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Microfilm   /mˈaɪkrəfˌɪlm/   Listen

Film on which materials are photographed at greatly reduced size; useful for storage; a magnification system is used to read the material.

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"Microfilm" Quotes from Famous Books

... Chief, glanced at a roll of incombustible microfilm, and cleared his throat. He liked being called upon, and since he had the history of every shade while on Earth, he was the second most feared devil ...
— Satan and the Comrades • Ralph Bennitt

... held the air regenerator and waste converter units, the storage batteries and the food cabinets. The compartment in which he sat contained chair, table, a narrow cot, banks of dials, a remote-control panel for operating the instruments mounted outside the hull, a microfilm projector, and a pair of exerciser springs attached to one ...
— The Nothing Equation • Tom Godwin

... that the remembrances would bring only pain. All day Nehmon had supervised the loading, the intricate preparation, following plans laid down millennia before. He saw the libraries and records transported, mile upon endless mile of microfilm, carted to the ships prepared to carry them, stored until a new resting place was found. The history of a people was recorded on that film, a people once proud and strong, now equally proud, but dwindling in numbers ...
— The Link • Alan Edward Nourse

Words linked to "Microfilm" :   film, microfiche, photographic film

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