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Min   /mɪn/   Listen

A unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour.  Synonym: minute.
Any of the forms of Chinese spoken in Fukien province.  Synonyms: Amoy, Fukien, Fukkianese, Hokkianese, Min dialect, Taiwanese.
An Egyptian god of procreation.

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"Min" Quotes from Famous Books

... "Nebber you min', sonny; Aunt Melvy gwine git dem cunjers out. She gwine stay by you. You hol' on to her han', an' go to sleep; she'll git dem old ...
— Sandy • Alice Hegan Rice

... Constitution was appended a provision applying the 6th or anti-slavery section of the ordinance of 1787 to all the territory ceded by Louisiana, outside of the limits of Missouri, and north of 36 deg. 30 min. north latitude, or the southern boundary of Missouri. The adoption of this act, fixing a geographical line between Free States and Slave States, has been called a compromise. The proposition was beyond doubt made in ...
— The Relations of the Federal Government to Slavery - Delivered at Fort Wayne, Ind., October 30th 1860 • Joseph Ketchum Edgerton

... an Irish gunner, who was one of the party, "we were ready to foight the mutineers as min again min; but it isn't min, lads—it's savage bastes. And, hurrah! boys, come and take a last look of the poor ...
— Gil the Gunner - The Youngest Officer in the East • George Manville Fenn

... the tent. "Leeze me abune them a'," said one of the company, who had waxed warm in the discussion, "for yon auld clear-headed (bald) man, that said, 'Raphael sings an' Gabriel strikes his goolden harp, an' a' the angels clap their wings wi' joy.' O but it was gran', it just put me in min' o' our geese at Dunjarg when they turn their nebs to the south an' clap their wings when they see the rain's comin' ...
— Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character • Edward Bannerman Ramsay

... min aen kai mnaemoruna panton grapherthai. Vit. Hom. in Schweigh Herodot t. iv. p. 299, sq. Section 6. I may observe that this Life has been paraphrased in English by my learned young friend Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie, and appended ...
— The Iliad of Homer • Homer

... Conover candidly. "Min worried awful over that before she died. She kept on a-saying 'Oh, what will become of my pore baby' till it really got on my nerves. I ain't a-going to trouble myself with it, I can tell yez. I brung up a boy that my sister left and he skinned out as soon as he got to be some good ...
— Rilla of Ingleside • Lucy Maud Montgomery

... last you spoke of all our meetings and partings, and of the occasion of your own difficulties and dangers. You had no time to write more, but sent a bundle of your writings with a note attached, which said, "Later on I will send a message by Po Min-chung.[5] Ask him for news and that will do instead of a letter." Alas! Is it thus that Wei-chih treats me? But again, I read the poem you wrote when you heard ...
— More Translations from the Chinese • Various

... you danced that night with Sidney Mercer. I thought the whole thing out. You're so much younger than I, Min. It didn't seem right for you to have to spend your life being read to by a ...
— The Man with Two Left Feet - and Other Stories • P. G. Wodehouse

... gwine ter watch ye, boy, wid good wishes in our hearts and a whole lot er misgivin's a playin' roun' in our min'." ...
— The Man in Gray • Thomas Dixon

... min agreeable?" said Mr. Swiveller in an undertone. "What is the odds so long as the fire of soul is kindled at the taper of conviviality, and the wing of friendship never moults a feather! But, only one little whisper, Fred—is the ...
— The World's Greatest Books, Vol III • Arthur Mee and J.A. Hammerton, Eds.

... after she went into the library she buried her face in the sofa pillow, sobbing aloud; then she felt a pair of arms clasp her knees and saw two tearful black eyes looking up into her face, while Bubbles' caressing voice said, "Never min', ...
— A Sweet Little Maid • Amy E. Blanchard

... long form: Republic of Korea conventional short form: South Korea local short form: none note: the South Koreans generally use the term "Han'guk" to refer to their country local long form: Taehan-min'guk abbreviation: ROK ...
— The 2003 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency

... Miguel lopez delegaspi del rrio de panai a cubie y conforme ala orden q tenia de su magd. poblo vna villa concinqta. vos. a los quales dio rrepartimio de yndios con parecer del prouincial fray min de herrada y del mre, ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 - Volume III, 1569-1576 • E.H. Blair

... Bible, and religion, and knowing that on Sundays the flag was raised and work suspended, the Indians wanted to know more about these things, and two chiefs, Hee-oh'ks-te-kin (Rabbit-skin Leggins) and H'co-a-h'co-a-cotes-min (No-horns-on-his-Head) set out to find the white missionaries who could inform their troubled minds. They did not reach Saint Louis until 1832, where they found General Clark, whom they had known. The messengers were of the ...
— Trail Tales • James David Gillilan

... of the 30th of May we saw the rocks named the Deserters, which lie off the south-east end of Madeira; and found the south-east extremity of the most southerly of them, to be in the latitude of 32 deg 28 min north, longitude 16 deg 17 1/2 min west of Greenwich. The following day we saw the Salvages, a cluster of rocks which are placed between the Madeiras and Canary Islands, and determined the latitude of the middle of the Great ...
— A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay • Watkin Tench

... Koregan Gratulon pri tiu cxi nova grava propagandilo de nia kara Esperanto! Mi konas la lingvon internacian de 1891 jaro, tamen gxis nun, mi ne forgesas la mirindan impreson kian faris je mi Esperanto. Al mi sxajnis, kvazaux iu forprenis de miaj okuloj ian pezan kurtenon, kiu malhelpis min vidi la Dian mondon. Esperanto kvazaux malfermis antaux mi largxan pordegon, eniron en grandegan, belan palacon, kie mi cxiam renkontadis multajn, kvankam nekonatajn, tamen tre karajn al mi gefratojn, kiujn mi iam perdis, kaj nun denove trovadas. Korespondante, jen kun tiuj, jen kun aliaj ...
— The Esperantist, Vol. 1, No. 3 • Various

... "In short, Min Jacky was all over sense. A skilful physiognomist would at a single glance have detected the sensible woman in the erect head, the compressed lips, square elbows, and firm, judicious step. Even her very garments seemed to partake of the prevailing character of their mistress. ...
— The Wit of Women - Fourth Edition • Kate Sanborn

... anticipated what the good doctor has said; and I said much more and in much more comprehensive terms. I have no desire to talk about my work, but let my readers glance through the copies of the Hsin Min Tsung Pao, Yin Ping Shih Wen Chi, the "Fight between Constitutional Advocates" and "Revolutionary Advocates," the "Question of the Building of the New China," etc., etc. My regret is that my eyes are not blue and my hair ...
— The Fight For The Republic In China • B.L. Putnam Weale

... go back to the one real affection of her life—to the min who never hurt or disappointed ...
— Peg O' My Heart • J. Hartley Manners

... Aunt Timmie threw her apron over her face. "If Miss Liza done rid out de doh in a charity of fyah, she suttenly change her min' an' rid back in agin! Dem candles begin to sizzle an' spit up sparks, an' shoot up balls of terror dat bust 'ginst de ceilin' an' come down—kersplash! all over us! De niggers stood lak a passel of sheep fer a minit—'twarn't ...
— Sunlight Patch • Credo Fitch Harris

... this no good, pooh!" He then told us that Hole-in-the-day had sent his runners to Mille Lacs urging war and that the Mille Lacs band had held a council and that "some young men" had urged war but the older heads led by Mun-o-min-e-kay-shein (Ricemaker) and others had counseled against it and that there would ...
— Old Rail Fence Corners - The A. B. C's. of Minnesota History • Various

... your min. of yesterday I would suggest that a larger flow of somewhat purer water would be available if the practice of inserting deceased rodents in the delivery pipe was discontinued forthwith. I am fully alive to the ...
— No Man's Land • H. C. McNeile

... muriate of potash and trace elements. Es-Min-El was used in our case. Our soil tests ...
— Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 41st Annual Meeting • Various

... horizon, while in the distance another berg was white in the light of the full moon. The air was filled with the voices of wild-ducks, who could be heard, but not seen. On Friday, the 19th, in latitude 59 deg. 54 min. north, and longitude 60 deg. 45 min. west., thirteen icebergs were to be seen during the morning, and were of the most varied and picturesque description. One appeared like a huge circus tent, with an adjoining side-show booth; while near ...
— Schwatka's Search • William H. Gilder

... Theios arithmos, os phesin o Pythagoreios eis auton umnos, Monados ek keuthmonos akeralou esti'an iketai Tetrada epi zatheen, he de teke metera panton, Pandechea, presbeiran, oron peri pasi titheiran, Atropon, akamatou, dekada kleiousi min agnen, Athanatoi ...
— Introduction to the Philosophy and Writings of Plato • Thomas Taylor

... dat bairl-stave. You spen's enti'ely too much er yo' time stretchin' yo' neck atter other people. An' you need n' 'sturb yo'se'f 'bout dem folks 'cross de street, fer dey ain't yo' kin', an' you're wastin' yo' time both'in' yo' min' wid 'em, er wid folks w'at comes on de street on account of 'em. Look sha'p now, boy, er you'll git dat ...
— The House Behind the Cedars • Charles W. Chesnutt

... of Korea conventional short form: South Korea local long form: Taehan-min'guk local short form: Han'guk ...
— The 2008 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... worry much about the robot's leg at the time. In those days I didn't worry much about anything except the receipts of the spotel Min and I were operating out in ...
— The Love of Frank Nineteen • David Carpenter Knight

... are of very great promise. Commencing in latitude 39 deg. 30 min. (see Mattoon on the Branch, and Assumption on the Main Line), the Company owns thousands of acres well adapted to the perfection of this fibre. A settler having a family of young children, can turn their youthful labor to a most profitable account ...
— The Continental Monthly, Vol. III, No. V, May, 1863 - Devoted to Literature and National Policy • Various

... "And min' yew, Dan," he added, "if us lands this un all right, us'll be rich, lad—ha! ha! Besides, wot's Hawkins got tow be afear'd of? The Brixham can cut the winkers from the wind's eye, that she can. Tack and 'alf tack though buried in green seas, Dan. Never saw a craft tow sail closer ...
— As We Sweep Through The Deep • Gordon Stables

... Surveyor Richardson, attached to the expedition by the Government of Queensland), with four aborigines of the Rockhampton district, made their final start from Mr. J. G. McDonald's station, Carpentaria Downs, in latitude 18 deg. 37 min 10 sec S., longitude 144 deg. 3 min 30 sec. E, (the farthest out-station on the supposed Lynd River), on the 11th of October, 1864, and reached this place on the 13th of March, ult. Rockhampton was the first point of departure, my second ...
— The Overland Expedition of The Messrs. Jardine • Frank Jardine and Alexander Jardine

... fiter; he can wip a dog berry often; but de possum can wip de coon, for he jist takes one holt on de coon, goes to sleep, an' nebber lets go; de coon he scratch an' bite, but de possum he nebber min'; he keeps his holt, shuts his eyes, and bimeby de coon he knocks under. De she coon am savager dan de he coon. I climbed a tree onct, an' de she coon come out ob her hole mitey savage, an' I leg go, an' tumbled down to de groun', and like ter busted ...
— The Citizen-Soldier - or, Memoirs of a Volunteer • John Beatty

... by the heat and dust of the desert, and they were almost naked. The inhabitants questioned them concerning the country of their origin, and their names have been forgotten in the surname with which their reply provided them, 'Dia min al Jemen'—'Come from Yemen,' And Dialliaman the elder settled in Kokia. Now the god of the Songhoi was a fish who appeared to them from the water at certain periods wearing a golden ring in his nose; and the people ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917 • Various

... as we turned the animal and started to walk him home. 'Don't min' bein' beat, but I don't like t' hev a man rub it in on me. I'll ...
— Eben Holden - A Tale of the North Country • Irving Bacheller

... things on the hoss, Squire, that the man he ketched said he didn' care no gre't abaout; but perhaps you'd like to have 'em fetched to the mansion-haouse. Ef y' didn' care abaout 'em, though, I shouldn' min' keepin' on 'em; they might come handy some time or 'nother: they say, holt on t' anything for ten year 'n' there'll be some kin' o' ...
— Atlantic Monthly Volume 7, No. 40, February, 1861 • Various

... min' the step, sir. See Mist' Barrymaine, yes, sir, firs' floor—an' would you be so good as to ax 'im to keep 'is feet still, or, as you might ...
— The Amateur Gentleman • Jeffery Farnol et al

... time when our main steam pipe burst in the Irish Sea in a fog? Read in the Chief Mate's log an entry, "Delayed 2 hrs. 40 min., break-down in engine-room." Simple, isn't it? But behind those brief words lies a small hell for the Chief Engineer. Behind them lies two hours and forty minutes' frenzied toil in the heat of the boiler-tops, ...
— An Ocean Tramp • William McFee

... on the hoss, Squire, that the man he ketched said he did n' care no gre't abaout; but perhaps you'd like to have 'em fetched to the mansion-haouse. Ef y' did n' care abaout 'em, though, I should n' min' keepin' on 'em; they might come handy some time or 'nother; they say, holt on t' anything for ten year 'n' there 'll be some kin' o' ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... hurt at this effect from their want of sympathy, his pride was touched, and he said to himself that he should not fish for Eunice's praise; but he found himself saying, without surprise, "I suppose you will do what you can to prejudice mother and Min." ...
— Henry James, Jr. • William Dean Howells

... was intended for me, and I'll keep it, as a token of respect. I know M'sieur Pierre. Wen M'sieur Pierre bin mek up ze min' for shoot, M'sieur Pierre bin say,'Comment! Zat fellaire he bin too damn smart pour moi.' Thanks! Me and ...
— Blue Goose • Frank Lewis Nason

... hitch hez took place in our system o' credit; I swear it's all right in my speeches an' messiges, But ther' 's idees afloat, ez ther' is about sessiges: Folks wun't take a bond ez a basis to trade on, Without nosin' round to find out wut it's made on, An' the thought more an' more thru the public min' crosses Thet our Treshry hez gut 'mos' too many dead hosses. Wut's called credit, you see, is some like a balloon, Thet looks while it's up 'most ez harnsome 'z a moon, But once git a leak in 't an' wut looked so grand Caves righ' ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 9, No. 54, April, 1862 • Various

... is called a Reading-party of young min, with a tutor, at the hotel," went on the priest. "Protestants they were—so far as they had any religion—but only wun of them attended that service. It was said he was the wun and only person able to play the piano in the hotel. Some ...
— Mount Music • E. Oe. Somerville and Martin Ross

... little money to start wid. When I gets into missus' door, I sort o' felt somethin' wrong, an' axt her, 'Whar's Mary?', She say, 'I sole her las' week,' an' I cried, 'O my God! save my pore chile Mary!' an' she kotched up de tongs an' beat me on my head 'til I loss my min', and when I come to I was layin' on de floor bleedin'. You see here is a sore yit" (pointing to her head). There was a gash that must have been three inches long by the appearance of the scar and sore, yet unhealed. "Missus said I never, the longes' day I live, should ...
— A Woman's Life-Work - Labors and Experiences • Laura S. Haviland

... attribute the compilation to their followers. But this conclusion does not stand investigation. Others have assigned different portions to different schools. Thus, Book V is given to the disciples of Tsze-kung; Book XI, to those of Min Tsze-ch'ien; Book XIV, to Yuan Hsien; and Book XVI has been supposed to be interpolated from the Analects of Ch'i. Even if we were to acquiesce in these decisions, we should have accounted only for a small part of the Work. It is best to rest in the general conclusion, that it was compiled ...

... over her, the tears dropping from his eyes. "Nevah min', Fannie," he said, "nevah min'. Hit 's boun' to ...
— The Sport of the Gods • Paul Laurence Dunbar

... We gwine do whut you-all ain't know how to do: we gwine min' our own business," said ...
— The Purple Heights • Marie Conway Oemler

... official duties. Foo Chow is called by the natives Hok Chiu, or "Happy City." It is also what is termed a "Foo-City," signifying a place of the largest magnitude, and was the sole Chinese port where royalty was represented. It is situated upon the Min River, about twenty-five miles from its mouth, and is the capital of the Province of Fokien. The navigation of the river Min was regarded as dangerous, and the insurance rates for vessels navigating it were higher ...
— As I Remember - Recollections of American Society during the Nineteenth Century • Marian Gouverneur

... acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to min'? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And auld ...
— English Songs and Ballads • Various

... listen. Last night—" began Miss Thornton, impressively, "Last night I and Min and Floss and Harold Clarke went into the Techau for supper, after the Orpheum show. Well, after we got seated—we had a table way at the back—I suddenly noticed Violet Kirk, sitting in one of ...
— Saturday's Child • Kathleen Norris

... MIN. (in morning dress, looking at her watch). Franziska, we have risen very early. The time will hang heavy on ...
— Minna von Barnhelm • Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

... alas the peines stronge, That I for you have suffered, and so longe! Alas the deth! alas min Emilie! Alas departing of our compagnie; Alas min hertes quene! alas my wif! Min hertes ladie, ender of my lif! What is this world? what axen men to have? Now with his love, now in his colde grave ...
— Lectures on the English Poets - Delivered at the Surrey Institution • William Hazlitt

... exception perhaps of Chusan, I have as yet seen no place in China which, in point of beauty of scenery, rivals Foochow. The Min river passes to the sea between two mountain ranges, which, wherever the torrents have not washed away every particle of earth from the surface, are cultivated by the industrious Chinese in terraces to their very summits. These mountain ranges close in upon its banks during the ...
— Letters and Journals of James, Eighth Earl of Elgin • James, Eighth Earl of Elgin

... opposition groups); United Wa State Army or UWSA; Union Solidarity and Development Association or USDA (pro-regime, a social and political mass-member organization) [HTAY OO, general secretary]; 88 Generation Students (pro-democracy movement) [MIN KO NAING] ...
— The 2008 CIA World Factbook • United States. Central Intelligence Agency.

... Master said, Not one of my followers in Ch'en or Ts'ai comes any more to my door! Yen Yuean, Min Tzu-ch'ien, Jan Po-niu and Chung-kung were men of noble life; Tsai Wo and Tzu-kung were the talkers; Jan Yu and Chi-lu were statesmen; Tzu-yu and Tzu-hsia, men ...
— The Sayings Of Confucius • Confucius

... repeatedly been struck with the similarity of all that I had seen in this amphibious little village to the buildings and landscapes on Chinese platters and tea-pots; but here I found the similarity complete; for I was told that these gardens were modeled upon Van Bramm's description of those of Yuen min Yuen, in China. Here were serpentine walks, with trellised borders; winding canals, with fanciful Chinese bridges; flower-beds resembling huge baskets, with the flower of "love lies bleeding" falling over to the ground. But mostly had the fancy ...
— The Crayon Papers • Washington Irving

... his woolly head. "Keep on foolin' roun' an' dis yere white man call up mourners," he declared. "De gospel it all right, bof in de dark an' de light o' de moon; but you keep on foolin' wid it an' follerin' it an' you gwine lose yo' min'. I knows whut I talkin' erbout. You got ter come ter de 'clusion dat de Lawd knows best an' not pry too fur inter his erfairs. De Book say suthin' 'bout eat all you want an' take er drink once in er while fur ter-morrer you ain't ...
— The Starbucks • Opie Percival Read

... too—real quality. 'Miss Lady' we-all calls her, right to once. Orto see Cunnel Cal Blount den! 'Now, I reckon I kin go huntin' peaceful,' says he. So dem two tuk holt. Been heah ever since. Mas' 'Cherd, he has in min' this heah yallah gal, Delpheem. Right soon, heah come Delpheem 'long too. Reckon she runs the kitchen all right. Anyways we's got white folks in the parlah, whah they allus orto be ...
— The Law of the Land • Emerson Hough

... contempt and loathing. "Me?" he said, and a rigid arm pointed back at the house which had been for years his source of shelter and comfort. "Me leave Miss Hallie now? Right when she ain't got nothin'? Look heah, nigger; dog-gone yo' skin, I got a great min' for to mash yo' mouf. Yas, I is a slave. I b'longs to Mars Cary—an' I b'longed to his pa befo' him. Dey feed me and gimme de bes' dey got. Dey take care of me when I'm sick—an' dey take care of me when I'm well—an' I gwine ...
— The Littlest Rebel • Edward Peple

... transcendent genius of Han Hsin. When the House of Han in turn is tottering to its fall, the great and baleful figure of Ts'ao Ts'ao dominates the scene. And in the establishment of the T'ang dynasty,one of the mightiest tasks achieved by man, the superhuman energy of Li Shih-min (afterwards the Emperor T'ai Tsung) was seconded by the brilliant strategy of Li Ching. None of these generals need fear comparison with the greatest names in the military history of Europe. In spite of all this, the great body of Chinese sentiment, from Lao Tzu downwards, and especially as reflected ...
— The Art of War • Sun Tzu

... :admin: /ad-min'/ /n./ Short for 'administrator'; very commonly used in speech or on-line to refer to the systems person in charge on a computer. Common constructions on this include 'sysadmin' and 'site admin' (emphasizing the administrator's role as a site contact for email and news) or 'newsadmin' ...
— The Jargon File, Version 4.0.0

... dat brung it about," he said; "dishyer claimin' an' 'demnification what's been a-settin' pow'fle heavy on my min' fur long 'nuff. Soon's I yeerd tell on it, Marse Rupert, it set me ter steddyin'. I been a-watchin' out an' axin' questions fur weeks, an' when ...
— In Connection with the De Willoughby Claim • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... ascribed mainly to the duke of Kau, come to an end; and those that follow are the 'changed' Major Odes of the Kingdom, or those belonging to a degenerate period, commencing with this. Some among them, however, are equal to any of the former class. The Min Lao has been assigned to duke Mu of Shao, a descendant of duke Khang, the Shih of the Shu, the reputed author of the Khuean A, and was directed against king Li, B.C. ...
— The Shih King • James Legge

... 42 deg. 23 min. north, on a small peninsula, at the bottom of Massachusetts Bay. It was built in the manner cities were in England, at the time this settlement was formed; that is to say, with, the gable end of the houses in front, the streets are narrow, ill paved, and worse lighted. But recollect, I do ...
— Travels in the United States of America • William Priest

... dollars—for a whole year's rint. Sure, miss, it isn't many min that would wait a twelvemonth for the rint, and ...
— Hope and Have - or, Fanny Grant Among the Indians, A Story for Young People • Oliver Optic

... "Min fader," she said quietly, with the tip of her little forefinger on the man in the picture. ...
— The Golden Snare • James Oliver Curwood

... (po)dam nam pram pram pram 6 thpat t'rou trou prou (to)trou sau krong dam kadon 7 thpol t'pah pho poh (to)po bay grul kanul kanul 8 thkol dc'am tam pham (to)ngam tam kati kati katai 9 thke d'ceit kin en (to)xin chin kansar kasa katea 10 muchit cah chit jemat min muoi uai rai ...
— The Khasis • P. R. T. Gurdon

... to laewedd follc Larspell off Goddspell tellenn, He mot wel ekenn manig word Amang Godspelless Wordess. & icc ne mihhte nohht min ferrs Ayy withth Godspelless wordess Wel fillenn all, & all forrthi Shollde icc wel offte nede Amang Godspelless wordess don Min word, min ferrs ...
— Early Theories of Translation • Flora Ross Amos

... pitiful, inexplicable parting was not the end. This dissolution in the living man, this palpable progress of degradation, visible day by day and hour by hour, was worse than death. It meant the decay and min of a mind, the wreck of an immortal soul. What place could there be in heaven for the drunkard, who had dribbled away his reason, his power to discriminate between right and wrong, by perpetual doses of brandy? what could be pleaded in extenuation of this ...
— The Golden Calf • M. E. Braddon

... ich den pfaffen raten an den triuwen min, So spraeche ir haut den armen zuo: se, daz ist din, Ir zunge suenge, unde lieze mengem man daz sin, Gedaehten daz ouch si dur Got waeren almuosenaere. Do gab ir erste teil der Kuenik Konstantin, Het er gewest, daz da von uebel kuenftik waere, So het er wol underkomen des riches ...
— The Discovery of America Vol. 1 (of 2) - with some account of Ancient America and the Spanish Conquest • John Fiske

... court of Bontoc about three years it is dug up, washed in the river, and placed in the large basket, the so-lo'-nang, in the fawi, where doubtless it is one of several which have a similar history. At such time there is a three-day's ceremony, called "min-pa-fa'-kal is nan mo'-king." It is a rest period for the entire pueblo, with feasting and dancing, and three or four hogs are killed. The women may then enter the fawi; it is said to be the only occasion they are ...
— The Bontoc Igorot • Albert Ernest Jenks

... to start." O'Brien abruptly steadied himself and looked with awe at Mucluc Charley. "How did you know? Never said so. Jes' thought I said so. You're a min' reader, Charley. Le's ...
— Lost Face • Jack London

... also the maladies colde, The derke treasons, and the costes olde; Min is the drenching in the see so wan, Min is the prison in the derke cote,[1] Min is the strangel and hanging by the throte, The murmure, and the cherles[2] rebelling, The groyning and ...
— St. Nicholas Magazine for Boys and Girls, Vol. 5, Nov 1877-Nov 1878 - No 1, Nov 1877 • Various

... minority, and attempted to retain power even after he ceased to be Regent. But he reckoned without the Queen. She was as ambitious as the Regent. The birth of a son greatly improved and strengthened her authority, and she gradually edged the Regent's party out of high office. Her brother, Min Yeung-ho, became Prime Minister; her nephew, Min Yung-ik, was sent as Ambassador to the United States. The Regent was anti-foreign; the Queen advocated the admission of foreigners. The Regent tried to strengthen his hold by a very vigorous policy of murder, ...
— Korea's Fight for Freedom • F.A. McKenzie

... made the mistake. I should have sint you out to estimate whether our spruce would cut two million feet or less, an' you'd have come as close as mor-rtal man could, I'll wager. 'Twas a trivial thing, lad. What's a little matter av figures between min av the river, eh? We'll leave that to the capitalists who laugh at our dinseness, ...
— Then I'll Come Back to You • Larry Evans

... royalties fixed for other parties, is shown where the inventor applies the patent to his employer's work without any agreement for compensation for its use further than a notice that he would require pay after his employment terminated. (Keys vs. Eureka Consol. Min. Co., U. S. S. C., 158 U. ...
— Practical Pointers for Patentees • Franklin Cresee

... Indian fairy tale of the birth of Mon-daw-min. Readers of Longfellow will remember his treatment of ...
— Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know • Various

... way home from school?" So I thought it wouldn't be polite not to go in. She was so kind, you see,' and here his voice grew 'cryey' again, 'I never thought about mamma being flightened, and I only meant to stay a min——' ...
— Peterkin • Mary Louisa Molesworth

... MIN. Thus, all those who have accustomed the body and the soul to things more difficult and great, are not apt to feel annoyed by smaller difficulties. So that fellow ought not to be ...
— The Heroic Enthusiast, Part II (Gli Eroici Furori) - An Ethical Poem • Giordano Bruno

... can fly with more speed through the air, for these birds have great strength in their wings. In fact, few birds have such means of flight as the FLA-MIN-GO." ...
— The Swiss Family Robinson Told in Words of One Syllable • Mary Godolphin

... in his min' an' wouldn't know me no how, but dese hyer chillerns is ALL got dey min's cl'ar, an' dey STUMMICKS empty. No'm, I knows yo' means it kindly an' so I teks hit, but I knows ma juty," and nothing Peggy could say had ...
— Peggy Stewart: Navy Girl at Home • Gabrielle E. Jackson

... Alpharabius from Farab, the place of bis Birth, which according to Abulpheda (who reckons his Longitude not from the Fortunate Islands, but from the extremity of the Western Continent of Africa) bar88 deg. 30 min. of Longitude and 44 deg. of Northern Latitude. He died at Damascus the Year of the Hegira 339, that is, about the Year of Christ 950, when he was about ...
— The Improvement of Human Reason - Exhibited in the Life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan • Ibn Tufail

... m'a fait entreprendre l'ouvrage que je prsente au Public. S'il a le bonheur de mriter son approbation, quoiqu'il y ait peu de gloire attache au travail ingrat et fastidieux d'un Traducteur, je me dterminerai donner les meilleurs ouvrages allemands, sur l'Histoire Naturelle, la Minralogie, la Mtallurgie et la Chymie. Tout le monde sait que l'Allemagne possede en ce genre des trsors qui ont t jusqu'ici ...
— Baron d'Holbach - A Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France • Max Pearson Cushing

... beyond, this being effected by a sledge party traveling over the snow from Fort Conger, the name they had given to their huts erected on the western shore near Discovery Cove, in Lady Franklin Sound. The farthest point reached, on May 18, was in latitude 83 deg. 24 min. N.; longitude 40 deg. 46 min. W., on the Greenland coast. The sledge party was commanded by Lieutenant Lockwood, and the following particulars are supplied by Sergeant Brainerd, who accompanied Lieutenant ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884 • Various

... parallel circles. First, the equinoctial, which lies in the middle, between the poles of the earth, and obtains its name from the equality of days and nights on the earth while the sun is in its plane. On each side are the two tropics, at the distance of 23 deg. 30 min., and described by the sun when in his greatest declination north and south, or at the summer and winter solstices. That on the north side of the equinoctial is called the tropic of Cancer, because ...
— The Metamorphoses of Ovid - Vol. I, Books I-VII • Publius Ovidius Naso

... innermost circle, saycludhid from the vulgar oi, undher the chootelar prayiminence of min of janius, in whose moinds there is a very different eem. It is the second which I have mintioned. It ...
— The Lady of the Ice - A Novel • James De Mille

... little departure from a marked-out course of morals or manners was sure to be followed by, "Nem' min', ...
— Diddie, Dumps, and Tot • Louise-Clarke Pyrnelle

... in latitude 39 deg. 56 min. north, and long. 75 deg. 8 min. west from Greenwich, on a narrow neck of land, between the rivers Delaware and Scuylkill, on the Pensylvania banks of the latter, where this river is about one mile wide, and one hundred ...
— Travels in the United States of America • William Priest

... the inner men carrying shovels and the outer men wielding picks, their duty being to ballast the track. Every movement was thus carefully arranged, and there was no loss of time. The average rate of speed at which the work was done was 1 min. 47.5 secs. to every 240 feet of perfected track. There was, of course, an army of disciplined helpers, whose duty it was to bring up the materials. In this great feat of construction more than four thousand men found employment in various capacities. When they had carried ...
— Railway Adventures and Anecdotes - extending over more than fifty years • Various

... do a little trading. I told him I would like a can of baked beans. Baked beans, but he didn't seem to understand. So pointing over the counter where they were in plain sight, I said with all my teeth and tongue: "Baaked Beens." He followed my finger. "Oh," he said correcting me, "You min Purrk ind Bins." ...
— Vignettes of San Francisco • Almira Bailey

... pleading something pitiful to hear, "des think of all de Caucasian blood in me! Gawd knows de nights er my youth I'se laid awake twell de dawn come red in de Eas' a-cryin' out ter Him only fo' ter be white! DES TER BE WHITE! Don' min' dem black, black niggers dar—don' think er DEM—dey ain't wuth nothin' nor fitten fo' no fate but what dey got— But me! What's done kep' me from gwine ter de top but dat one thing: I WASN'T ...
— Danny's Own Story • Don Marquis

... they are taken in moderation, as they usually are, they are anything but deleterious. The African himself has not a shadow of a doubt on the point, and some form of alcohol he will have. When he cannot get white man's spirit—min makara, as he calls it in Calabar—he takes black man's spirit min effik. This is palm wine, and although it has escaped the abuse heaped on rum and gin, it is worse for the native than either of the others, for he has to drink a disgusting quantity of it, because from the palm wine ...
— Travels in West Africa • Mary H. Kingsley

... Moodie, man, and wordy Russell, How could you raise so vile a bustle, Ye'll see how New-Light herds will whistle And think it fine: The Lord's cause ne'er got sic a twistle Sin' I ha'e min'. ...
— The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. • Robert Burns and Allan Cunningham

... yerraba, tundy kin arra, Morruda, yerraba, min yin guiny wite ma la. Song of Wollondilly natives; meaning: On road the white man walks with creaking shoes; He cannot walk up ...
— Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Vol 1 (of 2) • Thomas Mitchell

... was peering wonderingly out of the window at the thick cloud of snow sweeping across the pane, "sure, sir, Jerry and the min went down in the swamp to draw up some back-logs. And it's my opinion they'd better be in out of ...
— Ruth Fielding at Snow Camp • Alice Emerson

... he cried. 'Down wid yer sticks, every divil of yez! You Cow Flat min, too, down wid 'em! Look it here—the troopers is comin'. Shine have infor-rmed on us in Yarraman. Moind, now, this is jist a bit of divarsion ...
— The Gold-Stealers - A Story of Waddy • Edward Dyson

... "Ya, min Herr;" and the landlord runs off into a perfect labyrinth of birds, fish, eggs, beefsteak, hot cakes, and other luxuries, which the inexperienced traveler is vainly attempting to follow up in his book. In despair, he at ...
— The Land of Thor • J. Ross Browne

... He was worshipped mainly at Ekhmim and Koptos, and was there identified with Pan by the Greeks. He also was the god of the desert, out to the Red Sea. The oldest statues of gods are three gigantic limestone figures of Min found at Koptos; these bear relief designs of Red Sea shells and sword fish. It seems, then, that he was introduced by a people coming across from the east. His worship continued till ...
— The Religion of Ancient Egypt • W. M. Flinders Petrie

... spent her own money, and got warm flannel and cotton and stuff, and made each child a good suit. Lotty had come for hers, and when the bundle was in her arms she hugged it close, and put up her little face to kiss Grover so prettily, I felt that I wanted to do something too. So I hunted up Min's old waterproof and rubbers, and a hood, and sent Lotty home as happy as a queen, promising to go and see her. I did go, and there was my work all ready for me. Oh, girls! such a bare, cold room, without a spark ...
— A Garland for Girls • Louisa May Alcott

... passenger to reach the city from Newark will bring him into the Pennsylvania Station at Seventh Avenue and 33d Street. The schedule fast time from Newark to the New York Cortlandt Street Station is now 25 min. This may be reduced to about 18 min. by the use of the Hudson Company's tunnels, and while this involves inconvenience in changing transportation at Jersey City, yet it brings the traveler three blocks ...
— Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 • Charles W. Raymond

... than Hot Springs, which may be seen on the left. Looking ahead you can see Harney Peak, the highest mountain in the Black Hills district; and on the right you see Buffalo Gap, through which the creek runs that heads at Min-ne-pa-juta Springs. The Indians used to drive buffalo through this gap, hence its name. A small but thriving little town to the eastward takes its name from this Buffalo Gap. From here you begin to go down a gentle and winding incline to the cave, ...
— Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills • Luella Agnes Owen

... Favorite of Mentu, the Lord of Thebes, and of Amen, lord of thrones of the lands, of Sebek, Ra, Horus, Hathor, Atmu, and of his fellow-gods, of Sopdu, Neferbiu, Samsetu, Horus, lord of the east, and of the royal uraeus which rules on thy head, of the chief gods of the waters, of Min, Horus of the desert, Urrit, mistress of Punt, Nut, Harnekht, Ra, all the gods of the land of Egypt, and of the isles of the sea. May they give life and peace to thy nostril, may they load thee with their gifts, may they give to thee ...
— Egyptian Literature

... Pa'dus and its tributary streams fertilized these rich plains. The principal rivers falling into the Padus were, from the north, the Du'ria, Durance; the Tici'nus, Tessino; the Ad'dua, Adda; the Ol'lius, Oglio; and the Min'tius, Minzio: from the south, the Ta'narus, Tanaro, and the Tre'bia. The Ath'esis, Adige; the Pla'vis, Paive; fall directly into ...
— Pinnock's Improved Edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome • Oliver Goldsmith

... this, forms nouns of instrument. O forms nomen actionis, etc. Some Crow and Minnetaree words seem to indicate that its original form was a. Wa, meaning some or something, prefixed to transitive verbs makes them intransitive or general in their application. Wa is in Min. ma (ba, wa), in Crow, ba. Scantiness of material prevents me from more than inferring the existence of these and other prefixes in the other allied languages, from a ...
— The Dakotan Languages, and Their Relations to Other Languages • Andrew Woods Williamson

... Kiamichi shall consist of all ministers and churches of the Negro race in that part of the synod of Oklahoma, lying south of the south Canadian river, and south of the Arkansas river, below the point of confluence of these two rivers.—Min. G. A., ...
— The Choctaw Freedmen - and The Story of Oak Hill Industrial Academy • Robert Elliott Flickinger

... forgot [old] And never brought to min'? [mind] Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And auld lang syne? ...
— Robert Burns - How To Know Him • William Allan Neilson

... ter min' me, you imperdent scoundul? Ain't you gwine ter mozey outer my woods en ...
— Southern Stories - Retold from St. Nicholas • Various

... be mah'r'd soon es she sets her min' on it," returned Delphy indignantly. "She ain' gwineter have ter do much cuttin' er de eyelashes, needer. De beaux ...
— The Voice of the People • Ellen Glasgow

... when she had sat down on the edge of a chair, "'scuse me, suh, I 's lookin' for my husban'. I heerd you wuz a big man an' had libbed heah a long time, an' I 'lowed you would n't min' ef I 'd come roun' an' ax you ef you 'd ever heerd of a merlatter man by de name er Sam Taylor 'quirin' roun' in de chu'ches ermongs' de people fer his wife ...
— The Wife of his Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line, and - Selected Essays • Charles Waddell Chesnutt

... took down a volume and began to finger the leaves absently. Presently she came back, and fixing her eyes upon him, she went on: "It made me think of it, what you said down to the saloon to-night about livin' so you didn't care what come after. Well, he made up his min', this Dent—Dantes—that one hour o' happiness with her was worth the whole da—" She checked the word on her tongue, and concluded: "outfit that come after. He was willin' to sell out his chances for sixty minutes with 'er. Well, I jest put the book down an' hollered." ...
— The Girl of the Golden West • David Belasco

... an' a-chippin' an' a-sawin'; An' all de wicked neighbours kep' a-laughin' an' a-pshawin'; But Noah didn't min' 'em, knowin' whut wuz gwine to happen: An' forty days an' forty nights de rain it ...
— The Book of Humorous Verse • Various

... to a teamster who was unloading pipe. "D'ye want to kill the min in the trinch? Ah, is thot you, ...
— Double Trouble - Or, Every Hero His Own Villain • Herbert Quick

... was Mary Puckett, but I never seed my father as I knows of. Don' know if he was a whole Injun or part white man. Never seed but one brother and his name was Jake. Dey took him to de War with de white boys, to cook and min' de camp and ...
— Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves. - Texas Narratives, Part 2 • Works Projects Administration

... a pow'ful good eye, colonel, an' I think I see a man on top uv that high ridge to the right. But my eye ain't ez good ez your glasses, an' would you min' takin' a look through 'em? Foller a line from that little bunch of cedars to ...
— The Tree of Appomattox • Joseph A. Altsheler

... was calm, misty, and warm (Max. 41.5 degrees, Min. 29 degrees) for the elevation (9,300 feet). During the night, I was startled out of my sleep by a blaze of light, and jumping up, found myself in presence of a party of most sinister-looking, black, ragged Tibetans, armed with huge torches of pine, that filled the room with flame and pitchy ...
— Himalayan Journals (Complete) • J. D. Hooker

... His wife's gone back to her own people. Ah ain't got nobody, nor nohin' of mah own in dis here worl' Mistah Brocky, onless dey is under dis here roof. I has come to stay, sah, if you is of a min' to give mah ol' bones ...
— Janice Day, The Young Homemaker • Helen Beecher Long

... that would through love to Universal Love aspire, Man woos infernal chance to smite, as Minarets ...
— The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi • Richard F. Burton

... had been wont to drag so dispiritedly. "He say hit come so unexpeckedly an' all you kin do is make the bes' of it." Her face was suddenly wreathed in an expansive smile. "Mist' Joe done hoorahin' us—Zeke an' me. Zeke don' min'. Nossuh. He say de baby look lak him." She held the bundle up and looked at it ...
— Stubble • George Looms

... beyund an evrage darky; Schoolin' 's wut they can't seem to stan', they're tu consarned high-pressure, An' knowin' t' much might spile a boy for bein' a Secesher. We hain't no settled preachin' here, ner ministeril taxes; The min'ster's only settlement 's the carpet-bag he packs his Razor an' soap-brush intu, with his hymbook an' his Bible,— But they du preach, I swan to man, it's puf'kly indescrib'le! They go it like an Ericsson's ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 09, No. 51, January, 1862 • Various

... Swiveller, tapping his nose, 'a word to the wise is sufficient for them—we may be good and happy without riches, Fred. Say not another syllable. I know my cue; smart is the word. Only one little whisper, Fred—is the old min friendly?' ...
— The Old Curiosity Shop • Charles Dickens

... citric, 11/2 gr.; sodium sulphite, 25 gr.; pyrogallol., 12 gr. Solution No. 2 is for its better keeping qualities preferable to Dr. Stolze's solution.[A] The solutions when in well stoppered bottles keep well for some time. To develop, mix 100 c.c. of water with 40 min. of No. 1 and 50 min. of No. 2. The picture appears quickly and more vigorously than with iron oxalate. If it is desirable to decrease the density of the negatives, double the quantity of water. The negatives have a greenish brown to olive-green ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883 • Various

... barest, simplest and most honest in all Tuscany. Certainly Saint Francis, "familiarmente discorrendo," appeared in this place. I need no reference to the Annals of the Seraphic Order—part, book and page—to convince me. My stone gives them. "Ann. Ord. Min. Tom. cclii. fasc. 3.," and so on. That is but a sorry concession to our short- sightedness. For if we believe not the shrine which we have seen, how shall we believe Giotto? What of Giotto? That is ...
— Earthwork Out Of Tuscany • Maurice Hewlett

... neber had a better," assented Mammy Chloe. "He powerful stric' to mek you min', is Marse Lewis, but he am' de kin' what licks he lips ober de fac' dat you is a-mindin'! I ain' gwine say, honey, an' I neber is gwine say, dat he's wuth what de Churchills is wuth, but I's ready ...
— Lewis Rand • Mary Johnston

... the planet are inclined from a perpendicular to the plane of its orbit at very nearly the same angle as that of the earth's poles, viz., 24 deg. 50 min. Its rotation on its axis is also effected in almost the same period as the earth's, viz., 24 ...
— Other Worlds - Their Nature, Possibilities and Habitability in the Light of the Latest Discoveries • Garrett P. Serviss

... a small French ship, laden with liquors from Martinico, first commanded by one Fourgette, to trade with the pirates for slaves, at Ambonavoula, on the east side of the island, in the latitude of 17 deg. 30 min. and was by them taken after ...
— The Pirates Own Book • Charles Ellms

... god Min was the patron of the crops, who watched over the growth of the grain. In modern times a degenerate figure of this god Min, made of whitewashed wood and mud, may be seen standing, like a scarecrow, in the fields throughout Egypt. When the sailors cross the Nile ...
— The Treasury of Ancient Egypt - Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology • Arthur E. P. B. Weigall

... meat course, Mrs. Tolley and Min rather languidly removed the main platters and, by reaching backward, piled the dinner plates on the shining new oak sideboard. Thus room was made for the salad, which was always mantled in tepid mayonnaise, whether it was sliced tomatoes, or ...
— Poor, Dear Margaret Kirby and Other Stories • Kathleen Norris

... tendencies it admirably suited. Along with several other interpretations, it was condemned by the Council at Rome, under Pope Vigilius; compare H. Prado on Ezek. prooem. Sect. 3, and Hippol. a Lapide in prophet. min. prooem., and in the remarks on this passage. The immediate successor of Theodorus was Grotius. His book de veritate relig. Christ.—where in i. 5, Sec. 17 (p. 266, ed. Oxon. 1820), he proves [Pg 500] against the Jews the Messianic dignity of Christ, from the circumstance that He was, ...
— Christology of the Old Testament: And a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions, v. 1 • Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg

... neighbourhood, he found sixty-three stars; other six fields, or apparent spaces in the heavens, which he could see at once through his telescope, averaged seventy-nine stars in each field: thus he found that by allowing 15 min. of a deg. for the diameter of his field of view, a belt of 15 deg. long, and 2 deg. broad, which he had often seen pass before his telescope in an hour's time could not contain less than 50,000 stars, large enough to be distinctly numbered, besides which he ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 10, Issue 267, August 4, 1827 • Various

... "O dinna ye min', young man," she says, "When the red wine ye were filling, That ye made the healths gae round and round ...
— The Book of Old English Ballads • George Wharton Edwards

... was delayed half a minute and the draper eight minutes and a half (seventeen times as long as the grocer), making together nine minutes. Now, the grocer took twenty-four minutes to weigh out the sugar, and, with the half-minute delay, spent 24 min. 30 sec. over the task; but the draper had only to make forty-seven cuts to divide the roll of cloth, containing forty-eight yards, into yard pieces! This took him 15 min. 40 sec., and when we add the eight minutes and a half delay we get 24 min. 10 sec., from ...
— Amusements in Mathematics • Henry Ernest Dudeney

... Ye dinna want to fin' oot 'at ye're naebody in particlar. It's a sair pity ye wunna hae yer pride ta'en doon. Ye wud be a hantle better wantin aboot three pairts o' 't.—Come, I'm ready for ye! Never min' 'at I'm a lassie: ...
— Heather and Snow • George MacDonald

... go on record sayin' folks all the way from Noo York has got some funny ways of doin' business. Bein' as you've slipped me your name, frien'ly like, stranger, I don't min' swappin' with you. It's Pete, an' folks calls me Lonesome Pete, mos'ly. An' you can tell anybody you see that Lonesome Pete, cow-puncher from the Half Moon, has made up his min' at las' as how he ain't never goin' any nearer Noo York than ...
— Under Handicap - A Novel • Jackson Gregory

... min', honey—Aunt Bettie'll have somethin' fur de occasion—it's a shame dat doctah won't let Captain Gordon hab no pie nor nuthin', but makes him eat jest dem beat biscuits, when he likes de soft ones so much de best. I'll be ready, ...
— Grandfather's Love Pie • Miriam Gaines

... penela chi min chaboro," said the black Callee to me, in an undertone; "sin un balicho de los chineles {4};" then looking up to the interrogator she said aloud, "he is one of our people from Portugal, come on the smuggling lay, and to see his ...
— The Bible in Spain • George Borrow

... enters the cardinal and equinoctial sign Libra, on the 23rd at 8 h. 24 min. evening, once more bringing our day and night to an equal length; when 8 deg. of Gemini are due east, and 4 deg. of Aquarius due south, all the planets having a direct motion, and being below the horizon, Herschel excepted. The astrological aspects ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. - Volume 10, No. 271, Saturday, September 1, 1827. • Various

... Mehmy (vulg. for mehma, whatsoever) telebtaha minni min en miam. Burton, "whatso of importance ...
— Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp • John Payne

... among these friendly savages, in 47 deg. 30 min. s. lat. on June 3 they set sail towards the south sea, and, six days afterwards, stopped at another little bay, to break up the Christopher. Then passing on, they cast anchor in another bay, not more than twenty leagues distant from the ...
— The Works of Samuel Johnson, Vol. 6 - Reviews, Political Tracts, and Lives of Eminent Persons • Samuel Johnson

... means, chil'," said the imperturbable Sarp. "They're none the lighter because you can't see 'em. It a'n't jus' the power to sell your body and the work of your hands; it's the power to sell your soul! Ef Mas'r Henry hab de min',—ef Mas'r Henry have the mind, I say, to make you go wrong, can you help it while ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 16, No. 96, October 1865 • Various

... "Min' how you steer, my brither dear: Keep further aff!" said Segramour; "She'll drown us deep in the saut, saut sea, Or burn us sair, ...
— Ballad Book • Katherine Lee Bates (ed.)

... King Charles II. had granted to eight "Lords Proprietors" the portion of North America lying between the 31st and 36th degrees of latitude, enlarging the boundaries in 1665 to 29 deg. and 36 deg. 30 min. By 1728 most of these Lords Proprietors had tired of their attempt to govern the colonies they had established in "Carolina", and in 1729 seven of the eight sold their interest to the English crown, the district being divided into "North Carolina", "South Carolina", ...
— The Moravians in Georgia - 1735-1740 • Adelaide L. Fries

... sympathy bofe ways," he said to the cook. "Yo' is married up wid a no-account triflin' yellow uplifteh. Is he wid you, you is mis'able, an' is he A.W.O.L. yo' is twice 'at much. Wuz I you, when you meets up wid him I'd bleed him by han'. But don' you grieve. Neveh min'. Some day yo' meets up wid him.... Den ...
— Lady Luck • Hugh Wiley

Words linked to "Min" :   sec, hr, second, Hokkianese, Chinese, Egyptian deity, unit of time, hour, time unit, s

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