may God have mercy upon any nation or people that would not grant this! The white people of this country proudly boast of their superiority as a race, and I grant it when considered en masse. Their opportunities have made them thus. Then why should the stronger refuse the weaker an equal chance in the race of life? Can it be possible that the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Sparkling Gems of Race Knowledge Worth Reading • Various
... him a glass of beer. She was a very handsome girl, with a tall, graceful figure and Spanish eyes. He lit a cigar, and she went back to her beau quite simply—and they all three fell into conversation about an operetta by Victor Masse, which had been performed in Malines the previous night, called Les ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Martian • George Du Maurier
... House set about with guillotines in the course of an accurately transposed French Revolution. We rebuilt London by Act of Parliament, and once in a mood of hygienic enterprise we transferred its population EN MASSE to the North Downs by an order of the Local Government Board. We thought nothing of throwing religious organisations out of employment or superseding all the newspapers by freely distributed bulletins. We could contemplate the possibility of laws abolishing whole classes; ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The New Machiavelli • Herbert George Wells
... king he laughed, and swore by the masse, 'Ile make thee lord abbot this day in his place!' 'Now naye, my liege, be not in such speede, For alacke I can ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Ballads of Mystery and Miracle and Fyttes of Mirth - Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Second Series • Frank Sidgwick
... had the sense of his daughter's having been roughly handled he derived some of the consolation of amusement from his persistent humorous view of the Proberts as a "body." If they were consistent with their character or with their complaint they would move en masse upon the hotel, and he hung about at home a good deal as if to wait for them. Delia intimated to her sister that this vision cheered them up as they sat, they two, in the red salon while Francie was in bed. Of course it didn't exhilarate this ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Reverberator • Henry James
... appearance of the women," continued Mr. Ellsworth. "Not that they are so brilliant in their beauty—one sees beautiful women in every country; but they are so peculiarly feminine, and generally pretty, as a whole. By room-fulls, en masse, they appear to more advantage I think, than any other women; the general effect is very seldom broken by coarseness of face, or unmanageable awkwardness ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Elinor Wyllys - Vol. I • Susan Fenimore Cooper
... beauty of the site is gone. It is surprising that local municipalities; however stupid, however corrupt, should not be aware of the damage done to their own interests when they permit such outrages. The Germans—were any of them still here—would doubtless have interfered en masse and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Alone • Norman Douglas
... party, went on too slowly and irresolutely. At the outset of the Revolution, the S. R.'s proved the predominating party in the whole field of political life. Peasants, soldiers, even workingmen voted en masse for the S. R.'s. The party itself had not expected anything of the kind, and more than once it looked as if it were in danger of being swamped in the waves of its own success. Excluding the purely capitalistic and landholder groups and the professional ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — From October to Brest-Litovsk • Leon Trotzky
... presented At Ludlow Castle, 1634: On Michael-masse night, before the Right Honorable, Iohn Earle of Bridgewater, Vicount Brackly, Lord Prsident of Wales, And one of His ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Catalogue of the Books Presented by Edward Capell to the Library of Trinity College in Cambridge • W. W. Greg
... practical creation. New societies were founded everywhere, no longer with a view of the slow, petty settlement of Palestine by means of groups of Jews creeping surreptitiously as it were into the country, but by the preparation for an emigration "en masse" into the Holy Land, based on a formal treaty with the Turkish Government, guaranteed by the Great Powers, by which the former should accord the new settlers ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Zionism and Anti-Semitism - Zionism by Nordau; and Anti-Semitism by Gottheil • Max Simon Nordau
... broke over the ship. My heart gave a jump, as a soldier's must when called to fight on an empty stomach at dawn on a winter's morning. What ought I to do? How was I to make the acquaintance of my future charges? Must it be en masse, or could it be done singly? I had neglected to ask Sir Marcus what would be expected of me, and I was in a worse funk than a new boy on his first day at school. Soon it would be dinner time. I wished that I were ill, but I remembered that the one thing I must not do was ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — It Happened in Egypt • C. N. Williamson & A. M. Williamson
... carries back the history to 1611, when the first Jesuit missionaries to North America, Father Pierre Biard and Enmond Masse, arrived in Acadia. They took part in the establishment of Port Royal and that of St. Sauveur, in Pentagoet, now Mount Desert Island. The former wrote a Relation of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 2, May, 1851 • Various
... Aultar, 24s. 11d.; A redde purple velvet cope, with the border of imagrie, having the assumption of our Ladie behinde and three little angels about her and the greater being full of floure de luces, 46s. 8d.;—1557, To William Allom for two antiphoners, one masse book and hymnal and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — St. John's College, Cambridge • Robert Forsyth Scott
... to a one hundred percent American mammoth was inspired by "The Ultra-Democratic, Anti-Federalist Cheese of Cheshire." This was in the summer of 1801 when the patriotic people of Cheshire, Massachusetts, turned out en masse to concoct a mammoth cheese on the village green for presentation to their beloved President Jefferson. The unique demonstration occurred spontaneously in jubilant commemoration of the greatest political ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Complete Book of Cheese • Robert Carlton Brown
... lack of sites, almost if not quite equal to those occupied at any given time, the easiest and most natural thing to do was to move. Owing to the nature of the hostile pressure, such movements were generally gradual, not en masse; although there is no doubt that movements of the latter ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona • Cosmos Mindeleff
... changed and favorable conditions, their hatred for the master class had not died. This spirit had infected the Mercenaries, of which three regiments in particular were ready to come over to us en masse. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Iron Heel • Jack London
... system of gradual emancipation before that period saw themselves abandoned, and were forced, in many instances, to give up working their estates, as their slaves took advantage of the approach of the insurgents to join them en masse; while those who had provided themselves with a mixed cast of free labourers, retained even during the worst times, a sufficient number of men to enable them to continue to cultivate their lands, although upon a ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921 • Various
... hath yet devised For the slaughter of men en masse We have copied or bought, and have stopped at naught To make our fleet "first class"; And lest this might not quite suffice, Should an enemy come in sight, We have made each man throughout Japan A ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Poems • John L. Stoddard
... the grin, Will offered his hand, and tasted the joy of being addressed as "Massa" in the talk that followed. It was with difficulty that we prevailed upon "Masse" to come ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Last of the Great Scouts - The Life Story of William F. Cody ["Buffalo Bill"] • Helen Cody Wetmore
... the experiment at several towers in Paris,—Notre Dame, St Jacques de la Boucherie, &c. The results of his researches were embodied in his treatises De l'equilibre des liqueurs and De la pesanteur de la masse d'air, which were written before 1651, but were not published till 1663 after his death. Corroboration was also afforded by Marin Mersenne and Christiaan Huygens. It was not long before it was discovered that the height of the column varied at the same place, and that a rise or fall was accompanied ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 - "Banks" to "Bassoon" • Various
... was not such a fool as to risk his six nets; he devoted one to his experiment, and did it well; he let out his bladder line a fathom, so that one half his net would literally be higgledy-piggledy with the rocks, unless the fish were there en masse. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Christie Johnstone • Charles Reade
... relinquish for a time their God-given trust and go, contrary to their wishes, to the polls and vote to counteract the other class;" and followed this by saying that "the ignorant female voters would be at the polls en masse, while the refined and educated, shrinking from public contact, would remain at home." He continued: "The ballot will not protect females against the tyranny of bad husbands, as the latter will compel them to vote as they dictate;" then ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (Volume 2 of 2) • Ida Husted Harper
... is upset; the sight of the slaughtered inhabitants defies all description; not a house is left standing. We have dragged out of every corner all survivors, one after another, men, women, and children, found in a burning cloister, and have shot them 'en masse.'" ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Their Crimes • Various
... a military operation planned in 1830 by Governor Arthur for the capture of the Tasmanian aborigines. A levy en masse of the colonists was ordered. About 5000 men formed the "black line," which advanced across the island from north to south-east, with the object of driving the tribes into Tasman's Peninsula. The operation proved a complete failure, two ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Dictionary of Austral English • Edward Morris
... the Hague: in two parts. London, 1802, 8vo. It is highly creditable to that most respectable establishment, Trinity College, Dublin, that the present grand collection of books was purchased "en masse" (for 7000l.) to be deposited within its library; thus rendering the interior of the latter "companion meet" for its magnificent exterior. The title-page of the first part announces the sale of the books ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Bibliomania; or Book-Madness - A Bibliographical Romance • Thomas Frognall Dibdin
... ha{n}des & wrestes, your face, & eyes, and your teeth, with colde water; and after y^t you be apparayled, [r] walke in your gardyn or parke, athousande pase or two. And than great and noble men doth vse to here masse, & other men that can not do so, but muste applye theyr busynes, doth [s] serue god w{i}t{h} some prayers, surrendrynge thankes to hym for hys manyfolde goodnes, with askynge mercye for theyr offences. And before ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Early English Meals and Manners • Various
... least popular members of the whole personnel were being dragooned into discipline. The sailors had seen individual midshipmen spread-eagled and mastheaded, while all save those they could bribe were forbidden to bring them drink or food; but here was a whole body of junior officers, punished en masse, as it were, lashed to the rigging and taking the wind and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker
... endless interruptions caused by such proceedings as shooting marbles at any object behind her, whistling, stamping, fighting, shrieking out 'Amen' in the middle of a prayer, and sometimes rising en masse and tearing like a troop of bisons in hob-nailed shoes down from the gallery, round the great schoolroom, and down the stairs, and into the street. These irrepressible outbreaks she bore with ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Reviews • Oscar Wilde
... that all men might se him, and perceiue that he was departed this life: for as the corps was conueied from Pomfret to London, in all the townes and places where those that had the conueiance of it did staie with it all night, they caused dirige to be soong in the euening, and masse of requiem in the morning; and as well after the one seruice as the other, his face discouered, was shewed to all that ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) - Henrie IV • Raphael Holinshed
... Atsubumi. But when the Emperor would have fulfilled his pledge, the priests of Enryaku-ji (Hiei-zan), jealous that a privilege which they alone possessed should be granted to priests of another monastery, repaired to the Court en masse to protest. Shirakuwu yielded to this representation and despatched Oye no Masafusa to placate Raigo. But the abbot refused to listen. He starved himself to death, passing day and night in devotion, and shortly after his demise ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A History of the Japanese People - From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era • Frank Brinkley and Dairoku Kikuchi
... at the dinner that during the ensuing Easter vacation the Scorpions should make a trip to Wolverhampton, en masse, for the purpose of picketing Bancroft Road and finding out what Kathleen was really like. And then, after singing "langers and godders" (Auld Lang Syne and God Save the King) the meeting broke up and the members dispersed darkly in various ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Kathleen • Christopher Morley
... loose strand and starts it down his throat. He then respires from the diaphragm, and like a troupe of trained angleworms that entire mass of spaghetti uncoils itself, gets up off the plate and disappears inside him—en masse, as it were—and making him look like a man who is chinning himself over a set of bead portieres. I fear we in America will never learn to siphon our spaghetti into us thus. It takes a nation that has practiced deep breathing ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Europe Revised • Irvin S. Cobb
... audience, who had gone there en masse, and had been led by curiosity to pay as much as fifty centimes for a chair (an unheard-of price for Marseilles), were very much disappointed; for it was expected that he would make a tremendous noise and break at least two ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Frederick Chopin as a Man and Musician - Volume 1-2, Complete • Frederick Niecks
... a cannibal chief, and inherited the keen senses belonging to all creatures which are hunted as game, Old Sophy, who watched them in their play and their quarrels, always seemed to be more afraid for the boy than the girl. "Masse Dick! Masse Dick! don' you be too rough wi' dat gal! She scratch you las' week, 'n' some day she bite you; 'n' if she bite you, Masse Dick!" Old Sophy nodded her head ominously, as if she could say a great deal more; while, in grateful acknowledgment of her caution, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Elsie Venner • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
... stage line to the Yosemite. Here a good dinner was enjoyed, the machines were overhauled, and on we went. Then Big Oak Flat, a mining town of some importance, was passed, and a few miles farther Groveland, where a quite active community turned out en masse to welcome the distinguished travelers. The day's work was done and the citizens showed a pathetic interest which testified to how little ordinarily happened. The shades of night were well down when Hamilton's was reached—a stopping-place once ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Backward Glance at Eighty • Charles A. Murdock
... sufficient caution for bringing home within three moneths such of their children who are without the Kingdom, to be educate in Schooles and Colledges at the Presbyteries sight; to finde caution likewise of their abstinence from Masse, and the company of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland
... towards individual ownership there began since 1880 a mass movement in favour of re-establishing the village community. Even peasant proprietors who had lived for years under the individualist system returned en masse to the communal institutions. Thus, there is a considerable number of ex-serfs who have received one-fourth part only of the regulation allotments, but they have received them free of redemption and in individual ownership. There was in 1890 a wide-spread movement among them (in ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Mutual Aid • P. Kropotkin
... a political oration which fired the revolutionary blood in their veins, and made them eager to rush to the State-house en masse, and demand the ballot before one-half of them were quite clear what it meant, and the other half were as unfit for it as any ignorant Patrick bribed with a dollar and a ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Work: A Story of Experience • Louisa May Alcott
... translates the M.H.G. "wafenhemde", is a light garment of cloth or silk worn above the armor. (3) "Azagouc". See Zazamanc, Adventure VI, note 2. This strophe is evidently a late interpolation, as it contradicts the description given above. (4) Weights. The M.H.G. "messe" (Lat. "masse") is just as indefinite as the English expression. It was a mass or lump of any metal, probably determined by the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Nibelungenlied • Unknown
... obvious that little attention is given to their design from the standpoint of lighting. That the fixture-dealer usually thinks of fixtures as objects and gives little or no thought to lighting effects is apparent from his conversation and from his display. He exhibits fixtures usually en masse and seldom attempts to illustrate the lighting effects ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Artificial Light - Its Influence upon Civilization • M. Luckiesh
... the prest whan he shall sey the masse, Whan hit shall happen you or be-tyde, Remeue not ferre ne from his presence passe, 87 Kneleth or stondeth deuoutly hym be-syde, And not to nyghe; youre tounge mooste be applied To Answere hym wyth[1] v[o]ice full ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Caxton's Book of Curtesye • Frederick J. Furnivall
... company was very proud of it, and I suppose it was good enough for a city—but, pshaw, it wouldn't do Homeburg for a day. If some one were to offer that entire exchange to us free of charge, we'd struggle along with it for a few hours, and then we'd rise up en masse and trade it off for Carrie Mason, our chief operator, throwing in whatever we ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Homeburg Memories • George Helgesen Fitch
... and languages of the mother-country—a race Atlantean in origin. In the same way we may suppose Hamitic emigrations to have gone out from Atlantis to Syria, Egypt, and the Barbary States. If we could imagine Highland Scotch, Welsh, Cornish, and Irish populations emigrating en masse from England in later times, and carrying to their new lands the civilization of England, with peculiar languages not English, we would have a state of things probably more like the migrations which took place from Atlantis. England, with a civilization Atlantean ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Antediluvian World • Ignatius Donnelly
... sweeping; comprehensive. Adv. wholly, altogether; totally &c. (completely) 52; entirely, all, all in all, as a whole, wholesale, in a body, collectively, all put together; in the aggregate, in the lump, in the mass, in the gross, in the main, in the long run; en masse, as a body, on the whole, bodily|!, en bloc, in extenso[Lat], throughout, every inch; substantially. Phr. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Roget's Thesaurus
... Poutrincourt obtained a confirmation from Henry IV. of the gift to him of Port Royal by De Monts, and proceeded to establish a colony there in 1608. In 1611, a Jesuit mission was planted by the Fathers Pierre Biard and Enemond Masse. It was chiefly patronized by a bevy of ladies, under the leadership of the Marchioness de Guerchville, in close association with Marie de Medicis, the queen-regent, Madame de Verneuil, and Madame de Soudis. Although De Poutrincourt was a devout member of the Roman Church, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, Vol. 1 • Samuel de Champlain
... than elsewhere. The croupiers seem to be always on the look-out for cheating. You never see here a pile of gold or bank notes on the table, as at Hombourg or Wiesbaden, with the player saying, "Cinquante louis aux billet," "Cent-vingt louis a la masse," and the winnings scrupulously paid, or the losings raked carefully away from the heap. They do not allow that at Spa; there is an order against it on the wall. They could not trust the people that play, I suppose, and it is doubtful if the people could trust the croupiers. The ball spins more ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Gaming Table: Its Votaries and Victims - Volume I (of II) • Andrew Steinmetz
... was preparing calmly for a parallel hecatomb. There is something awful and dreadful about the orderliness of a great offensive, for while one's imagination is grasped by the grandeur and the organization of the thing, all one's faculties of intellect are revolted by the stark brutality of death en masse. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Volunteer Poilu • Henry Sheahan
... forty-four thousand municipalities came to accept the constitution. Admitted to the bar of the assembly, after making known the assent of the people, they required the arrest of all suspected persons, and a levy en masse of the people. "Well," exclaimed Danton, "let us respond to their wishes. The deputies of the primary assemblies have just taken the initiative among us, in the way of inspiring terror! I demand that the convention, which ought now to be penetrated with a sense ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814 • F. A. M. Mignet
... 6. The Paroli: in this, whoever won the couch, and intended to go on for another advantage, crooked the corner of his card, letting his money lie, without being paid the value by the talliere. 7. The Masse, which was, when those who had won the couch, would venture more money on the SAME card. 8. The Pay, which was when the player had won the couch, and, being doubtful of making the paroli, left off; for by going the pay, if the card turned up wrong, he lost nothing, having won the couch before; ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Gaming Table: Its Votaries and Victims - Volume II (of II) • Andrew Steinmetz
... replacement of the bowel in the abdomen. If the bowel were adherent to the neck of the sac, we might, when trying to reduce it by the taxis, produce visceral invagination; or while the stricture is in the neck of the sac, if we were to return this and its contents en masse (the "reduction en bloc") into the abdomen, it is obvious that the bowel would be still in a state of strangulation, though free of the internal ring or other opening in the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Surgical Anatomy • Joseph Maclise
... Schoole-boy that had lost his A.B.C. to weep like a yong wench that had buried her Grandam: to fast, like one that takes diet: to watch, like one that feares robbing: to speake puling, like a beggar at Hallow-Masse: You were wont, when you laughed, to crow like a cocke; when you walk'd, to walke like one of the Lions: when you fasted, it was presently after dinner: when you look'd sadly, it was for want of money: And now ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare
... married prests did choose rather to run into the danger of his cursse, than to forsake their wiues, meaning to bridle them by an other prouiso, gaue commandment by his bull published abroad, that none should heare the masse of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (1 of 12) - William the Conqueror • Raphael Holinshed
... and retain very little of the properties of the Concretes whence they were separated; Yet being minded to Observe watchfully whether I could meet with any Exceptions to this General Observation, I observ'd at the Glasse-house, that sometimes the Metal (as the Workmen call it) or Masse of colliquated Ingredients, which by Blowing they fashion into Vessels of divers shapes, did sometimes prove of a very differing colour, and a somewhat differing Texture, from what was usuall. And having enquired whether the cause of such Accidents might not be derived from the peculiar ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Sceptical Chymist • Robert Boyle
... poor, in addition to the land allotted to all according to their respective claims. Can any one doubt that if there had been a systematic robbery of the smaller holders on enclosure they would not have risen 'en masse'? ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Short History of English Agriculture • W. H. R. Curtler
... boards, when it is ready for use. The bush, cut at the end, is fired before the beginning, of the rains, leaving the land ready for yams and sweet potatoes almost without using the hoe. In the middle dries, from June to September, the villagers sally forth en masse for a battue of elephants, whose spoils bring various luxuries from the coast. Lately, before my arrival, they had turned out to gather the Aba, or wild mango, for Odika sauce; and during this season they will do nothing else. The Fan plant their own tobacco, which is described ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1 • Richard F. Burton
... this comes by loue, the vemencie of loue, And when I was yong, I was very idle, And suffered much extasie in loue, very neere this: Will you walke out of the aire my Lord? Ham. Into my graue. [E2v] Cor. By the masse that's out of the aire indeed, Very shrewd answers, My lord I will take my leaue of you. Enter Gilderstone, and Rossencraft. Ham. You can take nothing from me sir, I will more willingly part with all, Olde doating foole. Cor, You seeke Prince ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke - The First ('Bad') Quarto • William Shakespeare
... Knapf served a late supper, at which some one led in singing Auld Lang Syne, although the sounds emanating from the aborigines' end of the table sounded suspiciously like Die Wacht am Rhein. Following that the aborigines rose en masse and roared out their German university songs, banging their glasses on the table when they came to the chorus until we all caught the spirit of it and banged our glasses like rathskeller veterans. Then the red-faced and amorous Fritz, he of the absent ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Dawn O'Hara, The Girl Who Laughed • Edna Ferber
... voice a story wherein her husband's sister figured as the despicable person she was to the eye of discernment, and this story was punctuated and shot through and dislocuted by objurgations, threats, pleadings, admirations, alarms and despairs addressed to the children separately and en masse, by name, nickname, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Mary, Mary • James Stephens
... Mussaenda, C. Morren held the view that the petal-like sepal was really a bract adherent to the calyx, and incorporating with itself one of the calycine lobes—"soudee au calice et ayant devoree, en englobant dans sa propre masse, un lobe calicinal." The Belgian savant considers this somewhat improbable explanation as supported by a case wherein there were five calyx lobes of uniform size, and a detached feather-veined leaf proceeding from the side of the ovary lower down ('Bull. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Vegetable Teratology - An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants • Maxwell T. Masters
... & hys. 484 buries Bedwere Also he buryed Bedewere and others Hys frend and | hys Botyler, And so he dude other Echon in Abbeys, In Abbeys of Relygyoun 488 [Th]at were cristien of name; He dude to alle [th]e same; And dude for ham Masse synge wyth solempne song & offrynge, 492 And bood [th]ere for to rest, and stays the Tylle [th]at wynter was past, winter, Bo[th]e he (.) hys Men echone Seruyd god in deuocione, 496 thanking God [Th]ankyng god of hys My[gh]t [Th]at kepe[th] hys seruauntez ry[gh]t, And suffre[th] ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Arthur, Copied And Edited From The Marquis of Bath's MS • Frederick J. Furnivall
... to come to pass, Mr. Froude does not condescend here explicitly to state. But we are left free to infer from the whole drift of "The English in the West Indies" that it will come through the exodus en masse said to be threatened by his "Anglo-West Indians." Mr. Froude sympathetically justifies the disgust and exasperation of these reputable folk at the presence and progress of the race for whose freedom and ultimate elevation Britain was so ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — West Indian Fables by James Anthony Froude Explained by J. J. Thomas • J. J. (John Jacob) Thomas
... full of flowering azaleas and rare palms. Here he sat for a while among the red and white blossoms, listening to the incessant hum of voices, and wondering what enjoyment human beings could find in thus herding together en masse, and chattering all at once as though life depended on chatter, when the rustling of a woman's dress disturbed his brief solitude. He rose directly, as he saw his fair hostess ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Ardath - The Story of a Dead Self • Marie Corelli
... waters. With gaze riveted upon that exciting spectacle, I over-looked a myriad of ducks that were reposing within a few yards of me, and which, having discovered the lurking danger, began to rise en masse from the lake. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Bushman - Life in a New Country • Edward Wilson Landor
... when his grace keepeth court and specially in riding journeys: it is ordeyned that the master of the children and six men ... shall give their continual attendance in the King's court, and dayly in the absence of the residue of the chappell, to have a masse of our Lady before noone, and on Sundayes and holy dayes masse of the day besides our Lady masse, and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Customs of Old England • F. J. Snell
... 23rd of June 1559, Knox wrote to Mrs Anna Lock: "Diverse channons of Sanct Andrewes have given notable confessiouns, and have declared themselves manifest enemies to the pope, to the masse, and to all superstitioun" (Laing's Knox, vi. 26). In all probability some of these canons were included among the fourteen canons of St Andrews Priory who are mentioned as Protestants in January 1571-72, and of whom twelve were ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Scottish Reformation - Its Epochs, Episodes, Leaders, and Distinctive Characteristics • Alexander F. Mitchell
... all sorts of bad names, made indecent gestures, and aggravated us, so that between 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, by an inexplicable concert of action, and with a serious breach of discipline, a large number of the men and many of the officers broke en masse from the camp with loud yells and charged the offending savages. As soon as this mob got within musket-shot they opened fire on the Indians, who ran down the other face of the ridge without making the slightest resistance. The hill was readily taken by this unmilitary proceeding, and no ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Memoirs of General Philip H. Sheridan, Vol. I., Part 1 • Philip H. Sheridan
... Indeed, of property they had none. Just emerging from a condition of slavery in which their labor had been constantly exacted without fee or reward of any kind, it was impossible that they could be the owners of any thing except their own bodies. Notwithstanding this fact, the negroes, en masse, were held to be subjects of taxation in the State Governments about to be re-organized. In Georgia, for example, a State tax of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars was levied in the first year ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Twenty Years of Congress, Volume 2 (of 2) • James Gillespie Blaine
... stood up with him and Lyn and helped them get fitted to double harness. Not that there was any lack of other folk; indeed, it seemed to me that the official contingent of Fort Walsh had turned out en masse to attend the ceremony. But Piegan and I were the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Raw Gold - A Novel • Bertrand W. Sinclair
... removed from Saint Paul's to Westminster. The lowest crafts were placed nearest to the Cathedral, and the most worshipful next to Temple Bar, where the civic escort terminated. The mayor and aldermen proceeded to Westminster by water, to attend the "masse and offering." The mayor, with his mace in his hand, made his offering next after the Lord Chamberlain; those aldermen who had passed the chair(1023) offered next after the Knights of the Garter, and before all "knights for the body"; whilst ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — London and the Kingdom - Volume I • Reginald R. Sharpe
... state of extreme panic, and until the truth is made manifest, the greatest confusion prevails. Mounted guards and policemen—armed to the teeth—charge through the streets in all directions, and the volunteers turn out en masse and congregate in large numbers before the scene of the conflagration ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Pearl of the Antilles, or An Artist in Cuba • Walter Goodman
... experimenter, but in much he was a master. In the brief stroke of description, which he inherited from his early attachment to the concrete; in the rush of words, especially verbs; in the concatenation of objects, the flow of things 'en masse' through his verse, still with the impulse of "the bright speed" he had at the source; in his theatrical impersonation of abstractions, as in "The Funeral of Youth", where for once the abstract and the concrete are happily fused; — in all these there are the elements, and in the last there ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke • Rupert Brooke
... move "en masse" is made, the guests, warmed with wine and full of enthusiasm, file away. Hardin and Valois sit late. The splashing rain drenches the swaying trees ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Little Lady of Lagunitas • Richard Henry Savage
... The parable of the "Marriage of the King's Son."] & if vnwelcu{m} he were to a worlych prynce [Gh]et hy{m} is e hy[gh]e ky{n}g harder i{n} her euen, As maew mele[gh] in his masse of at man ryche, at made e mukel mangerye to marie his here dere, 52 & sende his sonde en to say at ay samne schulde, & in comly quoyntis to com to his feste; [Sidenote: The king's invitation.] "For my boles & my bore[gh] arn bayted & slayne, & my fedde foule[gh] ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Early English Alliterative Poems - in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century • Various
... one of his letters (1823) he paraphrases thus: "Der Gedanke an Dich, liebe Schwester, muss mich zuweilen aufrecht halten, wenn die grosse Masse mit ihrem dummen Hass und ihrer ekelhaften Liebe mich niederdrueckt."[267] There can be no doubt that Heine for a time studied diligently to imitate this fashionable model, pose, irony and all. So diligently perhaps, that he himself ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Types of Weltschmerz in German Poetry • Wilhelm Alfred Braun
... on the Americans and exterminate them, that we may take our revenge for the infamy and treachery which they have committed upon us; have no compassion upon them; attack with vigor. All Filipinos en masse will second you. Long live ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, • Murat Halstead
... No more shal we powre out our selues in vaine & painfull pleasures: for we shal be filled with true & substantiall pleasures. No more shal we paine our selues in heaping togither these exhalati[on]s of the earth: for the heauens shall be ours, and this masse of earth, which euer drawes vs towards the earth, shalbe buried in the earth. No more shal we ouerwearie our selues with mounting from degree to degree, and from honor to honor: for we shall highlie be raysed aboue all heights of the world; and from on high laugh at ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Discourse of Life and Death, by Mornay; and Antonius by Garnier • Philippe de Mornay
... "Da chi dipendera il Pontefice nell' esercizio del suo potere Spirituale? Dai Re? Eccovi il gallicanismo parlamentare! Dalle masse dei fedeli? Eccovi il richerianismo, e febronianismo! Dai Vescovi? Eccovi il gallicanismo teologico" (L. di ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Purpose of the Papacy • John S. Vaughan
... into their native village, but a few hundred yards distant. We are to-day passing through villages where a bicycle has never been seen - this being outside the area of Igali's peregrinations - and the whole population invariably turns out en masse, clerks, proprietors, and customers in the shops unceremoniously dropping everything and running to the streets; there is verily a hurrying to and fro of all the citizens; husbands hastening from magazine to dwelling to inform ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Around the World on a Bicycle V1 • Thomas Stevens
... the Masse Lad, thou say'st true, it is like wee shall haue good trading that way. But tell me Hal, art not thou horrible afear'd? thou being Heire apparant, could the World picke thee out three such Enemyes againe, as that Fiend Dowglas, that Spirit Percy, and that Deuill Glendower? Art not ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The First Folio [35 Plays] • William Shakespeare
... California at that critical time; for so contagious had become the "gold-fever" that everybody was bound to go and try his fortune, and the volunteer regiment of Stevenson's would have deserted en masse, had the men not been assured that they would very soon be entitled ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Memoirs of Three Civil War Generals, Complete • U. S. Grant, W. T. Sherman, P. H. Sheridan
... come to passe, The priest when he begins his masse Forgets that ever clarke he was; ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Parish Clerk (1907) • Peter Hampson Ditchfield
... Bundesrath vote en masse—that is the "unit rule" prevails. The seventeen delegates from Prussia must vote as instructed by the Kaiser, and if there chanced to be but one member present he still would cast seventeen votes for the delegation. The ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights • Kelly Miller
... clipper brig, a SLAVER, anchored in the outer roads, which had been for a fortnight ready for sea, but was detained in consequence of the desertion of three several crews, who had been induced by false representations to ship, and had deserted EN MASSE as soon as they learned the true character of the vessel and the voyage. He was now using all possible means to entrap a crew of men or boys for this abominable traffic, and was by no means particular ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Jack in the Forecastle • John Sherburne Sleeper
... supposed to be, into distinct groups, separated by sharply-marked boundaries. There are no great gulfs between epochs and formations—no successive periods marked by the appearance of plants, of water animals, and of land animals, 'en masse'. Every year adds to the list of links between what the older geologists supposed to be widely separated epochs: witness the crags linking the drift with older tertiaries; the Maestricht beds linking the tertiaries with the chalk; the St. Cassian beds exhibiting an abundant fauna of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Origin of Species - From 'The Westminster Review', April 1860 • Thomas H. Huxley
... bamboozle the simple village people with newspapers, money and wonderful promises. It is astounding how easily the French peasant believes all that the political agents tell him and all that he reads in the cheap papers, for, as a rule—taken en masse—they are very intelligent and at the same time suspicious (mefiants), manage their own little affairs very well and are rarely taken in; but there is something in the popular orator that carries them away and they really believe that a golden epoch is coming—when there will be ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Chateau and Country Life in France • Mary King Waddington
... as the cars bumped and jounced. Out of the darkness appeared the up-reared heads and tossing manes of the ponies. There were possibly three hundred in the herd, and they ran en masse, snorting and neighing, mad with that fear of the unknown which is always at the root ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Ruth Fielding in the Great Northwest - Or, The Indian Girl Star of the Movies • Alice B. Emerson
... did not wander far from the main chance. You will think of many exceptions; but this comes as near truth, probably, as a generalization may. We should understand their temperament; quick and sensitive, capable of inspiration to high deeds; but, en masse, rarely founded on enduring principles. That jumping into the seas was nothing to the Persians; they were not sung to it; it was not done in defense of home, or upon a motive of sudden passion, as hate ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Crest-Wave of Evolution • Kenneth Morris
... the wheels also and, as everybody rose en masse, had said as impressively as extreme agitation would allow, while she put her glasses on upside down and seized a lace tidy instead of her handkerchief: "Stop! All stay here, and let me receive Alec. Remember his weak state, and be calm, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Rose in Bloom - A Sequel to "Eight Cousins" • Louisa May Alcott
... Kirton, was at the sign of the King's Arms. Writing under date November 2, 1660, Pepys chronicles: 'In Paul's Churchyard I called at Kirton's, and there they had got a masse book for me, which I bought, and cost me 12s., and, when I come home, sat up late and read in it with great pleasure to my wife, to hear that she was long ago acquainted with it.' Kirton was one of the most extensive sufferers of the bookselling fraternity ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Book-Hunter in London - Historical and Other Studies of Collectors and Collecting • William Roberts
... of satisfying our creditor except through the interpostion of a superhuman third person[5328] who assumes our indebtedness as his own; still more precisely, we are delinquents, guilty from birth and by inheritance, condemned en masse and then pardoned en masse, but in such a way that this pardon, a pure favor, not warranted by any merit of our own, always remains continual and revocable at will; that, for a few only, it is or becomes plenary and lasting, that no one amongst us can be sure of obtaining ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 6 (of 6) - The Modern Regime, Volume 2 (of 2) • Hippolyte A. Taine
... belonged to Jane Bickerton, the mistress and afterwards wife of the sixth Duke of Norfolk. Evelyn dined there soon after this marriage had been solemnised. "The Duke," he says, "leading me about the house made no scruple of showing me all the hiding-places for the Popish priests and where they said Masse, for he was no bigoted Papist." At the Duke's death "the palace" was sold to the Countess of Dorchester, whose descendants pulled it down some fifty years ago. The oak-panelled rooms were richly parquetted with "cedar and cyprus." One of them until the last retained the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Secret Chambers and Hiding Places • Allan Fea
... Buddhists or Brahmans any right to a history of their own, save the one evoluted by the Western mind. As though the Muse of History had turned her back while events were gliding by, the "historian" confesses his inability to close the immense lacunae between the Indo-Aryan supposed immigration en masse across the Hindoo Kush, and the reign of Asoka. Having nothing more solid, he uses contradictory inferences and speculations. But the Asiatic occultists, whose forefathers had her tablets in their keeping, and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Five Years Of Theosophy • Various
... echoed, turning to Endymion, with a twinkle of malice in his eye. "But when Mr. Westcote releases us, it will be en masse; and then, believe me, I shall come with an army, since I underrate neither the strength of the fortress nor the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Westcotes • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
... en masse: the fools! They comprise the sound part of the Corps Legislatif. It was to them that the head of the State addressed this little flattery:—"The first test of the Constitution, entirely of French origin, must have convinced you that we ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Napoleon the Little • Victor Hugo
... northward with a provost guard to recapture a score of deserters. Children found no teacher at the new schoolhouse and for months its doors were barred. Cargoes, half-discharged, lay on the wharves, unwarehoused. Crews left en masse for the mines, and ships floated unmanned at anchor. Many of them never went ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Port O' Gold • Louis John Stellman
... of Albano as it bad never been drawn forth before; and as they went forth they presented a scene such as those of which the mediaeval legends tell us, where the whole population of some town which had been desolated by a dragon, went forth en masse to do battle with ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Among the Brigands • James de Mille
... coniunccyon Of dame Clennes and me in matrimonye With heuenly wordes and vertuous fastyon And aungels came downe from heuen hye As saynt Mychell with gabryell & the gerachye To helpe saynt peter the masse to synge The organs went and the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Example of Vertu - The Example of Virtue • Stephen Hawes
... church. He remembered the abbey as he lay dying, and the sound of its bells ringing for vespers came softly in at his window on the mellow September air; and he left 'my Lord Abbot and Convent' one of his famous broadcloths and four pounds in money 'for to have a dirige and Masse and their belles Ryngyng at my buriall when it is doon at Chirche, lykewyse the vijth day and mounth day, with iij tryntalls upon the same day yf they can serve them, orells when they can at more leasur, Summa ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Medieval People • Eileen Edna Power
... "If you fish in those places you will be laughed at more than I was yesterday." He understood, and went farther down. The water was much more clear, but still flies could not be seen, so I used the scorned grasshopper. In about two hours I caught sixteen beautiful trout, which weighed, en masse, a little over twenty-five pounds! I cast in the very places where I had lost hooks, and almost every time caught a fish. I left them in the shade in various places along the stream, and Faye and a soldier brought them to camp. A fine display they ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Army Letters from an Officer's Wife, 1871-1888 • Frances M.A. Roe
... she butts in. "I'll let it go en masse. I'm delighted to meet you all, and I hope you won't run away ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Alex the Great • H. C. Witwer
... nation as most dear to our hearts. What we were now fighting for was right, and he would put to them a resolution that we would fight for right till right had won. In response to an appeal for the endorsement of his sentiments the audience stood en masse, and with upraised hands shouted "Aye." It was a stirring moment, and must have been gratifying to the authoress, who has devoted so much of her time and energy to the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — My War Experiences in Two Continents • Sarah Macnaughtan
... Vine Crownes with his purple Masse, The cedar reaching hie To kisse the Sky The Cypresse, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Minor Poems of Michael Drayton • Michael Drayton
... man, came with the commissioners, and they flock to hear him with great desire; besides, there is in Dublin, since January last, about 750 Papists forsaken their priests and the masse, and attends the public ordinances, I having appointed Mr. Chambers, a minister, to instruct them at his own house once a week. They all repaire to him with much affection, and desireth satisfaction. And though Dublin hath formerly swarmed ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Land-War In Ireland (1870) - A History For The Times • James Godkin
... saviors of Europe. Nothing was too good for them. The sight of a Belgian uniform in the streets of London or Paris was the signal for a popular ovation. When the red-black-and-yellow banner was displayed on the stage of a music-hall the audience rose en masse. The story of the defense of Liege sent a thrill of admiration round the world. But in the two and a half years that have passed since then there has become noticeable among French and English—particularly ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Italy at War and the Allies in the West • E. Alexander Powell
... the epiglottis, in those rare cases where the lesion is strictly limited to the tip is, however, an exception. If amputation of the epiglottis will give a sufficiently wide removal, this may be done en masse with a heavy snare, and has resulted in complete cure. Very small growths may be removed sufficiently widely with the punch forceps (Fig. 33); but piece meal removal of malignancy is to ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy - A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery • Chevalier Jackson
... sermons to the populace; and Holinshed mentions two instances of public penance being performed here; in 1534 by some of the adherents of Elizabeth Barton, well known as the holy maid of Kent, and in 1536 by Sir Thomas Newman, a priest, who "bare a faggot at Paules crosse for singing masse with good ale."] ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Character Writings of the 17th Century • Various
... could hardly be called an army; and the daring of the Government, who, with this levee en masse as their only bulwark against invasion, had defied a great power, seems at first sight strongly allied to folly. But there was little cause for apprehension. The Federal authorities were as yet powerless ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Stonewall Jackson And The American Civil War • G. F. R. Henderson
... nine I tried the experiment of throwing out a handful of feathers through the valve. They did not float as I had expected; but dropped down perpendicularly, like a bullet, en masse, and with the greatest velocity—being out of sight in a very few seconds. I did not at first know what to make of this extraordinary phenomenon; not being able to believe that my rate of ascent had, of a sudden, met with so prodigious an acceleration. But it soon ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1 (of 5) of the Raven Edition • Edgar Allan Poe
... aspyede wel y-nough, 85 For she was wys, and lovede him never-the-lasse, Al nere he malapert, or made it tough, Or was to bold, to singe a fool a masse. But whan his shame gan somwhat to passe, His resons, as I may my rymes holde, 90 I yow wole telle, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Troilus and Criseyde • Geoffrey Chaucer
... not of such supersticions as are nowe growen and vsed in papistrie / As of masses / and such like / for in the sacrifices of the gentils what so euer is done / yt is done vnto Idolles / But here in the masse that whiche ys done is done as a worshippe vnto god / for the name of godd is caled on: It hathe the begynynge of Christes ordinaunce and institution, although that some nowghtie men abuse it: wherfore / seinge theis do thus differ from the other / theis can not ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful • Peter Martyr
... crossroads might appropriately be classed under that head, but, of course, Aunt Hitty knew what she was talking about. She remembered the last quilting Aunt Hitty had given, when the Ladies' Aid Society had been invited, en masse, to finish off the quilt Araminta's rebellious fingers had just completed. One of the ladies had been obliged to leave earlier than the ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Spinner in the Sun • Myrtle Reed
... footing or thick crust, of the same mettall that the horse was, and vpon the which he stoode, and those that were ouerthrowne did lye, somewhat shorter and narrower then the base or subiect frame, the whole masse or composition cast of a peece and of the same mettall, maruelouslie founded. Lastlye you could not perceiue that any were contented with his rowghnes, as appeared by their framed countenances, shewing a discontent which they could not vtter being sencelesse images, not differing otherwayes ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Hypnerotomachia - The Strife of Loue in a Dreame • Francesco Colonna
... everything remain essentially the same from generation to generation? Why do highly civilised Christian people continue to plunder one another and call it exchange, to murder one another en masse, and call it nationalism, to oppress one ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Education of the Child • Ellen Key
... coming, however; the work steadily broadened; and the posts of service were multiplied. In due time the footprints of the Jesuits were everywhere, from the St. Lawrence to the Mississippi, from the tributaries of the Hudson to the regions north of the Ottawa. Le Jeune, Masse, Brebeuf, Lalemant, Ragueneau, Le Dablon, Jogues, Gamier, Raymbault, Peron, Moyne, Allouez, Druilletes, Chaumonot, Menard, Bressani, Daniel, Chabanel, and a hundred others,—they soon formed that legion whose works of courage and devotion stand forth so prominently ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Crusaders of New France - A Chronicle of the Fleur-de-Lis in the Wilderness - Chronicles of America, Volume 4 • William Bennett Munro
... turned out almost en masse, leaving their work and forming in solid column about six hundred strong, armed to the teeth, they marched up to Virginia. The leader of the body well knew the temper of his men on the subject. He spurred on ahead of them, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... pity some metaphysicianising philosopher is not here to observe, describe, and theorise on the extraordinary symptoms and effects of enthusiasm, curiosity, insanity—I am sure I do not know what to call it—en masse. ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Before and after Waterloo - Letters from Edward Stanley, sometime Bishop of Norwich (1802;1814;1814) • Edward Stanley
... support you with all our strength!" A peasant-soldier protested against the release of "the traitor Socialists, Mazlov and Salazkin"; as for the Executive Committee of the Peasants' Soviets, it should be arrested en masse!Here was real revolutionary talk.... A deputy from the Russian Army in Persia declared he was instructed to demand all power to the Soviets.... A Ukrainean officer, speaking in his native tongue: "There is no nationalism in this crisis.... Da zdravstvuyet ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Ten Days That Shook the World • John Reed
... implies that Dr. Coriat accepts the Freudian theories en masse. Hence, to discuss this subject in a thorough way I should have to take up for discussion the various aspects of Freudian psychoanalysis. This would include a consideration of the method employed, the psychology, the attitude ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Journal of Abnormal Psychology - Volume 10
... grimly,—the utter stodginess and stupidity of humanity EN MASSE had of late struck him very forcibly, and he found every excuse for the so-called incapacity of Governments, seeing the kind of folk they are called upon to govern. He realised, as we all who read history, ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Secret Power • Marie Corelli
... specter, which appeared to be a woman in white. Clubs, bullets and shot tore the air in which the mystic figure floated without disconcerting it in the least. A portion of the town turned out en masse to-day and began exhuming all the bodies ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Best Ghost Stories • Various
... laughed until I thought the wooden chair under me would have come to pieces. He roared, he raved, he swore, he pushed them about, slapped them on the back, shoved them against the wall, and occasionally rushed out to the head of the stair to address them en masse. At the same time, behind all this tomfoolery, I, watching his prescriptions, could see a quickness of diagnosis, a scientific insight, and a daring and unconventional use of drugs, which satisfied me that he was ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Stark Munro Letters • J. Stark Munro
... subjects. Individualistic and segregated domestic circles give rise to tax evasions, feuds, and moonshining, plots and the growth of strong men. The city is the corral where humans mill like cattle in a panic, are more easily ridden down en masse, and become habitual buyers of ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Mystic Isles of the South Seas. • Frederick O'Brien
... running into the high countrey, and amongst the rest, he found one boate laden vvith the principal Church stuffe of the high Church of VIGO, vvhere also vvas their great Crosse of siluer, of very fayre embossed vvorke, and double gilt all ouer, hauing cost them a great masse of money. They complayned to haue lost in all kind of goods aboue thirtie thowsand ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Svmmarie and Trve Discovrse of Sir Frances Drakes VVest Indian Voyage • Richard Field
... with more than the usual enthusiasm. There he made a collection in aid of the Conference of Saint-vincent de Paul. In the midst of the seance, he appeared almost inspired, and recited "La Charite dans Bordeaux"—the grand piece of the evening. The assembly rose en masse, and cheered the poet with frantic applause. The ladies threw an avalanche of bouquets at the hero ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist • Samuel Smiles
... he, "at the ingratitude of the nobility than I am at these hordes of bloodthirsty plunderers, for we all know that the nobility owe everything to the King. Why do they not rise en masse to shield the Royal Family from these bloodhounds? Can they imagine they will be spared if the King should be murdered? I ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Marguerite de Navarre - Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois Queen of Navarre • Marguerite de Navarre
... rust, Was underneath enveloped with gold; Whose glistring glosse, darkned with filthy dust, Well yet appeared to have beene of old A worke of rich entayle{12} and curious mould, Woven with antickes{13} and wyld ymagery; And in his lap a masse of coyne he told, And turned upside downe, to feede his eye And covetous ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Six Centuries of English Poetry - Tennyson to Chaucer • James Baldwin
... say, that a preast standing at the altare saying Masse, was lyik a fox wagging his ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6) • John Knox
... us suppose that when the machine is first rolled into the presence of the spectators, a man is already within it. His body is situated behind the dense machinery in cupboard No. T. (the rear portion of which machinery is so contrived as to slip en masse, from the main compartment to the cupboard No. I, as occasion may require,) and his legs lie at full length in the main compartment. When Maelzel opens the door No. I, the man within is not in any danger of discovery, for the keenest eye cannot penetrate ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 4 (of 5) of the Raven Edition • Edgar Allan Poe
... had two wet ays and have been very busy in-doors. The people being short of tea and sugar, we thought that on the anniversary of our wedding-day we would give out some we brought with us. Notice having been given, they appeared en masse at the hour named, but without anything to take provisions away in, so the younger women went back to get tins. Graham gave out the sugar (2 lbs. each), and I the tea (1 lb. each); but only half this quantity was given ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — Three Years in Tristan da Cunha • K. M. Barrow
... holiday given in honor of the event, aside from the display of flags and the big "Welcome" done in electric lights awaiting him at the railroad station, where all the portable population of Lagonda Ledge and most of the Walnut Valley, headed by the Sunrise contingent, en masse, seemed to be waiting also—aside from the demonstration and general hilarity and thanksgiving and rejoicing, there seemed no difference between the Dean of the days that followed and the Dean of the years before. His black hair was as long and ...![](http://www.freetranslator.org/rquot.gif) — A Master's Degree • Margaret Hill McCarter |