"Medico" Quotes from Famous Books
... wouldn't look at this business at the money. 'Not good enough,' would be my word. But even principle goes under when it comes to friends—the right sort, I mean. This Pinkerton is frightened, and he seems sick; the medico don't seem to care a cent about his state of health; and you've got to figure how you would like it if he came to die. Remember, the risk of this little swindle is all yours; it's no sort of risk to Mr. Pinkerton. Well, you've got to put it that way plainly, and see how you like the sound ... — The Wrecker • Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne
... or "going to water," as it is called, is one of their most frequent medico-religious ceremonies, and is performed on a great variety of occasions, such as at each new moon, before eating the new food at the green corn dance, before the medicine dance and other ceremonial dances before and after the ball ... — Seventh Annual Report • Various
... but at the same time impart the special tone and fibre and polarity of masculinity or femininity to the psychic disposition. Yet, even before Brown-Sequard's first epoch-making suggestion had set physiologists to search for internal secretions, the insight of certain physicians on the medico-psychological side was independently leading towards the same dynamic conception. In the middle of the last century Anstie, an acute London physician, more or less vaguely realised the transformations of sexual energy into nervous disease and into artistic energy. James Hinton, ... — Little Essays of Love and Virtue • Havelock Ellis
... be afraid of that. Ars Medico, will be bride enough for me till I meet another Mother Carey, and that I ... — Magnum Bonum • Charlotte M. Yonge
... of the Society some time back (this Journal, 1889, 256), have placed a number of methods of determination and separation of metals in the hands of chemists, which can be employed with advantage in qualitative analysis, especially in case of medical and medico-legal inquiry. These methods are not supposed to supersede in any way the ordinary methods of qualitative analysis, but to serve as a final and crucial means of identification, and thus to render it possible to detect very small quantities of the substances ... — Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891 • Various
... per otium ac requiem Apollonio Moloni clarissimo tunc dicendi magistro {5} operam daret. Huc dum hibernis iam mensibus traicit, circa Pharmacussam insulam a praedonibus captus est, mansitque apud eos, non sine summa indignatione, prope quadraginta dies cum uno medico et cubicularis duobus. Nam comites servosque {10} ceteros initio statim ad expediendas pecunias, quibus redimeretur, dimiserat. Numeratis deinde quinquaginta talentis, expositus in litore non distulit quin e vestigio classe deducta persequeretur abeuntis, ac redactos in potestatem ... — Helps to Latin Translation at Sight • Edmund Luce |
Words linked to "Medico" : ibn-Sina, Schweitzer, Caspar Bartholin, Peter Mark Roget, Fallot, hakim, gastroenterologist, medical man, Huntington, abortionist, Avicenna, Hodgkin, Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina, Anna Howard Shaw, operating surgeon, William Gilbert, Albert Schweitzer, Theophrastus Philippus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim, veterinary surgeon, Thomas Sydenham, Sir Ronald Ross, Etienne-Louis Arthur Fallot, hakeem, Klinefelter, Clemence Sophia Harned Lozier, E. A. von Willebrand, Benjamin Rush, Shaw, Mesmer, medical practitioner, veterinarian, Bruce, Crohn, specialist, Ross, Sydenham, Sir David Bruce, Jenner, Edward Jenner, Philippus Aureolus Paracelsus, doctor-patient relation, student, angiologist, Sir Patrick Manson, Aletta Jacobs, Christiaan Eijkman, Friedrich Anton Mesmer, Barany, gilbert, Sir James Young Simpson, primary care physician, William Harvey, Robert Barany, Erik von Willebrand, Averroes, general practitioner, medical specialist, interne, Paracelsus, Harry F. Klinefelter, rush, house physician, David Bruce, Thomas Hodgkin, allergist, surgeon, sawbones, extern, Burrill Bernard Crohn, pupil, Abul-Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-Roshd, Lozier, ibn-Roshd, down, Eijkman, resident, resident physician, John L. H. Down, Willebrand, von Willebrand, vet, veterinary, medical intern, Manson, educatee, Harvey, George Huntington, Jacobs, quack, Franz Anton Mesmer, Harry Fitch Kleinfelter, medical extern, Simpson, English Hippocrates, Roget, GP, intern, Bartholin, Erik Adolf von Willebrand, houseman |
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