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Memorialize   /məmˈɔriəlˌaɪz/   Listen

(past & past part. memorialized; pres. part. memorializing)
Address in a memorial.  Synonym: memorialise.
Be or provide a memorial to a person or an event.  Synonyms: commemorate, immortalise, immortalize, memorialise, record.  "We memorialized the Dead"

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"Memorialize" Quotes from Famous Books

... mind; fan the embers; call up, summon up, rip up; renew; infandum renovare dolorem [Lat.]; jog the memory, flap the memory, refresh the memory, rub up the memory, awaken the memory; pull by the sleeve; bring back to the memory, put in remembrance, memorialize. task the memory, tax the memory. get at one's fingers' ends, have at one's fingers', learn at one's fingers', know one's lesson, say one's lesson, repeat by heart, repeat by rote; say one's lesson; ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... are dead it doesn't matter if you were not successful in a business way. No one has yet had the courage to memorialize his wealth on his tombstone. A dollar mark would not look well there. The best epitaph proclaims simple old Scripture virtues, like honesty and diligence and patience. And you will observe that when the ...
— A Circuit Rider's Wife • Corra Harris

... papers printed the act in mourning and, meetings were called to memorialize the legislature. That body took strong ground, justifying the course of Great Britain, demanding of congress that it should repeal the embargo and declare war against France. Moreover, the enforcement act was declared "not legally binding," ...
— Thomas Jefferson • Edward S. Ellis et. al.

... ill-minded persons." In the end Coode assembled a force of something less than a thousand men and marched against St. Mary's. The Council, which had gathered there, surrendered, and the Association for the Defense found itself in power. It proceeded to call a convention and to memorialize the King and Queen, who in the end approved its course. Maryland passed under the immediate government of the Crown. Lord Baltimore might still receive quit-rents and customs, but his governmental rights were absorbed into the monarchy. ...
— Pioneers of the Old South - A Chronicle of English Colonial Beginnings, Volume 5 In - The Chronicles Of America Series • Mary Johnston

Words linked to "Memorialize" :   speak, memorial, remind, memorialization, monumentalise, memorialise, address, monumentalize, commemorate

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